Hahahahaha... first off, Sorry that I said I was off to see the Uninvited in my last post when I meant to say the Unidentified. When I write this shit, I'm half way whacked out of my gourd, so you'll have to forgive me because mistakes do happen. I blame the pills. :-) Anyways, click on the Unidentified logo to get more info on what the band is up to and when their next gig is. Make sure you Like them as well. I'm kind of bummed that I missed out on the 12 Volt Sex extravaganza that went down @ the Beauty Bar last Saturday, but the appeal of standing around outside in the cold was a major deterrent. I like the band a lot, but not enough to stand around outside waiting for them. And besides, I had a Surprise Birthday party to go to, for Mike from Guilty By Association! hahaha It's always fun trying not to giggle in the dark while waiting for the Birthday boy to come into his house so you can surprise him. Mucho booze was consumed, and many a story was told / shared. Good times. Happy Birthday Sir! I hope you get that Special PBR wish you're hoping for! And speaking of Birthday's... Guess who's Birthday it is today!!! Yeah, that's right... hahahahaha Yup! It's Senor Pitt's Birthday today, and although he looks nothing like this anymore, it's this picture that, to me, best sums up what this Homo is all about... LOL Oh, the Stories I could tell but I won't, because it's all still going on. New chapters are being written every time we get together and do what we do, which usually consists of us hanging out somewhere and talking shop about Music and Bands and shit we got going on. The guy knows his shit, and even though he's a Corporate Whore for the Man now, I still Love him like a Brother. Happy Birthday Pitt, you old Queen! Many Happy Returns Sir! XOXOXOXO So yeah, Punk Rock Bowling. It's got everyone talking, that's for sure. I understand the gripes, I see what the criticism is all about, and I know the good (very little) and the bad (a whole LOT!) of it all but you know what? It doesn't matter, because I'm gonna be there, and you're gonna be there, and that's that. Unless something else comes along more fun to do, then that's my plan for Memorial Day weekend, just as it's yours. Last year I didn't sleep, last year I didn't see 1 band that played, and I didn't give a shit because I was too busy drinking and hanging out with my Friends. I expect it will be much of the same, if not more so, this year, now that PRB isn't happening in Hendertucky this year, thank Gawd. If it wasn't for the Descendents, and maybe Killing Joke, then I wouldn't even be bothering to buy a ticket to get in. Every other band SUCKS or just has no reason being on the bill. Black Pacific? Really? The Krum Bums? Flask And His Flask? Dirty Filthy Mugs? Who's dick did they take in the ass to get on the bill? LOL Maybe it's because most of the bands announced so far have played here in Vegas to like, 10's or sometimes 20's of people that I'm not hyped on seeing them on a big stage from like, thousands of feet away (Citizen Fish @ East Side Joe's: 20 people there. The Dwarves @ Boomer's: 75 people there. Off With Their Heads @ the Bunkhouse: 50 people there) or maybe it's the fact that I saw some of these bands in their prime when they were good, and I can't imagine them getting better with age (Stiff Little Fingers, Cock Sparrer? Really? 3 good songs they have, and that's being generous. The Bouncing Souls? Do people still like them? And don't get me going on how ghey the Dropkick Murphys are, and the Undertones without Feargal Sharkey is just a cover band farce). Personally, I'm hoping that all the Drama that I think is going to ensue @ PRB will happen, with the contingent of loser punk kids who will come out of the woodwork to see craptacular bands like Leftover Crack who will either try to avoid paying to get in, because, let's face it, paying to get into a gig is sooooooooooo not Punk, or the smelly dirt bags will be giving Security their grief, in their never ending quest to Smash the State and Overthrow the Government from the safety of their Mommy and Daddy's house in Green Valley. Fucking Poseurs. So yeah, that's my take on Punk Rock Bowling. It's the 13th Annual. Let's hope it's the last one ever because let's face it, most of you wouldn't even bother attending if it was held out in California, now would you? Of course not. Neither would I.
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November 2023