I'm bored of the game. I really am. It always ends the same, and it's like my own personal version of Groundhog's Day. Lots of talk, and zero to none Action. Lame. Don't people have something better to do? Seriously? Just a couple of points of clarification, not that it matters, but still...
That apple sack, Dennis, drummer from that joke band Rectal 7-G, was all over my nuts on Facebook, sending me repeated Friends Requests for days on end, and I just kept denying them, because I don't know the dude, nor did I care to. I was asking my friends "Who is this guy and why does he keep sending me Friends Requests?" After a few weeks he finally got the hint, and I'm glad he did, because once he got arrested on domestic violence charges, I knew he wasn't the kind of pussy I'd like to associate with, and just left it at that. That's him, right? The guy that beat up his girlfriend and then ran from the cops, or am I confusing him with another cowardly piece of shit drummer? And he's got the nerve to throw rocks at me? Yeah right? Free piece of advice buddy - I'm not your ex-girlfriend. I will fight back. And that "chick" Sabrina, ha ha ha, oh man, at Skater Bob's birthday party @ The Dive a while back, she was all talking to me like she was my friend, because of her and I's mutual previous problems with Chris Piss, but I knew she was a 2 faced hypocrite, so I didn't really pay it no mind then, and pay it even less mind now. Her opinion is meaningless. How's that production / management company coming sweetheart? Uh huh. Didn't you move away from Vegas to "make it"? Yeah, welcome back. You and Homeless Dyke, you always come back, dontcha? ;-) And the Rectal 7-G fan pointing out that the band is listed on the Thrasher Magazine website isn't something to brag about. When the bands you've been in have been on that magazines Skate compilations, had flexi's given away with that magazines issues, or have even been interviewed by that illustrious magazine, well then maybe you can act like your band has done something worth crowing about. Maybe. Josh Snot from F.C. can act like he doesn't know why I don't like his band, but all he has to do is ask the tweeked out poseur wannabe gang members that his band hangs around with to find out why that is. Or he could just ask his band members - they know. Or just ask me, but that just makes too much sense, I know... And that drunken, pill popping troll "drummer", you know, the one with only one known beat, and that's 'suck', the one that's sooooo cowardly her shit talking can't even be seen in that posting, well, the wall she hit a few years ago has obviously affected her mentally. Get a hobby, you talentless hack - drum lessons perhaps? Or maybe AA? Yeah, next time your drunken ass is yelling at me from across the room, I'll remember to spit in your direction. Fag. I hope Estrada Fest, or Est Fest, as the "cool" people are already calling it, really happens. Somebody give this place a venue and make it happen!! I can't wait to see my face on shirts being worn by people I don't like. ha ha ha ha Probably have to be held at Sam Boyd Stadium though, right, because of the masses of people who will be in attendance - easily in the thousands, right? ha ha ha The line up of Local bands that will be chomping at the bit to play this prestigious event will be the creme de la creme of our musical talent here in town, just based on all that scary musical output that's already out there... ha ha ha ha The time they think I waste on them by doing stuff like this is miniscule in nature, usually less than single digit minutes of my day just slapping something together to illustrate a collective groups asinine stupiedity and feeble words lacking merit and without action, something I do while sipping on my morning coffee, having that first smoke of the day, figuring out what to do with my time. It's been common knowledge for years that if I don't like your band, I take your bands name off the flyers on my website, because that's just how I roll, and you 2 vaginas in Rectal 7-G, 1 male, 1 female, will just have to deal with that. There's more pix and stuff I could post but like I said, this shit bores me. I'm over it. Here's the post that started it all, and my retort to that. Done. Nothing left to do now but deal with the aftershocks that come from what I posted up on here. Bring it. I'm always ready. Apparently it's what I do. Over and over and over again...
