Shit talking? Me? I'm down! Let's go!! hahaha Somebody on Facebook posted a link to a story about 2 Local bands that got signed by some label out of Oregon called Squid Hat Records. The 2 bands are the Gashers and The Dirty Panties. You can click here to check that story out. I can understand the Dirty Panties getting signed, because they've been around for a while now and have definitely paid some dues, but the Gashers signing is a bit odd, because they haven't played that many gigs or released anything yet, but I was told by a member of the band that they were signed on the strength of the Peccadilloes, who I guess are officially finished now, and that's where the Gashers all originally came from. The label has an interesting perspective as far as associating themselves with the Double Clown and Punk Jock Bowling, but other than that minor annoyance I think what they're up to is pretty damn cool. I'm looking forward to hearing the Product that comes from those 2 bands and that label. It should be pretty good, considering how much Talent both those bands have. Become a Friend of Squid Hat Records on Facebook by clicking here and Support a couple of guys who believe in our music scene. Somebody has to, right? ;-) Oh, if you need tickets to that Pedophilties / Lower Class Brats gheyness that's happening @ the Bunkhouse Saloon this Saturday, you can get them directly (and cheaply) from the Civilians, who are opening along with Vihan Rytmi, by clicking here. I will be nowhere near that lame ass gig, and I have no comment on the bands opening and why they're playing the gig. I guess when you have a soft spot for a band you had a hard on for when you were a kid looks a bit silly 20 years down the road when you're not such a Poseur anymore... heh heh ![]() Hey! Did you hear that Cody from The People's Whiskey is now playing bass for Surrounded By Thieves? Hell Yeah! That's pretty cool. The hardest working man in Hendertucky will make a great addition to that band, but I heard that the previous bass players leaving wasn't too amicable. Oh well. It's not really a Punk Rock band unless their is Drama involved somehow, right? LOL The new line up is making it's grand debut tomorrow night @ Yayo Taco with a couple of bands from California, The Bogarts and Moonraker, and Local darlings The Dirty Panties, who released a track from their upcoming release on Squid Hat Records called I Am A Robot on their Reverb Nation band page, and you can click here to give it a listen. The song is called Figment Of A Girl and it's really fucking good. Congrats ladies! :-) If you're not a Friend of the band already on Facebook, you can click here to make amends for that. Shame on you! I'm sure they'll be playing some songs off of their upcoming release, so come on out and Support Local Music and help out some bands who are on Tour and in need of money for gas and Del Taco burritos, and not the type of gas that you get from eating Del Taco burritos! The Facebook event page for the gig is right here. It should be a good time. ![]() If you got nothing better to do today you could head out to East Side Joe's (yeah, remember that place) and see, again, a couple of touring bands that could definitely use your help with anything and everything you can give them money wise. Summer is the time for touring and these two bands, In Defence and Wartorn, are playing with that one band who foolishly stated that they were breaking up a few months ago, Vihan Rytmi, so bust out your butt flaps and put on those clothes with all the band logo patches sewn onto them with dental floss (mint of course), because it's a good day to get Punk as Fuck at East Side Joe's with a couple of bands who came all the way from the upper midwest area of the States to play for you. Seems the least you can do is go and check them out. Not that I'm going to be there, of course, because I got American Buckshot practice to do, but still, if you're in the area, or if you're just a diehard, stop by and check out the gig. Who knows, you might even have fun. :-) The Facebook page for the band In Defence, straight outta Minneapolis, current home of Profane Existence, can be found by clicking here. The Facebook page for Wartorn, who hail from Wisconsin, can be fond here. And just for shits and giggles, here's the link for the Facebook page for Profane Existence. They also have a Twitter acct. if you can believe that. They don't print the fanzine anymore, but they have Facebook and Twitter accounts, to keep all those Crusty Street Punx informed as to what's going on. Oh how the mighty have fallen. ;-) OK, I think I've rambled enough for today. I'm getting sleepy... very sleepy, and this 7 Seconds I'm blasting at a ridiculously loud volume just ain't cutting it anymore. Everything is updated. I re-added the LV Local Music Scene .Com Compilation Vol. 2 to the Tunes page (click here to re-associate yourself with it), and I made it available for download too. I did the same with the Public Humiliation posting I did before as well. I also re-added a couple of old Show Reviews too, one from the Die Laughing / Vihan Rytmi / Nests / Internal Corrosion gig @ The Arts Factory a while back (click here to read that) and one from the Melt Banana / 400 Blows / Life's Torment gig @ The Bunkhouse from a while ago, and you can click here to read that one if you want. I got a bunch of Music Reviews coming up too, so yeah, things are getting better around the ol' website. So far so good I say.
