Gosh... I hate to say I told you so. I really hate to tell you that I was right...
Who am I kidding? I love to be the one to point out the egg on peoples faces. I love to see things go wrong as I (and a lot of other people) thought that they would. And you can put any spin on it that you want to, but if you were there or if, Heaven forbid, you were one of the bands that played that Punk Cock Dicklic farce, well then your collective assholes should be pretty sore right about now, because you all got fucked. Royally. And publicly, come to think about it. You proudly supported and played a festival where White Power fuckheads were free to roam around unharmed, as well as allowed to have a booth selling their Nazi jingoist swag propaganda unabated. Aren't you special? I'm all for Freedom of Speech and all that, but a line's gotta be drawn somewhere... I think. Didn't we learn anything from that classic Dead Kenendys song Nazi Punks Fuck Off? Guess not. Nobody involved with PRP got paid - workers, stage crew, Security, bands, etc., but hey - you had a good time, right? Didn't you? Hope so. Hope it was worth it. From where I'm standing, it wasn't. Not by a long shot. Some of the bands that played PRP I've lost a lot of Respect for, some of the bands that played it only showed me what mindless Poseurs they really are... But all of this California Drama PALES in comparison to what's going on here Locally. Oh Mah GAWD what an absolute joy it has been to just sit back and watch all the BS and Vegas Drama go down on the Facebook public forums pages, pages with stupid names and even stupider members and Moderators, all involving so-called "Punk" bands and people that I despise or want no part of. It's like i have x-ray vision or something. I mean, I can only tell you so many times that there is a reason why I don't play gigs with certain bands and why I don't associate with certain people, and a few understand why, most don't, and that's fine, but when it blows up in your face, and you see what I tried to warn you about, you finally see what that Drama was that I was talking about, when you finally get burned by them, either musically or monetarily or personally, don't expect me to feel sorry for you, because I won't. I tried to warn you, but you didn't listen. You can't say you weren't ever told though...
What a weekend at The Dive. First on Fri. it was Duane Peters Birthday Bash, where Duane Peter's Gunfight, The Briggs, and Spotted Dick all played in celebration. I didn't pay any attention to Spotted Dick, as I was busy shmoozing and drinking at the bar, but Dean loved them, and said they were the only band he was there to see, so there ya go. I queued up to the front of the stage along with everyone else to watch The Briggs tear shit up right after Spotted Dick was done playing. I don't know who's original in the band, who's not, but it didn't matter, because they were fantastic good. The Briggs are The Briggs, and they kill it every time. Enough said. Duane Peter's Gunfight were terrible, with Duane looking like he fell off the wagon, and mumbling about how "54 isn't sexy" and all sorts of other boring, non-sequiturs before the band played one note. When they did play a note I wished that they hadn't. The band opened with an embarrassingly sloooowww cover of Black Flag's Nervous Breakdown and I made a beeline to the door. I had waaaaaaaaaaayyy better things to do, like eat tacos and play video games. :-) Now Sat., Holy sweet baby Jesus, now THAT was a Celebration Bitches!! There was fuck all for coolness inside the bar, as Angie explained to me that 2 out of 3 of the air conditioners were broken, so it was hot and muggy and sticky and just plain miserable inside The Dive, which just made it all the more better when the U.K. Subs fucking kicked the proverbial ass of everyone in the place. They played an incredible set, mixing a few songs off their new album, Yellow Leader, which was reviewed right here a few months ago, and which you can read by clicking right here, and playing some stunning gems from their vast catalog of tunes like Tomorrow's Girls, Emotional Blackmail, Stranglehold, and New York State Police, appropriately changed to Las Vegas State Police. They even did Down On The Farm - the Guns N' Roses version, as Mr. Harper explained that "It's a cover of a cover. We liked they way they did it, so that's how we play it now." Charlie Harper sounded fantastic, BTW - loud and strong, jumping around like a man possessed, double fisting brews the whole time while doing so, and Alvin Gibbs was playing one of the lowest hanging bass' I've ever seen since the days