It's a recent phenomenon I call 'poking the bear".
It's what you do apparently when your life is going oh so perfectly and your band is just packing them in and killing it every time you play and you have nothing better to do during all this than to speculate on what I'm doing or what I think about your band. Fucking Hell here's another one. You want my attention you little POS? Fine - you got it! Your band sucks. There's no other way to put it. Your regurgitated Riverdales / Lillingtons sound is even more boring and unoriginal than those 2 bands shittiest output combined. It's been done before and more importantly, you guys are terrible at doing it. You guys never "kill it", even on your best of days, and if I had a dollar for everyone that's talked shit to me about you - people you smile with in drunken selfies you post like the little bitch you are on your social media, then I'd have at least 25 bucks extra that I can think of off the top of my head. People go out of their way to tell me how bad your band is, and I don't know why but it's funny. Your band is trite. Deal with it. And on a personal front, you're a spineless weasel. Cutting you out of my life is one of the best decisions I've ever made. Talking you out of killing yourself that one night is something I now regret. You say you won't fight me because I'm a 50 something year old guy, but trust me kid, I won't fight you because it would be like beating up on a retard, so yeah, keep on "killing it" with your band braaaah and wallowing in your mediocrity. Me? I can't be bothered. You're beneath me. You're contemptible and more important, you're embarrassing. Fat drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son, but you seem to be making an artform out of it... kudos to you! Your children must be soooooooooo proud of you! 😂😂😂
![]() You wanted my attention? Sweet - you got it! 😁 You wanna "cool brag" about packing the Double Clown on a Saturday night, a bar that wouldn't even be around for you to play at if it wasn't for me and my friends putting that place on the map, but what would you know about that? You were running around in Hendertucky in your underoos and waiting for your mommy to feed you while we were fighting and rocking and paving the way for you nü-jackoffs to have a place to brag about packing 25 years later, but I digress from my old guy rant. You wanna brag that 40 people were in that toilet at the same time that your shitty band is playing like that's something to brag about? I've seen gigs there where you couldn't breathe, much less walk around, gigs that were waaaaaaayyyy over the allotted fire code maximum occupancy recommendation. Holy fuck kid, you need to get a hobby and stop obsessing on what I think or what I give a fuck about. Put the dab rig down ya dirty hippy and focus a bit on your own self and your label that's putting out the crème de le mediocrè of the Vegas scene (just like that other local label you were once associated with did... hahaha) or focus maybe on any one of the bands that you're currently in that are going nowhere fast. Don't worry too much about what I'm up to. My bands are doing just fine, playing real venues opening up for real bands that people actually know and playing real gigs that more than 40 people come out to, both here and out of state - want me to put you on the guest list for the Viper Room in Hollywood when I play there for my birthday next year? 😂😂😂 I've forgotten more about packing Punk clubs than you'll ever know, even if you live 100 years after I'm dead, so just hush! LOL Hey man, I'm glad you're proud of a mediocre band that's announced "their last show ever" and said that they've "officially breaking up" so many times now they might as well be KISS, but next time you try to throw some shade at me, maybe come correct and actually have something to brag about... or just leave me out of your drunken Facebook postings entirely, whatta ya say? hahahaha Love ya Bro! Nice try! 👍🏽 ![]() As if I needed another reason to hate the month of December. Buzzcocks... too many memories... too many times being there for me when I needed them most. Every argument, every heartbreak, everytime something romantically went wrong again for me they were there, and the man behind it all has slipped away. What a fucking shame. I could never thank him enough for all he's done for me, but I did try every time I met him. Go easy Pete Shelley. Lord knows you deserve eternal Peace. There is no Love in this world anymore... 💔💔💔 |
November 2023