Well, that was an interesting weekend - Again. :-) I've been having the most random conversations with various people all about town, on the phone, on Facebook, whatever, and it's helping me out in all sorts of ways. From the amazing drag queens who work at Drink & Drag, and my 'high' ranking Promoter friends in CA., and the Tools at the Beauty Bar who talk too much, to the really nice people out in Hendertucky who came out to the gig I played, it's just been a bit of an eye opener about how things are and how they are perceived. Very interesting stuff indeed. I've been catching up on my website shit, adding up some photos I took while in Colorado and Utah, as well as the Pictures that Bob took of Guilty By Association playing in CO. (which you can see by clicking here), and there's a bunch more stuff to be added on this week. Speaking of Colorado, here's a video I took of this band called Salt who played @ the Lion's Lair with us when we were up there. They are some really cool kids, and their Grunge heavy sound was an unexpected surprise to hear. Check them out and become their Friend on Facebook by clicking here. Davy, Walter, looking forward to seeing you guys here in Vegas real soon! And as much as I'd like to publicly comment on those interesting conversations I've been having as of late, I'm not going to. All I will say about them is that I know what you did, or tried to do, and I'm not even mad. Matter of fact, it just confirms to me what an ass kissing piece of shit you are. Your shows suck, and your websites are pathetic. Pull your tongue out of your boyfriends ass and quit trying to throw me under the bus. It's a small world my friend, and our paths do cross from time to time, and you know that. Seeing me face to face might not be in your best interests. I'm not as nice of a guy in real Life as I am on the Internet... heh heh heh Everything is updated. Continue on Bohemian Summer! <3
![]() So it's Thursday, right? Lots of stuff going on tonight, like that Jimmy Cliff gig @ the Hard Rock with openers One Pin Short. $35 is a bit stiff for Mr. Cliff, so I'm staying away from this gig, although the set I saw him play @ Coachella was nothing short of brilliant. I hope he makes it back to Vegas sometime soon and doesn't pull a Dick Dale on us. On the other side of the spectrum there's this crazy Punk gig happening at the Bunkhouse tonight, with Nests, Retox, Clinging To The Trees Of A Forest Fire and God's America AKA The Seeds Of Rape. I don't know anything about any of the bands playing, except for Nests, who are one of the coolest bands I've seen in a while and definitely worth the price of admission alone, and, of course, Retox, who play some short and sweet bursts of some harsh, unsettling, Sci-Fi sounding Hardcore math rock that's pretty damn good. They're not the Locust, but much better. If you don't believe me you can just check out the band's latest video for their song Thirty Cents Shy Of A Quarter. If I didn't already have plans with my Family for tonight I would definitely be at this gig. Hell, I still may try to get my ass down there hopefully before the last band is finished. It's gonna be intense! :-) Fucking Retox and Nests. Wow! ![]() Tomorrow night it's all about Primus @ the Joint. Fishbone is opening. Do I need to explain to you how amazing Primus is? I seriously hope not. I heart Primus. Like there's anywhere else I'm gonna be that night. :-) But, if you don't feel like paying $35 to see those 2 amazing bands, there is a heavier, less expensive gig for you to attend - 2 of them, actually. The first one is this sick gig with Demon Lung, Dead Neon, Author & Punisher and Black Elk, which is sure to shatter your eardrums and get you banging your head while being overwhelmed by the heaviness of all the bands playing. I'm sure they're gonna be asking for donations for the touring bands at the door, so if you're on some sort of budget or are even a bit of a cheap bastard, then you could go see the Seriouslys, the Gashers and Stagnetti's Cock at the Motor City Cafe. I don't think any bands will be asking for money at that gig. I think both the Seriouslys and the Gashers have new albums coming out sometime soon, so this is gonna be a good chance to hear some of their new songs before everyone else does. I don't know a thing about Stagnetti's Cock, but they may have a new album coming out soon too, so who knows? LOL Friday night is definitely not a night to be staying in and playing World of Warcraft or some shit like that. Friday night is the night to get off your ass and Support Live Music! ![]() And Saturday... well, if you're not at Hank's Beaumont Bunker Presents An Unfocused Rowdy Party Dog