Ya know, for someone who's as big of an asshole as I am, I sure did get a lot of cool Christmas presents this year. What's up with that? LOL Thanks to everyone for everything I was given - it was seriously and truly appreciated. Major Hugs & Kisses to you all.
It's funny that everywhere I go as of late people keep asking me if I really liked the Seriously's or if I was just being nice. Apparently, some people don't know me all that well, because one, I'm not a nice guy and two, if I didn't like the band, I wouldn't of said shit about them on here - no mention, no backhanded compliments, nothing. My days of kissing some bands ass just to get something out of them are looooooong over. I saw the band, I liked them, I wrote what I did, and that's that. You all will have the opportunity to check them out yourselves at the next gig the Seriously's play, whenever that is, and then you can either agree with what I said or come up with your own assessment. I believe you will like what you hear. Speaking of checking out bands, this Thursday @ the LVCS, another Benefit gig for the poor kids of Africa to get a well dug is happening, and it's featuring Dick Falcon, Last Night's Heroes (hopefully) and the debut of a band called Viva Valhalla, comprised of a bunch of people you may know, like Tony from Thirteen34 / Give 'Em Hell / Swenson Street Hookers, and some other band called the Sonorous Tubes or something like that, and Dave, aka the Pikey, an English bloke who you would know from being a crazy gifted tattoo artist @ Last Chance Tattoo and as someone you see at gigs around town, usually on the arm of Ainjil from Pigasus, who owns his hair and his feet and everything in between. ;^) Anyways, come out and support a great cause and see the debut of a band that's either gonna be really, really good, or a major dud of a disappointment. There will be no middle ground accepted from these guys, promise.
Merry Christmas everyone! :-) I have bought and wrapped all the gifts I could, and gave them out in a timely fashion. I don't know what happened with my Christmas cards, but that's another story for another time. I'm flat broke busted and I don't give a shit. Christmas is almost over. The gift buying process is done. Now I just gotta get all the gifts I bought out to everyone. That's why I was at Feelgood's Wed. night. It was Dirk Vermin's Pussykat Tattoo Xmas Party, and I saw on Facebook that Jesse, Xtal and Sin were going to be there, so after band practice I stopped by, all sweaty and tired and in pain, to drop their gifts off. I caught a good chunk of the set by Xtal's new band the Seriouslys (I think that's the spelling) and I gotta say I was mighty impressed. Good punk rocking stuff ala Babes In Toyland or 7 Year Bitch, and I hate to compare them to those bands, because it's too easy, too much of a contrived and cookie cutter thing to say, but for purposes of getting you hyped on a new band here in town, I gotta say that the Seriouslys remind me of those bands, both in Attitude and Musical Talent. I think it was only their 2nd gig ever, and I'm looking forward to hearing more from them. Definitely a band to keep your eye on in 2011.
It's Christmas Eve. I gotta pack my bags, load up the gifts into the car, and head Home. Merry Christmas everyone! Happy Holidays to you all! hahahahaaha Yeah, I felt the urge to comment on this craptacular band after I saw that a few of my friends have been watching some new video that they just did. I checked the video out myself and I haven't stopped laughing ever since! First off, the Alamo hasn't looked better. I'm surprised they were able to find 10 people to be in the video with the band, and all the video seems to be is like an excuse for that front woman person to spread her germs by making out with everyone in the room, both guy and girl. The music is horrible, and the songs main riff is a thinly disguised NOFX rip off, right down to the effect used on the guitar that gives it that sound. Didn't this band once rip off the riff to Motley Crue's Kick Start My Heart, or am I confusing them with some other Local idiot douchebags? Oh well. Some bands just truly don't care, do they? I was watching this video with my friend's daughter in the room with me, and even she could see that what she was watching was truly, truly lame. She' s only 9 years old and here's what she had to say while viewing it and I assure you, this was completely unprovoked or prompted of her in any way, shape or form:
They look like the type of band who thinks that they're good, but they're really not. Hahahahahahahaha oh gawd! The brilliance of children! <3 If even she can see what a joke that band is, then why the fuck do some of my friends, who play in bands and who's musical opinions I kind of value, even get behind them or support them in any way, shape or form? Just like Facebook, apparently some of you don't have a 'dislike' button about bands, or either that or you're too chickenshit to tell a band that they suck. Excuse me, let me correct that - you're too chickenshit to tell a band that they suck to their faces. More than a few of you have told me what you think about bands here in town, and I'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus, believe me, but sometimes, just sometimes, I wish you would go public with what you think. Don't be scurred! ;-) Having an opinion is not a bad thing! LOL What's the worst that could happen anyways? They don't talk to you anymore? Boo fucking Hoo. Oh well. Whatever. Nevermind. Just my opinion and what do I know anyways, right? Right! But remember this: to live as a coward is no way to live. ;-) Captain Beefheart passed away last week, and that's all I have to say about that. I was not a fan of the man, but I know a lot of people were, and to them I say, 'Splain Please, because I just don't get it. I've been watching the videos you've been posting up, and I again, just don't get it. Sorry. I know a lot of bands were influenced by him, but all I'm hearing is the stuff my Dad used to listen to, and that's not really a good thing... hee hee hee And for those of you who were concerned about them, the band Paramore is NOT breaking up. What's happening is that all the band members except for the singer are leaving. Apparently they all finally woke up one day and could no longer face the shame that comes with being in that band and they could no longer perpetrate the myth that their music had any redeeming qualities whatsoever. Now if only some Local bands could get that concept into their head, we might have a thriving new scene here, flourishing with new musical collaborations and ideas being spread around freely, instead of bands flogging a dead horse and carrying all that excess luggage and baggage and monkeys on their backs. It's almost 2011 - we need some new bands here in town to kick shit up and keep the younger bands from sitting on their laurels! Out with the Old, and in with the New and remember, this is all coming from a guy who plays Loud Pipes reunion gigs every 6 or 7 years, so take it all with a grain of salt... hee hee hee So, was it the Christmas booze, or the stress of the Holidays that caused all the fighting at the gigs this past weekend? Booooooooooo to whatever it was that was causing it. Macho insecurity? Mommy issues? Little dicks? Get over it man. Fighting at gigs is sooooooooooooo 1987 and nothing to take pride in. Enough of the negativity! It's fucking Christmas time! The Raiders are still in the hunt for a playoff berth, and the Sharks are infuriating but I don't care. Everything is awesome, and I have the best friends EVER! Let's all be of good cheer and wish Xtal a Happy Birthday, which I believe happened on yesterday. Thank Allah for those Facebook notifications, huh? LOL She's gotta be pushing 23 by now, and I think it's all the guys like Hollywood Shane who used to stalk her on the Tag Board that keep her on her toes and looking so good! hahaaha Happy Birthday Xtal! I owe you a round or 2 or 3! Anyways, Merry Christmas to you all, and enjoy your Holiday. Everything is updated. All sorts of cool gigs added to the page, like the Motörhead one, and the Malevolent Creation one, which should be very, very interesting to see. My Christmas shopping is done. All of my gifts have been wrapped. I'm heading Home, with a carload of gifts for my Family. Happy Holidays everyone! See you when I get back. What a fun weekend! I've been swept up in a wave of Christmas fun, but I'm doing my best to get things updated and added on here when I can, but like Bands and Bars here in town, everything is slowing down as things get closer to the Holiday. I'm not a particular fan of this month, because I lost so many People and Pets and Things in this precarious group of 31 days, but I'm trying to keep my shit together because, after all, Christmas is for the kids. Crass commercialism aside, it's all about the little ones and the look in their eyes when they see what you got them for Christmas. I see a few older people with that same look in their eyes when I tell them I bought them something for Christmas too! LOL It's kind of funny.
