Written by GE 138. Disclaimer: I am a HUGE Jimi Hendrix fanatic. My Father worshiped the ground this man walked on, and I probably know more about the man and his Music than any self respecting Punk curmudgeon should, especially considering I don't even play guitar. I would spend countless hours with my Dad listening to Jimi Hendrix bootlegs, enjoying and immersing ourselves in the Genius of the Man, and that's where the Love and respect I have for Jimi Hendrix comes from. So yeah, I know about everything to do with him, and yeah, I know about Alan Douglas. I know about the evil that he inflicted upon the Hendrix legacy, and I believe this is a effort to correct that. It's not a good effort, but it's an effort nonetheless. Official Hendrix biographer John McDermott, who has access to everything Jimi Hendrix ever recorded, in his book labelled most of these recordings as non-cohesive, disjointed, loose and uninspired, with several songs suffering from tunings and tempo issues, but now, apparently with a whiff of cash sweetening his memory, all these recordings are now fit for fan consumption. I know a lot of this stuff has been unofficially released for years, and some of has been previously released, despite the what the hype about this album is telling you, but all that aside, the versions on here, and the mix, the way it sounds, the way it feels, all that make this release far superior to anything that has ever come before it in trying to recreate the album Hendrix was working on before he died. As a glimpse into what musical direction he was heading into, it's utterly fascinating. Songs like Somewhere and Earth Blues capture the essence and spirit of of all his earlier work, without being condescending or derivative of it. The guitar work on these tracks are stunning, with the playing on Hear My Train A Comin', Bleeding Heart, and Hey Gypsy Boy just making the hairs on the back of my neck rise in terror. Fucking brilliant. I love listening to Hendrix play the Blues. It flows soooo easily from him. Natural like breathing and done without thinking. The majority of the tracks on here are played by the Band of Gypsies line up, the mighty Buddy Miles on drums and Billy Cox on bass, but in true Hendrix fashion, everything is pretty much a jam, and a song like Baby Let Me Move You, a very R & B sounding track, captures that vibe very well. Everything else on here is pretty much an alternate take kind of thing, which I guess is a good thing if you haven't heard previous versions of Izabella, Ezy Ryder or Crash Landing before. Why is closing track Villanova Junction only 2 minutes long?? The version on the album Burning Desire is 5 minutes plus. Odd. And to address the white elephant in the room about this release, yes, we could of done without it being marketed as 'New material' and 'previously unheard' material because, again, a lot of this stuff was already released before - some just a few years ago on the Valleys Of Neptune release. Perhaps it should of been pushed as an 'Alternate Takes, Demos and Rehearsal tapes' kind of thing, because believe me, there is a ton of true unheard and unreleased stuff just rotting away in the vaults, like the Black Gold tapes, with just Jimi on acoustic guitar alone all by himself singing into a microphone, would be a huge hit with the Beard Core set, but as it is, People, Hell and Angels, the latest release from Jimi Hendrix, is an absolute essential listen, for both the Collector and the Casual listener. This is an amazing album for a guy who's been dead for years now... heh heh. Available everywhere and anywhere crass commercialism is perpetrated, like Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Target, and brought to you by Sony Legacy Records.
Written by Karl Bakla. It was a nice treat getting this record, usually I listen to blur fast Hardcore that elevate your stress levels or bad Pop Punk bands fronted by a disgusting fat drunk singer that sings songs about not getting laid because he can't see his penis. For the record no one gives a fuck if you can't get laid! Stomper 98 hail from Germany & play Oi! that is accompanied by a saxophone. If this was described to me I probably would have passed, but hearing them was totally different. The sax gave their upbeat punk sound a 50's Rock 'N Roll feel, think Lee Allen & His Band. If you like Rocket From The Crypt and are thinking about becoming a Skinhead, this could be the transitional band you've been waiting for, ha! Just joking! 45 Adapters are a New York Oi! band, they do a song called What's Right, which is about not wanting you chipping in with your two cents about what is right. These guys are gonna smoke, drink, hang out on the streets, & have sex with a new person every single night… in other words, they do what they want! On the 45 Adapters second song they sing about having nothing to prove; not to me, not to you, & definitely not the onethirtyeight.org website, which is a shame since it is Las Vegas’ premier punk website. As far as Oi! goes I'm not the most up to date on that scene, so I don't know if the guy wearing a Max Resist t-shirt at the Double Down Saloon would like this (no shit I saw a guy like that), but I liked both bands big time & I found this record to be a refreshing burst of melody between Gehenna & Iron Reagan records. If you like Punk Rock like Oxymoron, Anti Heros, & Bonecrusher I’m sure you will like this. Available from Randale Records. Written by GE 138. This compilation was put together for the benefit of one Capt. Whiskey, aka The Mayor of Paradise Palms, Clay Heximer. You see, the Capt. recently had a cancerous piece of his body removed, and his monetary income is going to be understandable affected by this. So his Friends and Family all got together one night @ the Motor City Cafe to raise some Hell and raise some funds to help Mr. Heximer through these rough times. The evenings musical festivities were captured live by Brian Garth and mastered by Lazer Lavin, and them and some other peeps put this compilation together and available as a digital download to help Clay out in his time of need. Vegas takes care of it's own don't ya know! :-) This compilation contains 2 songs each from some of the best bands this city has to offer - past, present, and future. It's also an excellent snapshot of the Music scene at this particular time, a scene that's thriving and vibrant, despite what others may think or say. Musical acts as diverse as Fuzz SoLow, The Seriouslys, Shark Pants, Fredward, the Stormtroopers Of Dirk and Fun In The Dark all came together to kick out the jams for Clay, and bands like Civic Minded Five and 1/2 Ast got back together for one night only just to help out with the cause. Some songs are better than others, both performance wise and recording quality wise, but as a whole, this is a great compilation and worthy of each and every bit of your monetary support. Go to the Cash For Clay compilation band page by clicking here and choose the format of your choice to listen to this with. All the monies received go directly to Clay, and for that reason and that reason alone, you should immediately go and download this. Minimum donation for it is $6, but I know you can give more than that, can't ya? |
March 2022