Production: Summer Time Pool Bash!, (click here to read all about that event) which is going to be nothing short of incredible, then I guess you could come out to see the Vegascendents play with Three Chord Radio out in Hendertucky if you're feeling brave. Yeah, I know it's in Hendertucky, and yeah, I know it's at the Gold Mine Tavern, but still, I hear that it's a cool place to hang out at, and someone told me that Three Chord Radio are pretty good, so yeah, I'm looking forward to this little gig on Sat. Of course, I'm not driving out there, because I'm not stupid, but my Lawyer says he might show up there, so if I get in trouble, he's gonna be a short distance away! LOL I can't wait to see him show me how he used to slam in the mosh pit like he did at some Pearl Jam Lollapalooza performance zillions of years ago... ha ha ha Fun is where you make it, so I'm looking forward to having some fun on Sat. If it's a good night, I'll make it home and sleep in my own bed. If it's a great night, I'll either end up in jail or at some $6 a night mobile home motel on Boulder Highway! ;-) Everything is updated. Looks like it's going to be an interesting weekend... Hopefully! So how great were the Jesus And Mary Chain last night, huh? Seeing them play sober was definitely a trip. By that I mean that the band was sober, not me! LOL They seemed happy, with nary a bit of drama or violence to be seen between the lot of them; just a bunch of blokes from Scotland who were enjoying playing their songs to an audience that was overly receptive to everything they were doing. Fuck, they were pretty sick, opening up with Snakedriver, off the Sound Of Speed album, and they were off and running, just doling out huge piles of feedback fueled noise that just grated and shrieked and had you tapping your fingers and shaking your head around while getting lost in the music, bobbing around to a beat that was slow, hypnotic and sexy. Fucking brilliant. The next song they played was Head On and that's when I just stopped paying attention to things and just got lost in it all, moving around in my little area and watching the band play. They came across pretty good, with vocalist Jim Reid sporting a look that was a bit like a European suave debonair distinguished gentleman, sort of Morrissey like, and his brother William on guitar looked like Buzz from the Melvins Dad. He played all the riffs, hit all the notes, and made all the sounds perfectly, with just the minimalist of equipment possible. Always cool to watch guitarists do that. I had no idea of who the other members of the Jesus And Mary Chain were, because the band has gone through so many members that it's not funny, but they all did their parts well, but it's really all about the Reid brothers. They are the Jesus And Mary Chain. Some of the better songs they played were Happy When It Rains, Sidewalking, Blues From A Gun, All Things Must Pass, Never Understand and, of course, Just Like Honey. They didn't play April Skies but I bought that shirt from the concession stand anyways. ;-) Yeah, there was no hint of any of the violence or drunken, drugged out debauchery of the early gigs, but instead just a fantastic set of some pretty chaotic pop songs played loud and furiously. Jesus And Mary Chain. Very cool stuff indeed. :-)
![]() Well, that was an interesting night! ;-) So as the Cop is pulling me over, literally a block from my freaking house, I couldn't help but smile at what a strangely disappointing night it had all been! LOL It wasn't because of the bands though, because the $wingin' Utter$ were fucking great, playing a shitload of new songs from their upcoming album and every now and then dipping into their amazing back catalog to play some songs that were written, according to Johnny Peebucks, when the band was a bit feistier. :-) It was fucking glorious, even with the turnout being a bit on the low side, but I didn't care. I prefer seeing bands in small, intimate venues as opposed to in a parking lot on a stage 50 yards away from me. I guess all the 'real punx' will see the $wingin' Utter$ play at PRB next year, and brag on Facebook about how epic it is seeing them play in Vegas. Whatever. I saw them at the Bunkhouse in front of an intimate rowdy crowd. It was the shit. <3 Spotted Dick opened up the gig with some crazy ass early So.Cal sounding Punk tuneage that brought to mind bands like the Simpletones or the Skulls. It's made up of Joe and John from 1/2 Ast and J-Sin from the Gashers. They were fucking fantastic and played a set that just had me standing there going 'Wow' the whole time. Looking forward to seeing lots more of them in the future. They were really good. People said we were