The Generators / Guilty By Association / Battle Born / The Seriouslys @ The Bunkhouse Saloon1/18/2013 by Karl Bakla. It was a night for decisions, do I see Agent Orange play or do I see to the Generators? I have seen Agent Orange a shit ton of times, so I decided to spice up my life and see the Generators, who are a band I have not really followed. The only thing I know about them is that they have a former member or two from Schleprock & they play "Street Punk". I am usually not a fan of "Street Punk" because the bands that play it usually lack the vagina to play "Oi!" Sure, there is a lot of negative stigma attached to Oi! For fuck sakes MTV called it Hate Rock in the 90's. Speaking of Hate, remember that dip shit Bill Riccio? Fuck that guy! Remember the band Max Resist & the Hooligans? Fuck those guys! ![]() When we got to the show the Seriouslys were playing & it was quite noticeable that the crowd was old, tired, & suffering from low T. I'm not bagging on the crowd, I was feeling the same. Even though the Seriouslys sounded great, the crowd's suffrage from low T was so severe they couldn't move. As for myself, I was also suffering from serious hemorrhoid irritation & major anal leakage. Good thing I brought my wet wipes. Next up were Battle Born who are a band I am not too crazy about, but every time they played a song they said was new so I was totally into it. I look forward to seeing them again with an open mind. Sadly the crowd was still suffering from low T, so they received a similar crowd response. Next up were Guilty By Association a band I have never seen while sober, till now. GBA ripped through their set of melodic Punk & actually got some people moving; sure the low T levels kept the action to a minimum, but people were still moving. A Guilty By Association split 7” with the White Kaps would probably be a good idea. When the Generators were ready to play I was ready to go. I'm too old for late night bullshit, but I decided to wait it out & I was glad I did. At this point in the night most of the crowd left & the ones that remained were suffering from low T, I don't think the Generators' singer was suffering from that ailment. Besides the door man that looked like Kinky Friedman, Doug Dagger had to be the oldest guy at the Bunkhouse, but that didn't stop him from being full of energy & running circles around people half his age. Michelle Obama would be proud, get out and play! Doug E Fresh's only competition was from his fellow band mate that played guitar & looked like a pedophile. I'm sure he isn't, but he appears to be White, non-obese, & travels in a van… in my neighborhood that means "hide your kids, hid your wife, & hide your husband cuz they're rapin' everybody out here". The guitar player ran back & fourth through the crowd occasionally bumping butts with some bimbo. Even though I had some initial reservations the Generators won me over. They played faster than their studio tracks, they had a drummer that could sure bang them out, they sounded great, & even though the crowd didn't do their part the Generators did theirs. Then it happened, I spotted something on stage that would throw the entire night into a downward spiral… Michelob Ultra, what the fuck?! I'm not saying you can't drink that shit, but at least put that shit in a paper bag or pour it into an empty can of Steel Reserve. Here is an idea, get a white label, stick it over the can, & write on it with a Sharpie marker "POISON, not the band". For fuck sake, when I buy $666 worth of groceries at Whole Foods I put that shit in 3-Squares packaging so it looks like I got it from the food bank. What kind of Oi! band has the audacity to cum to Las Vegas and drink Michelob Ultra? Oh, I forgot we are talking Street Punk. Carry on with your Michelob Ultra & here is a tip - Spinach is a rich source of vitamin A!
May 2020