Ya know, the Dirty Panties are to be commended for the amazing work that they do at this time of year. As I was standing there at the bar at Boomer's Saturday night during their annual Holiday Toy Drive the band does each and every year to buy gifts for kids who might not get any for Christmas, I looked around the room and saw nothing but friendly faces, all caught up in the Spirit of the Holiday, all in different levels of inebriation. People seemed to dig the Vegascendents, and I think we did a pretty good job of playing. We won them over with Hurtin' Crue. Nobody covers Hurtin' Crue. Well, Snapcase used to, but they never played it any good. Quite embarrassing actually. Oh well. It was weird seeing the Happy Campers play with Chad from Battle Born on guitar. It's been years since I've seen them play - 2004 perhaps? They were just as I remember them. Sorry to the Dirty Panties and the Quitters for not sticking around, but I was dead dog tired and not feeling well at all. I couldn't even eat the carne asada burrito I bought for dinner! LOL And besides, I had to get up early the next day to watch the Raiders / Jaguars game. But to get back to my point, I really got to go out of my way to give some proper words of praise to the Dirty Panties for doing their little Holiday Toy Drive every year for those less fortunate than us. When it's right there in front of you, when you can see it right before your overtly jaded eyes, it's quite a moving sight. Dare I say it's even, inspiring? ;-) Anyways, I'm gonna get back to wrapping my Christmas presents. Everything is updated. Stuff added when I get the time. Probably when I get back from California... It's that time of year, where Bands and Musicians come together to do what they can in order to help those less fortunate than themselves, which, when you think about it, is saying a lot, because most people in Bands are pretty close to being in the poorhouse themselves! You got shows like this one happening tonight @ the LVCS to help poor children in Africa have well water. And then tomorrow night's the Local 107.9 Holiday Toy Drive @ the Bunkhouse with the Mapes, Unfair Fight and the Remedies. Nothing With Numbers is no longer playing the gig, due to someone in the band being sick. 107.9 is a radio station, right? Who the Hell still listens to terrestrial radio anymore? Satellite radio rules the wasteland! LOL And then on Saturday, it's a Holiday Benefit Show for buying some kids in need some much deserved toys for Christmas. The Dirty Panties, the Quitters, Betting On Tomorrow and the Vegascendents will be playing. Bring lots of cash to buy raffle tickets for a chance to win some of the cool swag being given away. Vegascendents play first. It's not a Holiday gig in any way, shape or form, but Lydia Vance is playing the Brass Lounge with The Thought Of and Asterionella. I Am The Thief was supposed to play but, in keeping with their recent ways of getting on the bill and then canceling weeks later, they're not gonna make it to the gig. Booooooooooooo. And all of this adds up to a very busy weekend indeed, with those who need help this time of year getting a little something something to get them through the Holidays. Pretty cool, right? If you're in a band and wanna help out the next upcoming Holiday benefit gig, which is for Shade Tree Shelter, please contact Roddy Belford @ [email protected] to get involved with that. Tonight's the Sharks @ Buffalo game, with the festivities going down @ the Hotel Amoroso, which is slowly becoming the most happening place in town to see and be seen at. ;-) I'm glad the clientele is as exclusive as it is there. I can only imagine what would happen if anyone and everyone started showing up there. Come on by and watch as the King lauds proudly and loudly over the Prince while his beloved Sharks attack and destroy the Princes lowly Sabres on their home ice. This victory will be oh, so sweet!
I was making drunk calls while watching the Raiders/Chargers game @ Hotel Amoroso. Margaritas, Irish Car Bombs and Tequila shots are a mean mixture. ;-) Some were good calls to people I missed, and some were Zombalina-esque calls to people I didn't like. Lady T told me she was coming into town to grab the rest of the stuff she had in storage here, and then was driving back to Miami, Bitches! right afterwords. She was only gonna be here for 1 day, so I offered my services to her in helping her get her stuff out of storage and onto the moving truck. I told her to call me when she got into town, never really expecting that she would, but she did. "We're meeting up @ Ferrarro's" she told me, and I rushed down there as quickly as traffic allowed me to, just to see her. She means a lot to me, and I missed her. Once I got there, I pounded Irish Car Bombs and double Jameson's on the rocks, all the while watching her hold court with an amazing assortment of movers and shakers here in Vegas. The Idle Gossip I heard while there was captivating, to say the least. We chatted a bit. We shared dessert. She told me I looked tense, like I needed to relax. I didn't argue with her one bit, because she was right, of course, but I was thrown back because she saw it, despite my best efforts to hide it. Once the party wound down, we all went our seperate ways, promising to catch up later at the Beauty Bar or the Artisan or some other hip, trendy place. That's how she rolls and I'm just glad to tag along. She never called me back, and I never called her back either. **sigh** I was just glad to see her for the little bit that I did. She cheers me up. She makes me smile, I don't know for sure if she got her stuff out of storage, but I hope she did. She looked fucking great. Living in Miami was definitely to her benefit. Like a beautiful, tropical flower, she wasn't meant to bloom here in the desert. The environment change was good for her. Great seeing you Lady T. It is always a pleasure. And you didn't tell me to Fuck Off like you did the last time I saw you here! <3
November 2023