Woo Hoo! This was seriously a great show... much better than the last time I saw Agent Orange at The Cooler Lounge, and D.I. were waaay better than the last time I saw them at The Rock. My night started off with me running late and driving like a madman to get my ass to the gig. Rick from TJ & The Skid Markz (his new band, since he was kicked out of The Dirty Babies on Christmas Eve... how sad is that? lol) gave me some free tickets (thanks bro!), and we were all gonna meet at the Club House before the show. I stopped by Doggystyle to see if Absent Minded was playing, but after talking to Brendan outside, I knew that wasn’t gonna happen. So me and Tag-Along Jenn went to the Club House to meet with everyone, and after a bit of bullshitting all 7 of us went to Wild Wild West for some $2 bar burgers. Usually it’s pretty quick, but tonight our food took forever to get served, and it was for this reason alone that we were late to the gig and we missed Sloka. By the time we found parking and walked our asses over to the door, Sloka was done and Guilty By Association were already set up and about to start. I saw Tony while walking towards the stage, and apologized profusely for missing his set. Sloka is a good band and definitely worth checking out if your into punk rock. Uhhhmm... I don’t like Guilty By Association. I’m sure that they’re really nice guys who are kind to their mothers and all that, but every time I see them it’s just so…. blah. I don’t know of anyone that likes them musically, and after watching a few songs of their set I can definitely see why. It’s just background music... nothing attention grabbing... nothing to get hyped about... but they did have a few of their “braaahs” moshing it up for them in front of the stage. My only question was if they were gonna play their D.I. cover... thankfully they didn’t, but they did do their crappy 7 Seconds cover. ![]() So after a few more rounds of beers and whiskey, I was definitely ready for some real punk rock, and after talking a bit to Casey beforehand, I had a feeling that this set was gonna be good. When you drove through the parking lot of The Boston, you could see the bands Tour Buses (I assume), and I didn’t know if D.I. - Agent Orange were on tour or what, but they usually play Las Vegas regularly, and I for one was glad to be seeing them tonight. They opened with Hang Ten In East Berlin and didn’t let up for a second. They were playing great, real energetic, and had a lot of people singing along to all the hits. I Like Guns... Youth In Asia... Falling Out... Chiva... O.C. Life... man, they were really good. The guy they have on bass is an animal, and he has no teeth up front to prove it! lol And Chicken Head on guitar is really fun to watch... and he looks like Walter Lure! And you gotta love any drummer that has a bright pink drum set! Hee hee hee The dude from D.I. was a great drummer, and pulled off all their songs no problemo. Casey was working the crowd like the professional that he is, and his Michael Jackson jokes drew a long round of booooos for every one that he told. They were really bad! Lots of us up front were singing along to the classics and all the bro-dawgs behind us were trying to circle pit, and of course they kept crashing into everyone and making things very un-fun, but it’s punk rock, so what can ya do? Casey was slipping all over the place since everyone and their mom was spilling beer on the stage, and one of The Pervz was almost thrown out in the middle of D.I.’s set, ‘cuz he kept spitting beer into the air while the band was playing. With the prices they were charging at the bar, it was a wonder that he was even wasting all that beer at all. Anyways, the band fucking rocked and it’s always good to see my old friend Casey having fun and looking healthy. Big Cheers to D.I.! Woo Hoo! They were definitely the Band of the Night. ![]() I was pretty drunk by now, and have no idea of how I missed the beginning of Agent Orange... but I think it had something to do with the major hot box session we threw in the car. Kids, remember... Drugs Are Bad, Mmmmkay? Mmmmkay. As we walked in I could hear the band playing Everything Turns Grey, so after a quick stop at the bar, I quickly rushed up front to snap some pictures of the band, and as I stood there and listened to them, I was amazed at how good they sounded. They were playing lots faster than they usually do, and with the drums mic’d up it sounded really nice. They played some great songs... Somebody To Love... No Such Thing... Cry For Help... hell, they even did a friggin’ Weirdos cover, which is always a plus in my book. And it was great that Mike dedicated Too Young To Die to the memory of the Man In Black, Johnny Cash. I got sad for a minute but it quickly passed, since I was having so much fun rocking out to the band. A lot of people had already gone home by the time that Agent Orange played their last song, which of course was The Last Goodbye, but those who stuck around caught an exciting set from one of the best bands to ever come out of the O.C. Punk Scene! They were great! The drummer is a hard hitting mother fucker, and I loved watching him beat the crap out of his drum set. I was on the opposite side of the stage, so I didn’t pay much attention to the bass player, but he sounded good and looked like he was having a lot of fun up there. Afterwards me and Pitt and Pulsar were just hanging out with Casey from D.I. at the bar, commenting on how HOTT all the chicks looked, (which is something Tony Sloka mentioned to me earlier too!) and then we were hanging out with Mike Palm, where we told drunken stories with him until about 5 in the morning. I don’t remember how everyone got home, but I do know that after Pitt stole a 12 pack of Corona (don’t ask) we all headed to the Club House where we hung out for a bit and then quickly called it a night. You know how it is with us vampires... we gotta get home before the sun comes up, ya know? heh heh heh Anyways, this was a great show from both bands, and if you missed out, too bad for you!
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May 2020