It might be something most of you take for granted, but for a single guy like me, there is seriously nothing better than a home cooked meal. <3
Congratulations go to The People's Whiskey for winning the Squid Hat Records showcase event, rising above everyone else and being the lucky ones selected to join the labels roster. That band busts their ass all day every day and brings it to each and every performance they give, and to see their hard work and perseverance pay off in spades is more than just a moment of pride for me - more like a confirmation of what I've been telling people for years - that The People's Whiskey are one of the best bands gigging around Vegas right now. Period. So again, Congratulations guys! Can't wait to hear the album you're gonna put out. :-) There is a shitload of gigs happening this weekend, which is maddening. Click here to see what I'm talking about. Friday night's choice is easy - Unfair Fight @ the Motor City Cafe. Dan is gonna be selling some of his artwork @ First Friday too, so if you're heading down there seek him out and check his work out. It's really good. Sat. is an easy choice for me too - Deadhand @ the Bunkhouse with Burning Agrestic, but man, that Stormtroopers Of Dirk / Fat Dukes Of Fuck gig is mighty tempting. Plus it's being recorded live for a future release, so if you're not at Deadhand you should be there. Seriously. Maybe do both? I dunno. Sun. is Super Bowl, and if I wasn't planning on watching football and being drunk and in a food coma somewhere I would be front and center @ Favorites to see Fuck The Facts and Nests level that place, but alas, that's not gonna happen. If you're going I'd love you to Death if you grabbed me a copy of their limited edition Misery EP. <3 Oh yeah, I almost forgot - there's a benefit gig going on @ Artifice on Sun. as well, for the doorman who works there, who's in dire need of some cash right now because of a death in his family, so if you're feeling generous and want to help out with a great cause, stop by Artifice and give until it hurts. Pay it forward and all that hippy crap... heh heh
Alright! Just got back from having a turkey burger @ Carl's Jr. (no jalapenos though) after watching the Sharks beat the Ducks in an overtime shootout, and I'm working on splitting an MP3 of a new musical project that I'm a part of. My leg feels great and I'm playing with an enthusiasm and vigor that I haven't felt in a long, long time. I had both Vegascendents and Aluminum Falcon practice earlier, and we were mixing the songs up and playing really well, better than we have in a long ass time. Jeremy decided he wasn't loud enough and bought himself another cabinet to increase his Thunder making abilities, for reasons why I don't know, but he did, and I'm pretty sure he's knocking my house off of it's foundations with every jam session, and I'm expecting the Police to come knocking at my door at almost any time during any given practice. I used to think I felt sorry for my neighbors for having to endure our noise making band sessions, what with the fart noises and the obnoxious dick jokes and all that but now, I really and truly pity them... LOL Now not only do they have to hear us, but now, Thanks to Jeremy, now they have to feel us as well! hahaha In my latest musical project, I jammed with this girl Allie, who used to be one of the bass players in the Objex, but I didn't hold that against her. ;-) What is it with me and jamming with ex-Objex bass players? LOL Anyways, her bass got stolen from her car when it was parked @ the Huntridge Tavern, and like at 7 o'clock this morning she went on Facebook and let everyone know what had happened, and to please keep an eye out for it, just in case someone saw it for sale somewhere, or heard about someone selling it or whatever. The chances of her getting her weapon back were slim at best. Literally 6 hours later, a late Christmas miracle occurred, and her bass was recovered. That. Fucking. Rules! :-) In what has to be one of the best feelgood stories you're going to hear about this year, her stolen bass was brought into Cowtown Guitars, where Jesse instantly recognized it and acted appropriately, giving the thieves $200 and telling them to get the fuck out of there or else he was calling the Police. To make things even more unbelievable, this isn't the first time Jesse has recovered a girls stolen bass - he did the same thing less than a month ago! Trippy, right? Yeah, if this keeps up, we're gonna have to start calling him the Bass Whisperer or something. I mean, he definitely has a magnet on him somewhere that attracts girl bass players and their instruments... ;-) Everything's updated. For reals this time! LOL I just got a bunch of DVD's in the mail, so I'm gonna go watch them and hopefully pass the fuck out. Later.
