The rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated... although I got to hear that boring old "you'll never play drums again" bullshit... which is always fun. Anyways, the thing that caused all this concern was a re-injuring of a previous wound... something which I have no recollection of doing. So after a few doctors visits, some poking and prodding, some crazy electrical heat therapy, and lots of ice packs, your humble narrator finds himself back behind the kit and ready to bend some more hoops and rings. Almost every doctor was / is against the idea, but I found one who agrees with me, basically saying that I should do what makes me happy, and beating the shit out of my drum set both makes me happy and keeps me sane. But just like the time before when I had to have my back operated on, all the Dr.'s say that the threat of losing all of my drum playing abilities is always gonna be there... but to that I say PHOOEY! Uhhm, this weekend's show in Phoenix should be fun... we got a great time slot and we're playing on the main stage. I think we're gonna be committing to a Booking Agent pretty soon. What a deal. Special thanks to everyone that cheered me up while all this crap was going on, and to everyone that gave a fuck about me. Last night's practice went pretty good, although I think that the being out of practice thing hurt me more than the actual using of my leg. I have no place to live... my life is a mess... but to everyone else I say HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Heh heh heh...
OK... here's the news. I have a partially torn ligament and a strained thigh muscle, which has me in a world of pain the likes of which I hope you've never experienced. It's almost as bad as when I had to have my back operated on. One of the doctors stated that there may be a slight chance that the problems are related, but we'd need an MRI exam to determine that for sure. So basically I'm being told that there's a chance that I may never drum again. To the doctors I say fuck that, cuz I don't believe in it or them, but it really struck me as odd how some people close to me took it... like it was an inconvenience to them... not really concerned with what I was facing, but more to how it pertained to their little world. I was seriously stunned... but oh well, it's been that kind of week. It sucks that we cancelled the show this Friday at Skate City, but we agreed that it's a good idea for me to conserve my energy for the Random Music festival show that we're playing in Phoenix on Nov. 29. It's like 35 bands on 3 stages over 3 days... what a deal. Tony Pitt & Leena went to Disneyland for Tony's B-Day on Tuesday (so much for band solidarity, huh? lol)... the recordings should be done sometime next week... HOPEFULLY... I love the drugs that the doctors have prescribed to me. It's like being on legal heroin and I could definitely get used to this. I don't know if not being able to feel your body is a good thing though. When I wake up in the morning I'm in all kinds of pain, but once I take me meds... it's party time! I'm planning on doing a lot of stuff to the web site, since I have all this time to kill with fuck all to do. Except to play that new Zelda collection that just came out for Game Cube. It's got all the original games on one CD. That and the new Simpson's game. We're supposed to take some press pictures sometime soon... and I'm soooooo hoping to have this recording deal done by the end of the month... that would be so cool to have happen...
I wouldn't even know how to begin to tell you how messed up everything has been going in my life right now... but on the band front things are going awesome! The songs sound killer, and I'm really thinking positive about an end of the month release date. We're planning our trip to Disneyland next week for Tony's birthday, and I can't wait to see all The Nightmare Before Christmas stuff they have set up. Anyways, bear with me, and I promise to get EVERYTHING posted and up to speed on this crappily designed web site.
Drum tracks... DONE! Guitar tracks... DONE! It's just that easy at the Club House! Later today it's bass tracks... and then vocals... and then it's off to be mastered! YES! I'd love to have something out by December... how sick would that be? In between bouts of packing and house hunting, I totally re-vamped the web site. It's just like it was when I first published it... and I think it looks pretty cool!
YES! The drum tracks are done! Me and Jesse tracked them in a few hours time, and although we kept nothing that was recorded on the first takes, what we captured on tape sounds killer, if I do say so myself, and I do, since this is my web site, and I'll say what the fuck ever I want, dig? You young kids get off on your Friendster / Face The Jury / Dreambooks shite... I get off on my web site, so sue me. I finally got around to reading the currently ongoing novella on Airbag, and all I gotta do is laugh about it. We are playing the Punk Rock Prom this Saturday with The Mapes, so those of you smart enough not to go to Rancid should cruise by... just to see who dresses up "Punk Rock" and to see who dresses up 'Prom'. I'm wearing a suit myself... and maybe a pimp ass hat with a big feather in it... who knows. The site's format has been updated and made uniform... I posted some Pictures of Curl Up And Die from the Hella-Ween show... threw up a couple of the old Show Reviews... re-posted the With Honor and Thunderfist Pictures... and that's about it.
Wowsers... all I can say is that Halloween is the bestest Holiday ever! I think I woke up with a candy hangover the next day... heh heh heh. It was either that or the Jack Daniels, I still haven't figured it out, just like I still haven't figured out why we didn't have any Hella-ween shirts ready... and they looked soooooo cool too! Oh well. Mucho thanks to everyone that came out to the show... it's always good to see so many familiar faces laughing and smiling and carrying on. No thanks whatsoever to that dumb ass that was starting shit in the pit during our set though... boooooo. If I would of seen who it was, I would of taken his candy away from him! Other than that, it was a fun filled night full of good times and happy people. What a deal. So now begins the process of recording some of our songs to tape... although it's not gonna be recorded on the monsters like we thought, it should still be easy as 1-2-3 to get our stuff down on to tape... right guys? And by the way... where the hell was our roadie Hank? Grrrrrr...
November 2023