that Dee Dee Ramone walked the Earth. The Subs guitarist Jet has apparently been a fan of The Civilians for a long time now, I think he was just as hyped to see us as we were to see him, and he strutted along the stage and stomped around in his white Creepers and slung his guitar in every direction possible, all while cranking out all the classic U.K. Subs hits the band played. The Drummer they had was fan-fucking-tastic, playing a bit too fast on some songs and overplaying on others, but still, just phenominal to watch. The kid killed me, and I take my defeat at the hands of a better Drummer gracefully. ;-) Gawd, the U.K. Subs were amazing. I needed to be kicked in the face like that. It's been awhile. And then just hanging out with them afterwords, like nothing, was the best. Trying to decipher what Charlie, Kirby, and Trueland were carrying on about was one of the highlights of the night. Another was seeing some washed up self-serving self-created musical character and his marital punishment grovelling for free swag from the U.K. Subs after the gig. We can give you some of our shirts... we don't have a lot of money. Fuck off you Hobos! LOL But I digress. Fuck, this is turning into quite the little Gig Review, now isn't it? It was also the CD release party for The Civilians, a band I'm loud and proud about being a member of, and the Love and kind words we got all through the night was very appreciated. Thanks to everyone for supporting us all these years, rocking out with us, and buying all the swag that we sell because let's face it - those tacos don't pay for themselves now do they? ;-) Congratulations! to that lucky girl that won the Civilians prize package. I was gonna take a picture of her holding the prize up but it happened when I was elsewhere. It was nights like this that make all the band BS worth every aggravating minute. Again, Thanks! to everyone for everything. You reading this, you know who you are. <3 The surprise of the night was Dead At Midnite. They were really fucking good. First time I ever saw them play, and I was pretty impressed with what they were throwing down. I thought they were going to be puro Psychobilly band, but they're actually just a Punk Rock band with a stand up bass player. Kinda Rancid-y, but they remind me of The Generators, if you can believe that. Poor Lemonhead was busting his ass trying to keep up with those young guys in the band... LOL Very cool stuff, they were working the crowd hard, trying to rile people up, but it was just too damn hot in there to move. I had to leave after 3 songs to set my drums up but what I heard from Dead At Midnite sounded pretty good. I dug them. Click here to check them out on Facebook and become their friend and like them and all that ghey shit. They're worth it. And fucking Holy Hell - Brutal Resistance actually played!! LOL I saw them all there in the parking lot getting ready to play and I got hyped!! Unfortunately, since Trueland had forgotten the Civilians CD's back at the Dojo, I had to leave the bar to go back home and grab them, and thus, I missed out on seeing Brutal Resistance play, but at least they did play. I lost a few bets on that one. :-) And I couldn't even muster up even the slightest of interest in The Negative Nancys. Not my cup of tea at all. Their sound was thin and tinny and hurting my ears. I couldn't even fake an interest to take pictures of them playing, because I just wasn't feeling it. Super sugary sweetly ridiculous venomous Pop Punk played by a bunch of Rocker girls. Think Bad Cop/Bad Cop but not as talented. I'll pass. Bass player was cool though. She looked like she would be more comfortable playing in a Dave Matthews cover band though... heh. It was a spectacular night full of Punk Rocking musical goodness, and having the U.K. Subs headline over it all was something special. Fantastic night. Crazy weekend. There is no other place to be tonight than this U.K. Subs gig @ the Dive with The Civilians, Dead At Midnight, and The Negative Nancys, which is Kate from The Seriouslys new band. I'm almost positive Brutal Resistance will not be playing, but they will be weaseling their way in for free somehow... LOL Sure, you could go to some crappy gig on the Eastside at some bar you've never heard of, and have to worry all night about tweekers breaking into your car and stealing your stuff, or you could even go watch the same 5 Squidhat Records bands play with each other (and to each other) at the Double Clown, like they always do, which has got to be boring even for them at this point, or you could come out to the gig tonight and see a truly Legendary Punk