It's almost like we live in an Etch-A-Sketch world.
Say something wrong or offensive? Just erase it! Delete the post! Wipe the slate clean! It's like you never said it! No pix no proof, right? LOL I watched the Drama unfolding on my big ass computer screen - the Drama involving a certain "venue" here in town and what is or isn't being down with it and with the money raised to "save it". I know of the money making scam involved with the place firsthand, because it's effected my Friends directly, and because people tell me shit about what's going on there all the fucking time, whether I want to hear about it or not. I watch the Drama unfurl before me in the Interwebz world, with accusations being thrown around, direct questions being ignored, Kool-Aid drinkers spinning the facts and lots and lots of what us Indians call 'double talk' White men speak with forked tongues. I'm laughing at the absurdity of it all. I'm amazed how some people can be so blind to the facts. Nobody takes accountability for anything nowadays. Everything is never their fault, and they always have an excuse for everything. Whatever. So as the bullshit fest continues, the thought of capturing it all for posterity, as I am prone to do, suddenly popped into the back of my head. I love screen grabs! LOL Interesting to me and me only, because no one else would dare to admit to liking it publicly - enjoying Drama, that is. It's like buying those Star and National Enquirer magazines at the grocery store - you love reading them, but don't want to admit it. I scrolled back up to the top of the Facebook convo, got ready to begin and then just said what for? What's the point? It seems like in today's day and age, just like with the O.J. case, the Zimmerman case, whatever, even if presented with insurmountable proof of Guilt, there will ALWAYS be a Kool-Aid drinker to say otherwise. Always. And in the case of this particular convo, there were plenty of Kool-Aid drinking detractors to spur things along to keep that sliver of doubt option available. Whatever. I had a change of mind the next day and went back to grab some of the convo that was said, and the whole thing was deleted from the Facebook world... like it never happened, like the questions were answered, like all the fears were assuaged. Le sigh. That "venue" will be back, just keep that money rolling in and everything will be just as awesome and magical as it once was before. And hey - let's keep that GoFundMe page active, because the apartment rent and burrito seshs doesn't pay for themselves ya know! ;-) Everything's updated. Pictures of Fuzz SoLow playing @ the Dive were just posted (click here) as well as a Music Review on a band called Twat, who hail from the Bay area and are really good. Click here to read that. They have the unfortunate bad luck to be playing at the Double Clown on April 24th with some of the shittiest Local bands our Scene has to offer, but you should make the effort to check Twat out when they play. I would if it was going on anywhere else.
It's been this kind of month so far for me - and Thanx! to Jeff Civilians son Monty for taking this video of me playing on Sat. night at the 49th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade & Festival. Fast then Slow, High than Low, isn't that what Life is all about? The festival weekend was majorly fun, with everything slightly tinged by too much apple cider and too much bad-for-you-but-oh-so-good carny food. The Civilians headlined on Sat. night, and on the song Goodbye To Glasgow, we had Donna from the Southern Nevada Sons & Daughters Of Erin on spoons, which was pretty friggin' sweet. There's video out there somewhere, and pictures too, but damned if I know when you'll ever, or even IF you'll ever, see those pictures. :-) It was a fun night. Dragging our hung over asses back to the Henderson Events Plaza to play at 2 in the afternoon was a major task, but we did it, and in front of a major family friendly crowd, we managed to play 45 minutes worth of music in under a half an hour. Don't ask. Watching the little kids dancing around while we played was priceless, and waving back to Jeremy's daughter Gracie while I was playing was something that made my year. Oh, and seeing the kids flee in horror when we first started playing, ears covered because we were much louder than the previous band that played, Darby O'Gill And The Little People, was worth it's weight in gold - Leprechaun's Gold! ha ha ha ha Again, Thanx! to Ducky and everyone involved with the event who thinks so highly of us that they allow us to play this event - it's truly an Honor, and special Thanx! to everyone - Friends, Family, Fans, for coming out and making things FUN! ![]() On the actual St. Patrick's Day itself, it was all about whiskey chugging, midget wrestling, avoiding DUI checkpoints and playing a Civilians gig downtown @ Triple B's to a green tinged, green beer drinking packed house full of Dipsters, Punx, beautiful girls and the people they seem to always attract. It was a Nevermore Productions event, so Danielle and Ryan were wandering around the place, stressing and dealing with things, and I haven't seen either one of them in what seems like years, so it was good seeing them and catching up for the short time we did. Although Bob loaded my kit up, I was using Rob from Lawn Mower Death Riders drum kit instead (Thanx! for letting me use it dude), and we got there early and started drinking heavy, which is apparently what one does on this particular holiday. Jameson's on the rocks and green beer. Yummy. Brock from TheCore started the nights entertainment off with his Beardcore thing, and then The Civilians played after he did, and I think the fun we were having onstage was pretty evident to everyone that was watching. Fun set. ;-) Lawn Mower Death Riders played after us, but I was busy at the merch booth BY MYSELF and couldn't pay them any attention, and when finally relived of my Merch Guy position, I wandered off to watch the midget wrestling that was going on next door at the Fremont Country Club, but it was already over by the time I waddled over there, and since neither Erika nor Bob wanted to go back inside Triple B's, we said our goodbye's to everyone and headed off to Felipito's for our ritualistic post-gig taco grub sesh. Boring and predictable... that's us! LOL It was a great night, and Thanx! to Carlos S.F.T. and