Maybe it's just a Sunday thing. Punk Rock gigs with big name bands headlining just don't go over as well as expected. I mean, you were there, right? Where was everyone else at? The 10:30 start time didn't help, but you know how THAT goes. I heard that S.F.T. killed it. Good for them. Glad that new drummer is working out. See? I told you guys it would! ;-) And as for that other Local band on the bill, you know, the one who keeps announcing that they're breaking up and then they don't (pathetic, and it's been done before), well, I think the crowd's reaction during your set pretty much says it all. You should go off with that other Local "Punk" band here in town and just fade away into mediocre banality, remembered only as a punch line to a joke nobody thought was funny in the first place. Bye Felicia. Bye! It's sad that everybody was soooooo fucking amazed that the Foo Fighters were at LIB playing a bunch of cool covers this weekend - WOW!! How "Epic" that must of been!! ha ha ha Sometimes the people I know and associate with disappoint me a lot... ;-) Sat. was apparently "Dress Up Like The Dudes From Ghostbusters" day. If you weren't involved or informed, or somewhere that someone was dressed up like that, then you missed out. You snooze, you lose! Love the irony of Thee Shitty Bastards filling in for the Vermin when they dropped off the bill @ the Double Clown for Melo's Birthday Party/Jenn-O-Cide's Going Away Party on Sat. Hope Ruckus wasn't working that night, because that would of been... awkward?!?! LOL Good luck on your 3 year adventure Jenn! Aloha! And BTW... Shortest. Ban. EVER!! ;-) Fri. was all about D.R.I. @ the Dive. I didn't go because my hair isn't long enough. Life's Torment apparently stole that show, which is good, since it seemed that Larry from that band was the only one promoting the shit out of the gig everywhere and in every way possible. When his band gets signed, don't act surprised. Everything's updated. Seems like I spend my time nowadays more concerned with documenting the past, rather than participating in the present, at least in the Punk Rock world anyways. For instance - I forgot about talking about the Water Landing pix I posted a while back, and you can click here to see them. I would of taken more, but I had to stand there and listen to everybody give me their opinion as to why thought the band sucked, so I missed out. Also from that night are the photos I took of The Psyatics, who's strangely named CD Oderint Dum Metuant has been on constant play around these parts, and you can click here to see the pix I took of them. They're a great band. You should check them out. In the "Chris Duggan - Nobody Cares" dept., we have a shitload more old pix re-posted up on the website. Again, only matters if you were there. I can't remember what I posted vs. what I announced I posted, so I'm gonna have to go back and recheck everything. Sorry if anything got double posted. Did that make sense? LOL Pictures of Hungry Ass Youth @ Morgan's Tavern. Click here to see them. I got video of them too somewhere on my computer...
Pictures of IDFI @ The Dive. Click here to see them. Illicitor @ Backstage Bar & Billiards. Click here to see them. Union 13 @ The G & L Center. Click here to see them. Conflict @ The Country Club Theater in Ogden, UT. Click here to see them. Anima Mundi @ The Bluebird Theater in Denver, CO. Click here to see them. Lying Bitch & The Restraining Orders @ The Bluebird Theater in Denver, CO. Click here to see them. Conflict @ The Bluebird Theater in Denver, CO. Click here to see them. Give 'Em Hell @ The Dive Bar. Click here to see them. Helltown Harlots @ The Dive Bar. Click here to see them. And there's some new/old stuff for you to read as well, stuff like Music Review on Space Invader, the latest release from Ace Frehley. Click here to check that out. Gig Review on the Prong / Bipolar / Nebula X / Rule Of Thumb / Substance @ The LVCS. Click here to read it. An ancient Music Review from 2004 on Profile This, the debut release from Bullet Train To Vegas. Remember them? Probably not. Click here to read it. I also added a post to the Tunes page, and it's from Local band Dirty Sanchez, believe it or not. I cleaned up their demo from 2008 with my Adobe Audition program, and you can click here to check it out and download the music to your computer if you like it. I plan on doing this a lot more with my old band demos, because they're not doing fuck all but sitting on my shelf in my room collecting dust, so I might as well post them up and let others enjoy them as well. Yeah, I'm all about the sharing, and the Love... ha ha ha *whew* That's a lot of bullshit right there. I'm pretty sure I've forgotten more than a few things from all over the place, but that's all I can recall right now. More to come, of course. :-) Festival Shmestival... I ain't going near any of that shite. Have fun if you are.
