![]() Fun! Fun! Fun! Oh what a great night! 😀 Thanks to Danielle for the delicious fruit juice drinks, Nevermore Productions for putting us on the gig, Big Daddy Carlos for the always generous hospitality, the sound guy who works at Triple B's and always makes us sound killer, and The Rhyolite Sound for the kind words of praise and adulation from the stage for The Civilians, that was very cool of them to do. Was there a reason why your tour manager asked to use my drum set when you guys had your own? 😁 Also thanks to everyone who came out and jumped around and sang along and made the gig much more enjoyable than it already was. And oh yeah, thanks to that Canadian guy I was talking to before the gig started who told me he was there to see The Civilians, because he heard some good things about the band. The look on his face once he figured out I was in the band was priceless. 😁 Didn't stick around for the Supersuckers though...
![]() Its great to show up to a gig and the bar doesn't even know that you're playing. 😁 It's even funnier when you go from direct support to opening act to 3rd on the bill, all within the span of an hour. Oh Divebar. Glad to see nothing's changed! 😁 It was great seeing Kirby though. I've missed that English gentleman something fierce. Everything else? Blah. Thursday nights gig with the Radolescents was lovely. Besides the usual clusterfuck of nobody knowing what the hell was going on, and an extra band being added to the bill (The Hajj), and the late start, it was business as usual at that place, which partly explains why I've stayed away from there for as long as I have. Opening band Gob Patrol were good in a Germs-ish, GG Allin kind of way, but they did too many covers, including one their 2nd or 3rd song in, so I zoned out early and just listened to them from outside. They were real punky looking ala Total Gheyass but I didn't hold it against them. 😉 The thin crowd seemed supportive though, so that was cool. I'll check them out later when they lose the covers and play more of their original material. The Jagoffs were next and played much better than they did at the Beauty Bar a few days earlier. They still did their terrible Fear cover but the rest of their stuff sounded pretty good. They definitely have a Metal tinge about them, but still pretty Punk. I can't quite put my finger on who they remind me off, but I'll figure it out later. I forgot to grab one of their CD's from them while I was there... rats! I'll grab one next time from them. Like I said earlier, The Civilians drew 3rd straw, so we played next. I think anytime you can get the crowd off the bar stools and up front checking out the band and jumping around with sporadic outbursts of circle pit action, then it's a pretty good set, and that's probably why the representative from the big Punk Rock touring roadshow wanted to talk to us immediately afterwards... heh Everything was going along swimmingly until The Hajj jumped up on stage and sucked all the life out of the room and had people running for the doors and into their cars to head home. They were terrible. Psychedelic hippy folk Punk played to a room full of people waiting to sing along to Word Attack and L.A. Girl just doesn't go over too well - go figure! I skedaddled it out of there with my beautiful girlfriend in tow because I was tired, it was late, I was soaking wet with sweat standing outside in a wind chill factor of 32° and didn't wanna catch my death of cold while waiting for the Radolescents to play, sorry. Maybe next time. Thanks to everyone for turning up, turning out, and yelling shit at me while I was playing. I don't know who you were but I heard every word you said! 😀😀😀 ![]() I'm glad the gig happened on the inside and not the outside, because it was cold and rainy out there, and nice and warm and toasty on the inside of the Beauty Bar last Tues. night for the Reagan Youth / The Jagoffs / Vegas Threat gig. Good turnout for the gig, which was a bit surprising but nice. It was Jeff Civilians first gig on bass with Vegas Threat, and I think I he did just fine. I mean, I assume he did, it's not like I listen to the bass or anything... 😉 I'm told we got a good crowd response with lots of people singing along and jumping around and whatnot, which is the whole point. Have fun. Enjoy. It's not like Minor Threat is getting back together ever again, despite what you gullible fools out there keep hoping will happen. I'm sure you'd like to see them play at Punk Rock Boring too, wouldn't ya? Idiotas! The Jagoffs played after us and they were pretty good. They're kind of like a sloppy Metal Punk band, led by a Dad on vocals and his son slappin da bass. They're kind of Punkish Metal band, reminded me of Prong for some reason, and they play a really crappy cover of I Love Livin' In The City by Fear. Ugh. That's when I stopped listening. I'm gonna check them out some more and snap some pics of them when I gig with The Jagoffs again on Thurs. for the Radolescents / Civilians gig at Divebar. Double ugh. THAT place. Haven't been back there in years. Have no reason to. Phooey. I didn't even stay to watch Reagan Youth because I didn't want my memories tarnished by this band of impostors attempting to play the songs of my teenage years. I saw the original band play numerous times in So Cal back in the days, and like The Mentors, Reagan Youth is one of those bands I can't watch without the original singer. There's just no fucking way. After watching a few videos that were posted from the gig, all I can say is that I'm glad I left when I did. All in all a fun way to spend a Tues. night with friends in Downtown Las Vegas. 😎
Is there anything going on Locally music wise that's worth talking about or commenting on? The general apathy from bands just wanting to sing about partying and getting fucked up or overgeneralization of political arguments just to argue among party lines are trivial and tiresome. If there's something going on here that I'm not aware of, please comment and let me know, because I'm not seeing it. Old bands that were scene stalwarts are dormant or missing, and newer bands coming up offer nothing but boredom and clichéd familiar tunes, as proof of that I offer this latest video from the local dudes Desert Island Boys, who apparently like to smoke A LOT of weed... ha ha ha You gotta be a real old fuck to know where the riff to this song was copped from, but when you're young and high as fuck and playing to a bunch of crazy kids running in circles, I guess it really doesn't matter where you stole the riff from. I mean, what do I know, right? Check this song out from the Desert Island Boys and see if you dig it. Support Local Music and all that BS... ?
November 2023