Well, as it was previously stated in the comments section on the post before this, the Squid Hat Records showcase this weekend was fun for everyone involved! Everyone was raving about it, and they were actually turning people away at the door because it was so packed. And according to to one of the trio of Squid Hat judges, the winners have NOT been chosen yet, and if you don't believe me, you can click here and read for yourself what he had to say about it all. Oh, and just ignore all that talk about Puckered Starfish... heh heh
Everybody was at the Double Clown this weekend, which would explain why NOBODY was at CH3 on Sat. night! lol It was almost embarrassing to see them play to a room full of nothing and nobody, but hey, I guess everyone here in Vegas is waiting to see them play @ Punk Rock Posing, where it's cool to watch bands in a pen outside where the bands are on a stage yards and yards away from you and the beer and water are far from cheap. ;-) I've been on Facebook all afternoon, commenting snarkily on the latest announcement from Punk Rock Posing about the latest bands added to the line up. I think the fact that some of the fools on Facebook were commenting on why Devo was on the bill says it all better than I ever could. Turbonegro... yawn. Weirdos... interesting. Same goes for Funeral Dress and Tartar Control, who are all bands better suited to be seen in a smaller, intimate venue, but whatever. I'm bored with bashing on it. I'm embarrassed that people are hyped on it. It's cool to see the Dirty Panties and Surrounded By Thieves on the bill though. Congrats people. You'll do Vegas proud I'm sure. Anyways, I gotta cut this short. A band practice I wasn't sure was going to happen has come to fruition, and I must attend to these matters otherwise the ladies in my band will get their panties all in a bunch, and I just hate when that happens... heh heh Everything's updated. Make sure to check out the Pictures of The Fat Dukes Of Fuck that I just posted by clicking here. I took over 300 photos of their visual spectacle, and my photos don't do justice to the lunacy that ensues at their performances, but I try anyways... heh heh Just to address a few of the rumors I've been hearing about myself lately:
Yeah, the putrid, festering bloody wound on my right leg was apparently something that required immediate medical attention, what with me being a diabetic with high blood pressure and all. I neglected it, as I am want to do with a lot of things medical, and despite being in a horrific amount of pain, still managed to play some incredibly mediocre sets of music to a few lucky people in attendance at the aforementioned gigs. The less said about last Fri.'s gig @ Favorite's the better. American Buckshot played to a room full of nothing and no one, because everyone cleared out and went home right after Agent Orange played, pretty much like I knew they would. The sound of the crickets in between songs was deafening, and we played like shit because of it. At least that's what I'm blaming it on anyways. ;-) I guess the moral of the story is to NEVER play after the headlining band, no matter how much your singer tells you it's going to be great and how packed it's going to be. And what was up with that drunken idiot who was racing around, burning out and spinning doughnuts in the parking lot of Favorite's in that tricked out Pontiac or whatever it was, almost crashing into cars while doing so, and who attracted the attention of every limp dick cop within a 3 mile radius, and who then tried to hide out inside the bar... Idiot! I hope they arrested him. Anyone know what happened with that? Sat. my leg was fucking killing me. Playing the gig the night before didn't help, and plus my ongoing battle with the flu had me on the losing end of things once again. I had to play this grand opening of a place called Screaming Images, which I only found out hours before was in Hendertucky, and I had to play it in a Vegascendents set, which, according to my account, the band hadn't practiced playing in over 263 days or so, but I doped myself up pretty good by downing half a bottle of DayQuil and a handful of pain killers and managed to stumble my way through a set that people seemed to enjoy. Thanks to everyone for coming out to that and helping themselves to all that free food and drink, ya bastards! lol After playing that set, my band mates were sooooo concerned for my general welfare and the festering wound oozing sickness on my leg that they thought it would be a good idea to play another set somewhere else, basically barnstorming our way onto a bill we had no business being on. We tried Favorite's, but for some reason we didn't play there. Instead, we ventured down the street a bit to play at the Double Clown with Geezus Cryst & Free Beer. At least that's what I was told anyways. I was listening to them from in the van, where I was mentally getting ready to play the gig and cursing my band mates for putting me in this predicament. If better prepared, I could of done it, but as it was, under prepared and sans drugs and medication, I was dead meat in the water. Dead. Fucking. Meat. So after playing, both Jeremy and Bob convinced me to go to the E.R. which, in hindsight, probably saved my life. The Dr.'s said if I had waited another 24 hours or so I probably would of died. Scary stuff, right? The thing that would of killed me was a staph infection, a hideous staph infection, according to the Nurse who first saw me. They admitted me immediately and spent the next few days pumping me full of antibiotics and morphine, which just reminded me of why I love heroin so much... LOL Right now I'm in the middle of a battery of tests to determine how much damage has been done to my leg. If the infection has gone to the bone, then I'm gonna be losing my foot and about to become the world's first peg leg drummer. ;-) Anyone that knows me knows that I'm all about that PMA, so I remain forever optimistic that everything's going to be fine and that I'll be kicking ass with both feet attached for many years to come now. The final prognosis comes down on Friday. It sucks getting old. It really does.