Christi, Brooke, Ducky and everyone from the Southern Nevada Sons & Daughters Of Erin who came out to see us play Downtown, and especially to all the people who bought merch and handed out the kind words. Always appreciated. :-) You didn't REALLY think I was going to say anything good about the Farce that is the Punk Rock Posing club shows, did you? I mean, deep, deep in your heart, you know that they are weak as all gets, you know that, right, and you don't need me to confirm that, because you know that year after year after year it just gets worse and worse and even more mediocre, if that's possible, but you're too ashamed to admit that PRP is nothing more than a money making scam, a joke, because you really wanna be part of the Kool Kids Klub that rants and raves and revels in all things PRP related, and plus your Friends are coming in from out of town, and you don't wanna disappoint them by having an independent thought, now do you? Plus you already bought your ticket, and there's nothing better than checking in on Facebook while you're at Punk Rock Posing, right, and don't forget about those amazeball selfies you're gonna be taking while some band that used to be good 25 years ago is raging away on a stage 150 yards from where you're standing, or even worse, it's some band that's totally on the Shawn Stern dick tip up on a stage that they don't deserve to be on, much like the Local bands that are playing, up there struggling to give you a reason to stand there and watch them on the big stage wallow in mediocrity and drunken shame. I could go on and on but what's the point? You know you're gonna go, you know you're gonna have fun, and you should know, that makes you no better and yet much much worse than the sheeple that go to a Justin Bieber concert. Lame-O's. If you're going to Punk Rock Posing, this probably will hold no interest to you whatsoever, but for the rest of us who remember what REAL Punk Rock is/was all about, then I strongly urge you to check this out. There's this movie called Salad Days - A Decade Of Punk In Washington, D.C. 1980-1990, and it's kind of on Tour right now, stopping at all sorts of places and cities to be screened and viewed by others, and tomorrow night it makes it's stop right here in Las fucking Vegas, so if you have any interest in East Coast Punk Rock, the D.C. scene, or any of the seminal bands that have been spawned from there, much too many to list, then get your ass down to the XOXO B Modern Events venue (what?) to catch the viewing. It's all ages and $5 to get in. Watch the official trailer below, and click here to check out the official Facebook event page for more info. I'm skeptical to anything nowadays that has Dave Grohl in it, because that guy just became a puppet head blow hard who will comment on anything if given a forum to do so, regardless of whether he has anything to do with the subject or not. This movie has got to be better than that fairy tale BYO Youth Brigade Let Them Know bullshit movie that came out a while back... ass clowns. This weekend is the big 49th Annual St. Patrick's Day Parade & Festival, going on in beautiful downtown Hendertucky, brought to you by the wonderful people known as the Southern Nevada Sons & Daughters Of Erin, and I'm pretty psyched that The Civilians are a part of this. We're playing both days of the event - 8 pm on Sat. night, and 2 pm on Sun. afternoon, and it's going to be so much fun that your head will explode into a green, highly alcoholic goo! Carnival rides, bands, grub, car show, games, you name it, it's all gonna be there, so come on out, have fun, and hopefully I see you there! Click here for the Facebook event page with all the info and stuff.
Stop it with the emails already. I'm alive, well, but just not inspired to do any writing as of late. Too much Death, both in people I know and Family members back Home, have me in a bit of Melancholia. Everything Locally bores me. People, Places, all of it. I was invited to the Beardcore Kool-Aid party Downtown, but couldn't muster up the stupidity to drink any of it. The Local Punk scene is comprised of a bunch of unashamed dirty beggars, bands who beg for money to go on tour, bums who beg for money to get into the gig, and venues who beg people to pay their rent, and some talentless hacks who wouldn't know what a hook was even if you rammed it right up their asses, which a few of them would enjoy, no doubt. What happened to the art of Songwriting? Bands practicing? Wanting to sound good? Anyone? No one? Phooey. I tried to muster up the energy to go to that Terveet Kädet gig last night, but the thought of seeing a bunch of old men playing 2 chord songs that sound like every shitty high school band I've ever heard just didn't appeal to me. Sorry, guess I'm not THAT Punk after all. ;-) ![]() Everything's updated. Latest additions include Music Reviews on the latest from the Buzzcocks (click here), Fugazi (click here), and a little something from Karl Bakla on that Uniform Choice 7" on beautiful orange colored vinyl that just came out, which you can read by clicking here (Hi Hanson!). I also gave a write up to a Local band called Anti-Vision, and you can click here to read that. I also posted some Pictures I took of the Tiki Bandits (click here) and Safewerd (click here) playing at the Regency Casino in Laughlin, as well as some pics of Bob skating the skate park there, click here to see those. I also posted some old photos I had of Agent Orange (click here) and Manic Hispanic (click here) playing at the Icehouse, with The Crime (click here) and The Vermin (click here) opening. Yeah, how's that for a Throwback Thursday? LOL ![]() Sat. night @ the Dive - which seems to be the ONLY venue here in town doing Punk gigs that are worth going out to - Straight outta New Jersey, it's the Hudson Falcons, on tour with Dressed For The Occasion, with Local openers The Civilians and Three Rounds, who I'm hyped on seeing. You wanna hear some catchy, well rehearsed, and well structured, anthemic Punk Rock tuneage, then you should definitely make the effort to get your ass down to this gig and participate. Or you could go to that "Skate Rock" gig at that shitty corporate venue on the Strip or you could go to the Emo Beardcore gig going on Downtown - your choice. If I had me druthers though, I'd be at that Missing Persons gig @ Adrenaline, but that's just how I roll... |
November 2023