Not going to anything with the word 'Life' in it's title, nor to anything whose title contains the word 'Beautiful' within it's midst. Just not gonna do it. Nope. Not going to D.R.I. either. Not really that big of a fan of their latter day Metal tinged sound - not enough to get off my ass and go down to the gig anyways... heh heh. I didn't go see them when they played the Bunkhouse, or when they played Vamp'd either. Meh. I'd like to go to that Warren G / Pet Tigers / gig on Sat., but it's at Triple B's, Downtown, during LIB... forget it. I'll pass. I'll probably just end up at that Anchors / Heartsounds gig @ the Artistic Armory. Meh again. And if that one shithead infused Local band with a cunt for a bass player weren't playing that 7 Seconds gig @ the Dive on Sun., I'd totally be going to that, even if it was just to Interview Kevin Seconds and ask him about his failed attempt to get the fans of his solo career to buy him a van via GoFundMe so that he could Tour and come to their town and perform for them with his acoustic guitar and wool knit cap, the fucking old Beardcore creep... LOL I'll probably be there, unfortunately, so I guess I'll see you there? ![]() I remember when I first met him, sort of... hee hee hee It was in an AOL chat room, believe it or not, and we got around to chatting, as I always do with fresh young white meat. ;-) He knew who I was and he knew about the website, and he asked me to check out his band and tell him what I thought about them. I don't even remember what band he was in at the time, but I gave them a listen, told him his band sucked, and that was about it. I don't know if he thought I was serious about it or not, but he just sort of thanked me for my honest opinion and we just kept on chatting. After that we would run into each other at gigs, he would get into altercations with my Friends, he played in a band I can't stand, and I just sort of stood around and took it all in, watching this guy do what he was doing and marking him off as another Las Vegas person that I know of, but don't actually know, if that makes any sense. Until that one fateful night, when the New York Dolls played at that Sports Center Of Las Vegas place off of Sunset, when his drunken ass came up to me after the gig, and he told me about this great new musical project he was hyped on, and how I was the only drummer in Las Vegas that could pull it off, and he didn't care what people thought about me, he just wanted me to play in his band, and after a shitload of booze, I agreed to be in a band with him. Simple, I know. So we exchanged phone numbers, emails, and he said I would hear from him within a few days, and, of course, I never heard from him after that! LOL I didn't hear back from him for at least 6 months or so, when he was just casual like sending me a text, "So, when can you practice?" ha ha ha ha He gave me an address in Summerlin (or "Scummerlin", as Homeless Dyke likes to put it), and I showed up and met him and his buddy who was the guitar player, and we jammed on like the 4 songs that they knew, it sounded great, and that was it. That was how I was introduced to my future heterosexual life partner Jeremy Schoonover, aka The Bassmaster General, and aka one of the sweetest souls you will ever meet in this or any other lifetime. Today is his birthday, and I just wanted to publicly tell you all that, and to click here to go to his Facebook page and wish him a Happy Birthday and stuff like that. :-) He's currently at the Anaheim Schmucks home opener right now, having fun I hope, and I love the big shnook and just wanted to state it publicly, that's all! ha ha ha Happy Birthday!! I love yoooooouuuuuu!! XOXOXO ![]() I love Facebook. I really, really do. It's the most fun you can have with your Friends without actual involvement or interaction in their lives! LOL Take this epic posting on Facebook yesterday from the "Legendary" Rob Ruckus. Seems he got a bit upset with Thee Shitty Bastards last night @ the Double Clown, for talking shit to him from the stage and playing too long of a set. Now, the irony of me posting anything about Thee Shitty Bastards is not lost, but still, I think those ass clowns (sorry Jeff!) may have a point on this one. Ruckus should be called out for this one. He pulled a bit of a dick move. Even his own band mate Turbo thought so. I don't think it's that obscure of a fact that our Local Tiki Surf cover band is quite notorious for, among other things, for playing hours and hours on end, whether people want them to or not, and the gig at the Double Clown on Sat. night was no different. There was only 2 bands playing that