good too, and I think we played a set that was pretty rocking. People dug it and that's all that mattered. The band nobody dug was that Roll The Tanks band. They played their crappy pop punk music to a disinterested crowd that wasn't impressed and couldn't care less. Oh well. They were one of the few disappointments of the night. I didn't get my ass kicked like I was promised, even though I wore a shirt to make my identification easier, and I didn't fall for the bait that was being thrown my way by that crazy ex-girlfriend of mine, despite her best efforts. I saw it all sweetheart. I wasn't impressed. No, instead, I just reveled in the moment of being with my Friends and enjoying the night and everything that it brought to me. I ignored the Haters and the people who used to talk to me regularly and who now don't for some reason, preferring the company of people with a sense of humor who could have a laugh at it all and who weren't all PC butt hurt hypocrites. Life's too short, and I got better things to do people - waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy better things to do. ;-) ![]() Like this! Going to see the Jesus And Mary Chain! LOL How many years ago was it that the band was supposed to play the House of Boooooo's and then cancelled for no reason? Yeah, those crazy Reid brothers are a volatile couple indeed, but ever since their triumphant return to performing live with their reunion gig @ SXSW earlier this year, the band have been playing some West coast dates sporadically and treating their fans to a set that is just chock full with their feedback laden pop dirges that both captivate your ears and get your head bobbing along to what the band is throwing out there. I'm a fan, and it's been a while since I've seen them play live, so yeah, I'm kind of hyped on seeing them play tonight. Lots of people I know and love say they're gonna be there tonight, so it should be a fun filled event indeed. I know it's not sold out, so if you got the urge to get your 90's alternative music groove on, you can't do much better than the Jesus And Mary Chain. Just Like Honey. Never Understand. Some Candy Talking. Enough said. ![]() If I wasn't already committed to seeing the Jesus And Mary Chain, this is the gig I would be at - The Heroine and The People's Whiskey @ the Bunkhouse. There are a couple of other bands opening up the gig that I know nothing about, but still, the price of admission is worth it just for these 2 bands alone. The Heroine just fucking kill it each and every time they play, with their infectious Punk Rock and Roll music guaranteed to get you off your ass and clapping your hands along to the beat, and even though they just played here back in Feb., that is no excuse to not to get off your ass and head downtown to see these guys fuck shit up. They are fucking great and one of my favorite bands gigging around as of late. Same with The People's Whiskey. These guys are still one of the Best bands Vegas has to offer, and with them working on a new album, you're sure to hear them play a few new songs in their set tonight. Hopefully they don't neglect to play some of their better songs, like Fist Fights And Miller Lites, Pills, Empty Promises And Broken Dreams and Tall Cans. It's gonna be such a great gig. I seriously don't think I'm gonna make it out to it though, so I'm envious of those of you who are, you lucky bastards. I don't think I'm gonna make it to Reggae In The Desert today. You see, as the Cops were taking the handcuffs off of me and making me sign the chickenshit tickets they issued to me, some scumbag tow tuck driver was hooking up my car to be taken away to some tow yard that's gonna cost me hundreds of dollars to get it out of. They wouldn't let me drive my car the whole 1 block to my house because 'it's illegal to operate a vehicle with expired tags on any Nevada roadway'. Yeah, I had expired tags and didn't even know it. Oh well, like I said, after everything that went on last night at the gig, and everything that didn't go on at the gig, and Hell, even the things that went on after the gig, I figure this was the least of my worries. And if this is the worse thing that happened to me last night, well, I'm cool with that too. It was worth it. ;-)
