Gawd fucking dammit 💔 Heartbroken isn't even the word for it. It's indescribable what I'm feeling right now. Except for that one time I blurbed out something about him on here, I never really publicly commented on Billy's situation, and the few times I did it was to tell people very vocally and loudly face to face that I thought he was innocent. Still do. His passing doesn't change a damn thing about how I feel about him, or what I thought about him, or about how much love I had for him. Our paths crossed constantly. If I wasn't covering for him in one of his bands he was replacing me in whatever band I just got the boot from... ha ha ha I shared many a cold beverage late night and good morning with him, and it's beyond sad to think that I'll never have that time with him again. It's wrong on so many levels... Billy was funny. He had that heartfelt smile that just drew you in, he made you feel welcomed, part of the crew, and he was fearless in so many regards. His love of lunacy and things that weren't normal or what you were supposed to do was the best. He was the first guy to say 'fuck it' and just figure shit out and get over and around it or just fucking do it. He was crazy in all the right ways. He would be the first guy to do something stupid or unexpected just to get a laugh. He was THAT guy... they didn't call him 'Bingo Billy' for nothing... heh heh I don't know anyone who had a bad word to say about him. Sure, he was no angel but who among us is? I could go on and on about what a fucking wonderfully great human being Billy is, but it's all moot at this point because someone I knew and was proud to call a Friend has passed away, leaving behind his family and a bunch of friends and acquaintances who thought the world of him... mourning the loss but treasuring the time we got to spend with him. Vaya con dios Billy. Save me a seat at the bar Brother. Until I see you again...
I don't even know how the Sharks got into the playoffs this year. Seriously. I've really paid no mind or attention to any hockey action this year on account of other things taking precedence, of course. I've avoided that whole Vegas Golden Knights bandwagon thing to the fullest, for obvious reasons, but now that it's playoff time, and the Sharks first round draw are the classy cheapshot artists known as the Anaheim Schmucks, I'm finding myself drawn to the action and looking forward to seeing the Sharks kick some OC crybaby ass all over the place! ha ha ha Fuck you Jeremy! Go Sharks! Fuck the Ducks! hahahahaha I think there's been a huge misconception about how I feel about a certain Rat Pack tribute act musical entity local band around here. People seem to think that I don't like them for some reason, when that's not the case at all. Sure, they're nothing more than just another glorified cover band playing crappy versions of crappy songs with their unlimited musical talent that they waste on playing covers instead of taking a chance and playing original material that's sure to set the world on fire because together they're just that damn awesome, and yeah, they're the only band on a "local" label that does anything like touring and promoting and generating unit sales, basically keeping that label afloat, ya know, but you know what? It all doesn't matter, because there are some things I like about the band, especially that cuddly soft, bearded guitarist (which one right? hahaha) and his trolling on social media, so I'm not ashamed to publicly post right now for the record all the things that I like about that band Franks & Deans, so here it is. Happy April Fools Day!! 🤣🤣🤣
November 2023