band rip shit up like they've done millions of times before. I don't have to explain the Majesty and Mystique of the U.K. Subs to you, do I? Good! You dare to label yourself "Punk Rock", and you're not at this gig tonight, well, I don't really need to finish that sentence, now do I? Sorry, there will be NO VIP area with couches available and clean restrooms to sit your old ass down on. This is a dirty, grimy, real Punk gig in an very appropriate venue, not some hoity-toity bougie Punk Rock Poseur show all Disneyfied and safe and serene. Eff that. Get off your ass and go to this gig tonight. It's a Celebration Bitches! It's TheDive Bar's 2 year anniversary, as well as The Civilians CD release party! Just tell them at the door you're there to see the Civilians and you'll be entered into a raffle contest to win a kick ass Civilians prize package comprised of a Civilians pint glass, a copy of the just released Civilians CD - complete with lyric sheet at no extra cost, a Civilians tee shirt, some Civilians stickers and probably some Civilians DNA of some sort... LOL Civilians! Civilians! Civilians! It's all about The Civilians!! LOL Fuck I'm hyped!! Tonight is gonna be a rager!! See ya there! Soooooooooo... there's a controversy about cheating running rampant during Punk Rock Posing's bowling tournament this year? Really? Gee, wasn't I just commenting on that a few days ago? Didn't I point that out for all to see? Why yes sir, I did! lol Seems that the powers that be at that county fair type of Punk Rock fleecing collective were finally informed that some teams that bowl have been lying about their handicaps, lying about their team members, that they have ringers on their teams who bowl much better than they say they do, and such actions are clearly not allowed, but it's not like they care, because all they want is your $500 entrance fee. That's what the bowling tournament is really about. Fleecing you suckers out of your cash. Whatever. It's Punk Rock so you take it, like a prison bitch. Cheating was everywhere this year, just like every year, and cheaters ruled the tournament, including this years winners of the bowling tournament, who apparently walked off with a lot of money for winning the damn thing, and now the Punk Rock Police Panties are all in a twist, with howls of Outrage filling up the PRP Facebook page and accusations of Cheating and Dishonesty being lobbied around like hand grenades by keyboard warriors everywhere. I love how all the sheep, I mean Poseurs who support that farcical gig, are talking shit about how the team that won looks like a bunch of Posers. I love that they're mad that they got beaten by a better team, by a better team of Posers apparently. I don't know if they're mad because they were hustled so cleanly and easily, or because they were hustled better than some street walking bitches by a bunch of dooshbags who look like they listen to Third Eye Blind. You ever get the feeling you've been cheated? Didn't those words come out of the gob of one of the early Punk Rock Idols Johnny Rotten? Wasn't that swindle perpetrated by one of the most Punk Rock bands to ever crawl out of a pub and into the annals of music history, the Sex Pistols? So knowing all that, wouldn't that make cheating the most Punk Rock thing to in the world to do? LOL The fact that someone finally told Shawn Stern what was going on, and that he stopped counting his money and laughing long enough to tell someone to do something about it, is a joke. Welcome to 2010 people. That's how long I've known about people I know, people that I call Friends, have been cheating their way through the system and lying about who bowls on their team and lying about their bowling averages, in order to get a better handicap and a better chance to win the tournament. You see, winning that bowling tournament is really important. Ask any Jock you know. Just like a high school football trophy (and just about as significant and pathetic), winning that bowling tournament is a way of showing people that you matter, that you've achieved something, that at one time in your life, you were a winner. How that jock meat head mentality permeated it's way into the Punk Rock Posing world is mind boggling to me. Whatever. There's no mightier feeling of Satisfaction than being the coolest of the cool kids, the King of the Outcasts, the winner of the Punk Rock Posing bowling tournament. Go Team Go! Sis! Boom! Bah!! Phooey. I really wish I could whole heartily tell you to go to this Guilty By Association album release party going down tonight, but I can't. Maybe go late and make sure to miss the opening