Everything is updated. The photos of Unfair Fight playing @ Artifice can be seen by clicking here. The big Squid Hat Records showcase is going down this weekend, but I'll be nowhere near the Double Clown when it does, but Good Luck to everyone that's playing or involved with it. If my sources are correct, the 2 bands to be the next to be signed have already been chosen, so I'm curious to see who comes out victorious in this weekends events. If that's not your thing you could always go see CH3 play at the LVCS on Sat. If I'm able to that's where I'm going to be. Keep your fingers (and toes) crossed! PMA all the way! I got this a few days ago, and I can't stop laughing about the absurdity of the wording. I know press releases are nothing but hot air and hype, but whoever wrote this one is a fucking Shakespeare! LOL This year, we are very excited to announce our initial lineup for the 15th Annual Punk Rock Bowling and Music Festival which will feature one of the first full performances of none other than the godfathers of west coast punk rock themselves! Taking their cue from the black flag of anarchy, let us present Flag. Long may they wave. Featuring original members Keith Morris (vocals), Chuck Dukowski (bass), Bill Stevenson (drums 1981-1985) along with SST label mate and Descendents guitarist Stephen Egerton (guitar) performing the music of Black Flag. Morris (whose post-Black Flag career includes fronting the Circle Jerks and, most recently, hardcore revivalists Off!), Dukowski (who, after exiting Black Flag in 1983, founded SWA, Würm, United Gang Members, October Faction, and, his current outfit, the Chuck Dukowski Sextet), Stevenson, and Egerton decided to extend the legacy, working up a repertoire of 30 classic Black Flag songs with an eye toward future live performances. hee hee hee That "black flag of anarchy" line is forever going to crack me up. Anyways, again, for those of you who think you're finally going to see Black Flag play live, I love to burst your bubble by telling you that you're not. What you're gonna see is a band called Flag, who are a Black Flag cover band, and they're headlining Punk Rock Posing this year. You all should be so proud! ;-) But don't worry! If you can't make it out to the fleecing, just wait until the fleecing comes to you! They're gonna play other gigs in other places. You think they'd learn 30 Black Flag songs if they weren't? ;-)
And since they were mentioned in the press release, why isn't Off! playing? Are they not Punk enough? They're basically Black Flag part 2, right? And why isn't Greg Ginn's new band (with skateboarder Mike Vallely on vocals) Good For You playing? I'm sure they're going to try to sound very Black Flag like, and they got a new album coming out next month. And why isn't the Chuck Dukowski Sextet playing? They're basically My War era Black Flag with a chick on vocals. Well, I guess the answer is that nobody gives a shit about the present; only content to roll in the nostalgia of the past like pigs in shit. How sad. All these new bands carrying on the Black Flag legacy, and they couldn't get booked to play Punk Rock Posing if their life depended on it, but yet Old Man Markley and shitty bands like that play every year. Pathetic. Speaking of pathetic, you can come out to Favorite's tomorrow night and watch a band I play in, American Buckshot, play mop up to a bunch of other bands, including Agent Orange and Surrounded By Thieves. According to Dean, loads of people are going to hang around after the headliners are done performing, and I, of course, say that we're going to be playing to an empty room, so come on out if you can and see which one of us is right! LOL And on Sat. the Vegascendents are playing some private party somewhere with open bar and free food. This could be interesting... ;-) Everything is updated. Have a great weekend. I know I'm a little late in posting this, but Sal from TheCore's guitar got stolen a few days ago, and if you happen to see it in a pawn shop somewhere in Hendertucky, or anyplace else for that matter, please let him know ASAP so he can recover it and hopefully beat somebody's ass for stealing it from his home. I would of posted the picture that the other "Punk" website here in town used to identify the guitar, but it was so over Photoshopped and unrealistic looking that I couldn't do so with a straight face. Every time I see one of their photos (or the photos that other young, hipster photographers take nowadays) I'm always kind of shocked that people think that those photos look good. I thought pictures were supposed to look like the things you were taking pictures of, not like an 18th century oil painting, or worse yet, like it was taken with a 70's Polaroid Instamatic... LOL Whatever. Speaking of Pictures, I finally got all the photos from the Luicidal gig @ the LVCS up and posted, so you can click here to go to the Pictures page and look for them yourself, or you can click here to see the Luicidal ones, or you can click here to see the I.D.F.I. ones, or you can click here to see the American Buckshot ones, which were taken by the lovely Amelia Carr, so Thank You for those dear! :-) And, in case you missed them the first time I talked about them, you can click here to see the Mersa photos I took that night as well. Oh, and the Rule Of Thumb ones can be found by clicking here. And don't laugh at my Simpson's: Tapped Out collectors cards photos on there... I love that game! :-) There was a bunch more stuff I wanted to talk about, but damn if I can remember any of that right now. The only reason I even have time to update this website right now is because SOMEONE blew up my P.A. head and speakers last night with their constant fucking around with things and buttons they had no reason fucking with, so until SOMEONE fixes or replaces my P.A. stuff, all band practices at my house are finished. Phooey. Oh, and I'm sick of pointing out what a Farce that Punk Rock Posing is to everyone, but it's heartening to know that others out there feel the same way, even though they will never admit it publicly, and even though they're still gonna attend the damn thing because they're well trained money spending automatons, which is all that the Punk Rock Posing festival really cares about - lining their pockets with your money. I mean, really, how much more "Punk Rock" can you get? ;-) |
November 2023