night, so there was no need for them to stick to the allotted set time, not that they ever do that anyways, but still. The band was playing, shittily, I assume, and Ruckus decided to start talking shit about them from the safety of being behind the bar, where only a lucky few could actually hear him, and then the band retaliated back, talking shit to Ruckus from the prestigious point of being on the stage with microphones and a P.A., where everybody could hear them, and apparently Ruckus can dish it out but can't take it... hee hee hee He got butt hurt, words were exchanged, actions avoided, fuses put out, and then, to add insult to injury, Ruckus posted this stuff on Facebook the morning after, and it's his right to do so, but that's not even the point of all this; I think it's more about the fact that he erased it from his Facebook wall that makes it worth mentioning. Either it struck a nerve or he regretted saying it, maybe both. Oh, if only the real world were that simplified, where, in a moment of heat or anger, or heated anger, you vent out something foolish in a public forum, allowing others to freely comment upon it and post thoughts and theories and comments, no matter how poisonous and vile and blindly wrong they are, and then suddenly regret said action and hit the magic button and POOF! It all goes away. Ahhhhhhhh... if only. But getting back to the point of all this, is the whole Facebook angle. If you click on the really long picture to the left of these words here (or on top if you're reading this on a cell phone, you Hipsters you!), you can see that Ruckus posted that Thee Shitty Bastards are the worst band in Las Vegas. On that I think we can all agree, no? LOL I know a lot of my friends think that, but they would never admit it. Whatever. But because of the notoriety of being Igor to Dirk Vermin's Dr. Frankenstein on that Bad Ink TV show, Ruckus posting this brought a lot of the Kool-Aid drinkers to his side, with them blindly throwing cheap shots and ugly comments at the band, for no other reason than that Ruckus said so, because Ruckus doesn't like them. Fascinating. Doesn't the Emperor have on the finest clothes? He does, doesn't he? ha ha ha That 20 year old sheeple named Jordan from Canada was a riot, wasn't she? LOL And once people actually started defending Thee Shitty Bastards, basically busting Ruckus' balls over the posting, and then it was gone. Oh whatever. It was funny for a few minutes. Like I said, I find the whole Facebook thing, as a social media experimentation of getting the rats to go through the maze to get their duly earned reward, which is to be a part of the cool. cutting edge group, fascinating. BTW, how's that Ello thing working out for ya? ;-) ![]() The posting continues to the left. If you think I'm gonna write enough words to fill up all this space you're crazy! LOL There were 25 comments I missed from it all, when the really good shit started hitting the fan, and I missed on capturing them all because I was talking to Jesse about the Raiders game. Good game too. I didn't even think I was going to be awake to watch the thing, since I went to bed about 9 o'clock Sun. morning, but there I was, 4 hours later, watching Carr and the last place Raiders give the first place Chargers a fight for their money, with no quarter given. Nothing to be ashamed of in any way, shape or form. I still hate you though, Jeremy. ;-) Fuck the Sharters!! ha ha ha Everything's updated. I added the Pictures of Sham 69 playing at the Dive, click here to see them. I didn't take that many of them, because I wasn't really feeling it. Again, the band was terrible, they really were. In the "It's Probably Only Interesting If You Were There" dept., I posted a bunch more old pix I found lying around to the website, pics from a gig that had Defied (click here to see them), Social Control (click here to see them), and The Peccadilloes (Remember them? Before the alcohol and drug problems and shitty attitudes settled in? If you don't, click here to be reminded of who they once were) playing at the G & L Center, before it became known as The Center, and when it was at it's old location in the Historical Commercial Center District at Sahara and Maryland Parkway, right in between The Green Door and Hawks Gym, a few doors down from The Onyx Theater, which had the best leather bondage gear and The Rocky Horror Picture Show presentation ever, and the Badlands Saloon, which had (or may still have, I don't know - haven't been there in years) the most fun filled drag show I had seen since my days in San Francisco. Yeah, there's nothing better than taking your so-called "straight" Punk friends to a gay/drag bar, which had strong ass drinks for hella cheap, and watching them stand around uncomfortably while the gay shenanigans ensue all around them... LOL Oh, the stories I could tell about the things I saw go down in that parking lot there - ZING! ha ha ha I can't believe they used to let me book gigs at that G & L Center. Remember when Conflict played there, and the riot broke out? Of course you don't, because you weren't there. It was the last night of our Tour with them, and Scarred For Life and Anima Mundi, and the place went OFF!! ha ha ha Lots of damage done to the place, and yours truly got stuck cleaning up the mess and paying for everything out of my own pocket. Needless to say, that was the last gig they ever let me do there... go figure. Such a fun night. The after Tour, after party was Legendary, to say the least. :-) Gawd, I used to be such a nice guy... ![]() I heard nothing but good things about the Tartar Control gig. Not about the opening bands, because none of them advertised the gig, of course, and nor did the Artistic Armory have the gig listed on it's event page - why, I don't know, and I only saw a flyer for the thing the day after the gig, which seems to be a common thing here in Vegas. The flyer for a gig is only posted on Facebook the day of the event, OR, it's posted months before the gig, when no one could possibly plan that far ahead to go to a gig. Who was the Promoter of this gig anyways? I bet it was a guy with a beard. ;-) I was going to go to the gig myself, but there was a band playing on the bill that I don't support in any way, shape, or form, so I stayed away. I'm sure their 2 or 3 fans and girlfriends came in from drinking in the parking lot to check them out when they played - not paying to get in, of course. At least the turnout was good, unlike that Angry Samoans gig @ the Dive on Sat. night. Peee-yeewwwwww! Even with lots of Facebook promotion from the Dive, and one Local band that I saw, Geezus Cryst & Free Beer, who promote the shit out of every gig they play, and they still couldn't get people to come out and see Metal Mike do his karaoke act, but hey - all of you that went can scratch the Angry Samoans off of your bucket list of Cool Legendary Punk Bands I've Seen. Whatever. My best friend has been copping this "I'm bored of this music scene and I'm tired of it's BS" attitude as of late, and believe me, I can easily see why, and when he asks me how do I do it, how do I keep involved with things to the extent that I do, and I tell him a quote that Rorschach from The Watchmen said, just like what used to be written as the byline to the header to this website, "We don’t do this “thing” ’cause it’s permitted. We do it because we have to. We do it because we’re compelled." Yup! :-) ![]() Redemption. LOVE that word. :-) Yeah, my band mates in The Civilians totally redeemed themselves last night @ The Dive, putting on one Hell of a display of musical merriment that was apparently loved and enjoyed by all. Pretty effin' sweet!!! In fact, it was sooooo good that even the Nazis in the place loved it! One of them was seig heiling during our song Boots 'N' Braces, a song about being a Skinhead - go figure, right? ;-) Skinheads? Nazi's? Sham 69? What year is this, anyways? LOL Yeah, I didn't see it, because I'm the Drummer and I don't ever see anything that goes on while I'm playing, and neither did any of my band mates, because of those damn nuclear bright lights that point directly into your eyes when you're up on the stage. Is it me or did that Dive stage get a little bigger? What happened to the pool table? Anyways, once we found out about the Nazi's being there and what they were doing, Trueland led the charge to get the assholes thrown out, which brings me to point of contention #1: during the Total Gayass set, who played right after us, Rob Chaos was speaking to the guys in German, and I don't know what he was saying, exactly, because ich spreche kein Deutsch, but it didn't seem to be anything negative or derogatory to the racists in the room. The Nazi's were seig heiling, yelling out "88", and just generally going out of their way to make their presence known, and maybe Rob didn't see them, because of the bright stage lights, but I know he definitely heard them, obviously, and that makes what he did a major No-No, but I'd expect nothing less from a donkeys apple sack tool bag like him. Easy on the foundation there Brah. Your starting to look a bit like Rip Taylor up on stage... lol And why was it being tolerated anyways? The racists were clearly outnumbered, and people were visibly upset about