band? I know, that is a terrible thing to say, but for tonights gig, I'm willing to put it out there because apparently that's what I do. And it's not because of the Squidhat thing - I'm done with all that, and it's not because of that one band being on the bill, the band with the guitar playing cunt in it who likes to accuse guys of pulling their dicks out and rubbing them against her in the middle of a circle pit at the Double Clown. No, the reason I'm not going, or even promoting the gig, is because I don't wanna ruin everyone's ass kissing phoney good time. I don't wanna ruin the lie. Does that make any sense? I don't wanna be the beacon that everyone comes to and says "Man, you're right - that band does suck ass." I mean, I get that enough as it is, and since I'm not one of the clueless fan boys infatuated with her, it's easy for me to be brutally honest and call that band out on their shit, and I don't wanna do that. People don't like when I do that. Pussies. The night's not about my drama with that band, though, it's about celebrating Guilty By Association's record release, and that's why I'm staying away. They wanted them there, they can have them there. I'm anti-Drama. I got better things to do. It's almost like whomever was in charge of putting the event together put them on the bill just to keep me away... LOL Yeah, seeing my friends in the bands playing handing out cups of Kool-Aid on Facebook, extolling the musical genius of every band playing on that bill, talking 'bout how it's a night filled with "good friends and good music", trying to get people to drink up and see things their way and go along with the herd, was a bit too much for me. That's why I'm not going. I don't know when it became a bad thing to say that a band isn't that good, or just outright sucks, but it has, and if you're a person who has an opinion and isn't afraid to put it out there for all to see, saying that some bands are good and some bands are shite, that makes you an asshole, a bad guy. Say 'Hello' to the bad Guy. ;-) Congrats to Guilty By Association. I know it's been a long time coming, and you guys have worked hard and busted your ass to make this all happen. You guys are a great bunch of men, and you deserve all the accolades and words of praise you're about to receive, because we all know, you reap what you sow. ;-) Congratulations guys, congrats! I'm proud of you. XOXO Do I have the ability to see the future or something, or do I just read about shit and then forget about it and then laugh when people react to the forgotten news days later? LOL I could of sworn that I read about the whole OMD 21 and over "controversy" a while ago, but the way the "real" Punx are reacting to it this week, you'd think they just announced it yesterday. I guess real patch sporting Punx don't do the Internet, unless it's the BYO Punk Rock Posing Facebook page. ;-) Yeah, the whole buzz about OMD turning it's back on the All Ages Punk Rock scene here in Vegas is amusing from the outside. It wasn't us! We didn't want to! The County made us do it! ha ha ha ha Laughable. You kids didn't really believe that the venue was going to stay all ages, did you? Did you guys really swallow that tripe about how OMD was NEVER going to be a 21 and over venue, and that they would NEVER turn their back on the all ages scene? Did you believe that? Really? Well, for those of us who aren't transplants, those of us who have been involved in the Las Vegas Local Music Scene for more than a few years now, for those of us who still have half a brain left, well, we pretty much knew that it wasn't going to stay All Ages, no matter what they were saying. Vegas doesn't want it. No money to be made from it. The rules against dance permits, which date back to the 1960's, make sure kids have nothing to do here. Nothing legal, anyways. Vegas is a 'grown up" town, so grow up, cash in, and be a part of the "normal" world. Everybody does it. It's the "normal", grown up thing to do. Keep the All Ages scene underground. House parties are where it's at. You're over 30 and at an all ages, Punk Rock house party, there might be something wrong with you... LOL Dealing with kids is a pain in the ass, a very unappreciated pain in the ass. Believe me, I know. That's why I don't do it now. BTW, has The Artistic Armory opened back up yet?
The Wisest man I ever met, wrote this, and it's 100% true. Tested by research even. Even he did it, because apparently that's what you do when you grow up and out. Be a Leader, not a Follower. Punk Rock Warlord. He who fucks Nuns, will later join the Church. Learn it. Live it. Love it. |
November 2023