Oh my fucking GAWD!! If this isn't enough to make you throw up whatever you had for breakfast or lunch today, then I don't know what is. I thought the thing had jumped the shark before, but now, not only has it jumped the shark while wearing flaming hot pink booty shorts, but it also crashed into Arnold's Chicken Wings shack after landing on the other side... heh heh heh What a fucking farce! All these bands are more suited of playing the Double Down, Bunkhouse, or any other small club here in town, which most of them already have. Remember when Sham 69 played the Emergency Room a few years back? Probably not, because nobody was there. But now that they're playing a big festival, all the sheep in Vegas are baaaaa-ing about how awesome it is that Sham 69 is finally playing Vegas. Fucking tools. Just like how a few of the 'Cool Kids' here in town were crowing about that Bronx show at the Double Clown a few days ago. "The Bronx never play on a weekday in a small club." Really? Didn't I see the Bronx play at the Beauty Bar on a Weds. night just a few months ago? Whatever. I guess unless Sailor Jerry sponsors it, it doesn't happen. Fuck off. And I love that Old Man Markley is playing PRB AGAIN. After Shawn Stern himself told a friend of mine that PRB doesn't let bands play the festival 2 years in a row, I can't help but laugh at his hypocrisy. Must be nice to be the Stern's fluff girls. ;-) Anyways, much like last year, I'm gonna be staying the fuck away from this public Fleecing of the Sheep. "Plus more great bands to be announced." it says at the bottom of the line up. Me? I'm still waiting for 1 great band to be announced... heh
Tomorrow night I have a dilemma. Do I go see the Darkness @ the HOB, or do I go see T.S.O.L. @ the Bunkhouse? That Pixies tribute show @ the Royal Resort is also going on tomorrow night, but I was never that big of a fan of the Pixies, so Meh. I thought the Naked City Romeos were playing the Motor City Cafe on Sat. night, but I think I got the dates wrong. 3d6 and The Fat Dukes Of Fuck are playing @ the Bikini Bar on Sat., but I dunno if I'm gonna make that. Same with that Orgy show @ the Aruba on Sun. That place is doing a whole bunch of stuff show wise, but now that I found out that Brian Saliba is behind it, all I can say is enjoy it while it lasts. University Theater - anyone remember that? No, probably not, and that's just the way Las Vegas likes it. Forget your Past. Celebrate what's happening Now, no matter that it's neither Original, Interesting or Cute the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time around. Keep the Masses distracted and you can get anything done and approved. That's the American Way!! ;-)
cody (from the whiskey)
2/19/2012 04:41:32 pm
whatever im still gonna get smashed and see nofx, at least it will be crust free seeing as though last year l.o.c. played and i only saw one actual factual crust couple inside. now with nofx, pennywise and rancid headlining at least it will smell like axe instead of ass (i hate crusties)
hee hee hee It will definitely smell like Axe! And I dunno if the Crusties were inside, but there were shitloads of them wandering around being stinky outside. They kept sneaking in and getting thrown out. Security just followed the smell and caught them every fucking time. ;-) And my Nephews are bugging the shit out of me to take them to this, so I might be there, which fucking sucks ass. When did I become the responsible Uncle?? ;-)
2/20/2012 11:15:34 am
Bwahaha! I'll be there with ya Cody.. we can waft in the smell of Axe together. I'll treat you to a HWM serenade.
And you would like the line up, Mr. Positivity you! LOL I can't imagine who they'd have playing the clubs that would be worth making the effort to see. I mean, who did you make the effort to see last year? Fishbone? All? Citizen Fish? Booooooooo. Except for the one I played, I didn't attend any PRB club gigs. They suck.
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