what was going on, but no one thought to get together and run the Nazi's out, choosing just to sit idly by and pretend they didn't see it, including some people who were all about being anti-racist rabble rousers back in the day. Whatever. Point of contention #2. So a group of motivated fellows, a lynch mob basically, were assembled outside the venue during the Total Gayass set, plotting the best way to deal with the Nazi's inside the bar. Cooler heads prevailed, and it was decided that the people at the Dive should be told that there were racist skinheads in the building, and let them deal with it in a peaceable, professional manner. When told there were Nazi's inside, the people at the Dive were like 'So what? What do you want us to do?' which was majorly unsettling, to say the least, and it seemed like they were content with just letting the Nazi's stay inside the place running amok, and it wasn't until the lynch mob outside told the guys in Sham 69 what was going on that any positive action was taken. Sham 69 said there was no way in Hell they were playing while any Nazi's are in the room, and they demanded that they be thrown out. The Dive did the right thing and the white power fucks were told to leave. :-) The Nazi's were escorted from the building, some more quietly than others, and most of them left without saying a word. A few plead their cases outside to be allowed to stay ("I'm a Nazi - so what? I'll just stay in the back and not sieg heil or anything! I just wanna see Sham 69!") and some crazy Nazi bitch attacked the doorman for some strange reason, but when all was said and done, they just... left, and everybody went back inside to watch Sham 69. Drama over. Yaaay! ![]() That major piece of Drama aside, the night was pretty good, especially musically. Sham 69 were OK, but the drummer didn't play one song correctly. Seriously. Not one. They played every song I expected them to do, and some that I forgot they do. Meh. Total Gayass were background music to all the Drama going on outside, but I let them use my drum set because I'm a nice guy and I've known Miguel forever. He knows I think his band sucks, he thinks it's funny. Whatever. Plus he knows MY drum set RULES!! hahaha The surprise of the night for me was The Psyatics. Where the fuck did these guys come from? They had a sound similar to bands like the Devil Dogs, or the New Bomb Turks, and I was digging it! They opened up with an amazing song that brought everybody that was outside smoking to the inside of the bar to check them out, and I later found out the opening song was a Sam & Dave cover. Brilliant!! I was majorly impressed and look forward to seeing and hearing more from them. Thanx for the CD Rob! :-) And I don't know why nobody liked Water Landing. I thought they were OK, and any band that does a Violent Femmes cover is A-OK in my book! LOL They had a girl up on stage folding laundry for some reason, which made the band a bit easier to watch. People were grumbling about them being on the bill, but whatever. Everybody's gotta have SOMETHING to bitch and complain about, right Angie? ;-) Such a fun night. Thanx to everyone who rolled out and was there and who made the night FUN, peeps like Joe Stone, who I haven't seen in years, Angie Divebar, Pulsar, Mike, Carlos from S.F.T. and his lovely wife Cristi, Scrat Pat (WOW!), Zack Attack, the Legendary Karl Bakla (all 3 onethirtyeight.org people in one place at one time - good thing our enemies didn't know! LOL), and, of course, again, my band mates Trueland, Jeremy, and Jeff, for reminding me why I put up with their shit and why they put up with mine - it's for magical moments on stage like we shared last night. <3 Everything's updated. Pictures of Slaughter And The Dogs playing at the LVCS were just posted, and you can click here to check those out. From the same night I posted the pix I took of S.F.T. and their new drummer running through things, and you can click here to check those out. I also added a bunch of the old pictures that used to be on the website back up there, more to fill in the holes than anything, but they're up there if you wanna check them out. Probably only interesting if you were actually at the gig. :-)
Pictures of Give 'Em Hell @ University Theater. Pictures of Six Shooters To The Sky @ University Theater. Pictures of Suite 666 @ the Double Clown. Pictures of Braineaters @ the Emergency Room. Pictures of Imperial Leather @ Rock N' Java. Pictures of The Lab Ratz @ the G & L Center. Pictures of 1/2 Ast @ Casa De Spooky. Pictures of The Loud Pipes @ Casa De Spooky. Pictures of The Vermin @ The Cooler Lounge. |
November 2023