![]() So, besides the shitty parking element, brought along by the Life Is Beautiful BS, the gig @ Triple B's last night was a good time. Bogtrotter's Union sounded okay on the way out as we all made a bee line to Flippin' Good Burgers for some pre-gig grub, all except Matt who was stuck manning the merch booth. Sucks to be you! ha ha We got back to the gig in time to hear Jerk filling the place up with suck. Civilians played pretty good, throwing in a Cock Sparrer cover just for shits and giggles. Everybody dug the shit out of Flatfoot 56, but I just wasn't feeling it. They sounded better live than they do on their records, so I'll give them that. They loved us though, and Matt really, really, REALLY loved them... ha ha ha Guttermouth has probably been playing the same set for the last 25 years now, and it doesn't seem to bother the band or the muscle bound meat heads that come out to see the band play one bit. They just wanna hear 1,2,3.... Slam!, Asshole (their neanderthal theme song), End On 9, Mr. Barbeque (which they played really sloooow), P.C., Bruce Lee vs. The Kiss Army, etc., and that's it. It's a good excuse to get drunk and slam around. Fun. Besides the expected "hits", Guttermouth did play some gems though, songs I thought they wouldn't play, like Party Of 2, Jamie's Petting Zoo, Do The Hustle (opening song), Racetrack (Nice!), Baker's Dozen, and a few others that escape me. They played exactly 1 song from their new release, I've Got It Made, which they prefaced by saying that they knew no one was going to like it, but they were going to play it anyways. Mark and Co. sounded really good on the Triple B sound system. Best in Vegas? Pretty damn close. Guttermouth played stellar and everyone in attendance had a great time. The most fun part was getting out afterwords. Everyone had to wait for everyone to move their car to escape the parking lot behind the venue, delivery truck included, and after watching Tate from Jerk perform the most time wasting, awkward 3 point turn in the history of van driving, the rest of us quickly hightailed it the fuck outta Dodge while the getting was good. My night ended at Blueberry Hill where I blew the last of my cash on breakfast for the crew. Fun night.
Mmmmmm... is there any better way to start your day than a fried mustard burger and tater tots? <3
An update? Shit! I don't know what to update about on here. There's been sooo much stuff added here that I kind of lost count as to what's what. The first thing that comes to mind, of course, was the return of the legendary Karl Bakla, who sent in a Music Review on a Local band called The Social Set, and you can click here to read that. Since the last thing I seem to remember posting up was the Cheeksplitter demo (click here to read that), and I apologize if any of this is redundant, but I also posted some Music Reviews on the latest from Saxon (click here to read that), the John Belushi / FEAR single for the movie Neighbors (click here to read that), the Svetlanas / New Cold War split 7" on Squid Hat Records (click here to read that), and the Pet Tigers new album called Short Leash (click here to read that). Speaking of Squid Hat Records, I also did a Music Review for The Negative Nancys new album called Sorry Not Sorry, and you can click here to read that. I also posted one for The Pluralses stunning debut release (click here to read that) as well as some not so kind words for the new Descendents release Hypercaffium Spazzinate (click here to read that). Boy does that album stink. What a disappointment. Pictures... fuuuuuuck... Civic Minded 5 (click here) and Illicitor (click here) @TheDive, photos taken by All Hail Bob of The Civilians @TheDive (click here) - Thanx! to him for that, The Pluralses (click here) and Guilty By Association @Beauty Bar, Joni's Agenda @TheDive (click here), The New Emotives (click here) and Melanie And The Midnite Marauders @11th Street Records, and last but not least, a few pics of The Acid Sisters (click here) @TheDive. I'm sure I'm forgetting a whole lot more, but I can't think of them right now. Maybe later. You didn't really think that the website was gone, did you?
I mean, you didn't believe the rumors or the BS that was going around, did ya? ;) New email address, same ol' shitty content. Welcome back to the new and improved onethirtyeight.org. We know you have a choice when you're looking for info about stuff that's going on here in Las Vegas, and we thank you for choosing onethirtyeight.org as the website you use for news and info about what's going on locally here in Sin City. Salud! ![]() I'm not gonna sit here and pontificate on what a loss it is to the music world with the passing of Prince Buster. Either you know or you don't. Most people nowadays don't know who the fuck he was, or what he did for the world in general, and I'm OK with that. Their loss. I'm sure if it was some dickwad from DNCE or Florida Georgia Line, or some obscure dooshbag rapper from the 90's then social media would be alight for weeks on 'what a tragedy, what a loss' BS, but since it was only Prince Buster, nobody cared, nobody gave a damn, it was barely a blip on social media and went away as quickly as it appeared, which only confirms my hatred for the human race and people in general. I forget who said it, but somebody once said if you don't move to Ska, then you have no soul, and it's true. RIP Prince Buster. May flights of angels carry thee to thy rest. And Thank you. Thank you for everything. Move along. There's nothing to see here. Seriously. Go away.
I know you did not come to this website looking for my opinion on the world wide farce that went down at Riot Fest this weekend. I just KNOW you did not come here looking to see what I thought about that... you can't be serous. Do I gotta be the voice of Honesty here? Seriously? Fine, fuck it. I'll say it. While the rest of the world has their tongue planted firmly up the Misfits collective asses right now, I personally couldn't be more ashamed and disgusted at what an obvious cash grab ass fuck it was. Wow. I mean, was Doyle's guitar even plugged in? Seemed like his guitar playing theatrics weren't quite meshing up to what was coming out of the amps. The guy hidden off to the side, he could be heard loud and clear, and it seemed like it was only his playing coming through the PA, but hey, what do I know? And the coffins and giant pumpkins were the great stage set up Glenn was bragging about in Rolling Stone? Wowsers. I mean, when has that shit rag Rolling Stone magazine ever been right about how good a band is? Taylor Swift? The Black Keys? Miley Cyrus? Don't they praise Kanye West as a musical genius? Yeah, I'll just leave that right there. And this is now the standard we measure things against, huh? How sad. And let me be the first to say that Dave Lombardo is NOT the drummer for this band. His missed accents and fills and rolls were embarrassing. It was almost like he never heard a Misfits song until 2 weeks ago, when he started rehearsing with the band. Even Doyle said he sucked. Boooooooo. Yeah, fuck the Misfits. I'm not even touching on Danzig's voice, which wasn't half bad, considering he was trying to sing in some gut hiding leather corset of sorts. He still looked like an over stuffed Italian sausage, but he didn't sound too shabby. Probably the best part of the set was hearing him singing all those classic Misfits tunes. Ahhhh, memories. Nostalgia for nostalgia's sake. I can still walk around with my Punk Rock elitist head held high and say that I saw the Misfits, the real Misfits, all original members, not some karaoke act billing itself as "The Original Misfits". No Robo no Misfits. You know it and I know it. Same petty BS with Guns N' Roses - No Izzy and Steven, no real Guns N' Roses reunion. There's a difference between seeing a band when they're dangerously scary and talented and good, and then seeing some members of that same band cashing in to pay a mortgage or ex wives alimony millions of years later. I mean, I get it, but I don't have to like it. It's a shame that most people don't get that, because they're in a constant nostalgia hunt that leads them to the road heading backwards, instead of looking to the here and now and seeing what great bands are around presently, bands that are not ass kisses and playing the oldies circuit with the heroes of the past. Fuck that. |
November 2023