![]() Besides being deathly ill, which I'm assuming came about from being drunk and soaking wet and running around in the streets of Denver at 2 o'clock in the morning, there's a huge reason why I haven't been updating the website as much lately, a reason that's not involved with my band practice schedule or my lack of sleeping schedule, and that reason is this asshole right here - Bob. If he's not over at my house drinking my beers and soda and eating all the candy from the candy drawer (if you've been to my house you know all about the candy drawer), he's usually around the perimeter of any gigs I'm playing or attending, either as my Roadie or as a Spectator, annoying everyone by talking too much or telling his 'One Up' stories, shooting pictures with his new Kodak camera which I gave him, which he annoyingly sticks in everyone's face, whether they want their pictures taken or not, or he's riding around on his skateboard, doing tricks and bombing hills he has no business trying to ride down, with the usually predictable results. As soon as I can get a copy of that video from Bob from Guilty By Association, I'll show you what I'm talking about. ;-) And now he's got me hooked on playing video games for hours upon hours, anything and everything but usually some sort of racing game, which we play until the sun starts to rise, so yeah, if you're wondering why everything has come to a crawl around here, it's because of Bob - sound man extraordinaire, skateboarding maniac, and all around good guy. He has a fan page called All Hail Bob, and you can become a fan of his by clicking here. That guys gonna take over the world someday - wait and see. ![]() OK, there's a whole bunch of shit going on this weekend, including Reggae In The Desert 2012 on Sat. which has a terrible, terrible lineup this year. Any show that has one of Bob Marley's illegitimate do-nothing kids as a headliner is not in the cards for me. I'm not even sure if I'm going to the thing this year. I do know I'm going to see the Jesus And Mary Chain at the HOB on Sat. with a super rad chick that makes me smile, so that should be fun. :-) Hopefully the band decides to show up this time and not cancel like they did last time they were scheduled to play Vegas. If I'm lucky I can convince my friend to go with me after the show to head downtown to see The Heroine and The People's Whiskey blow the roof off of the Bunkhouse Saloon. That gig is going to be AMAZING, with 2 bands that are kick ass playing on the same stage. Is there anything else of merit going on in Las Vegas? LOL Yeah, that's the beauty of living here - either there's absolutely nothing going on, or there's so much going on that you have to make plans and decisions to see either this band play or that band play. It kind of sucks but whatever. At least we have the options, ya know? A lot of places don't. ![]() Which brings us to this gig right here, going down tonight. Oh, the Drama and Shenanigans that will take place here tonight will make you want to be there to witness it all, even if you don't like the bands playing! LOL I've gotten no less than 3 threats of ass beatings waiting for me tonight at this gig, and if even one of them gets handed to me, I would be kind of impressed - finally, someone who does what they say they're gonna do on the Internet - how Punk Rock of you! ha ha ha Not to mention the fact that a stupied ex-girlfriends of mine and all her shit talking cunt friends will be there in attendance too and well, you can just kind of foresee the Drama that is forthcoming, right? LOL Oh, this is what the $wingin' Utter$ do to us when they play here, but the beautiful part of all this is that I'm actually going to get to see them play this time, as opposed to the last time in SF when I had to babysit some drunken fool who went out of her way to embarrass me and ruin what was supposed to be a fun filled evening in the City by the Bay. Oh well. Like I said, it should be a very interesting evening indeed. The $wingin' Utter$ are a fantastic band, the band I'm playing in is pretty good too, and I don't know anything about the other 2 bands. I'm gonna get there early to see how they weaseled their way on the bill though. It always pays to have friends in high places and in headlining bands, don't it? ;-) Everything is updated. Jesse from Cowtown Guitars is being interviewed by Donny Osmond later this morning on TV somewhere, and I can't wait to see that footage. Jesse's being interviewed about this Guitars For Autism thing that they're spearheading, and you can find out more about it by going to the Cowtown Guitars website by clicking here. I added some pictures of Kids On Fire playing @ the Aruba a few weeks back, and you can go here to check those out, or just go to the Pictures page to see what you've missed out on. I also added the photos I took of Surrounded By Thieves playing @ the Double Clown a while back, and you can go here to check those out. Yeah, I'm slowly but surely catching up on things here, so expect a whole bunch of stuff to be added up here soon. As long as Bob doesn't distract me, that is... heh heh
November 2023