The Suite 666 Pictures taken by the girl with the golden eye Michelle are up and you can go here to check those out. Someday I hope to be as good a photographer as she is. The Peccadilloes (one of the best bands here in Las Vegas) are playing on Sat. at both Gameworks and The Double Drama, and I suggest you check them out both times if ya can. I'm currently looking for a bass player to jam with, and if you can answer yes to the following 5 questions I'd love to talk to you immediately if not sooner...
1) Must have own equipment. 2) Must have own transportation. 3) Must have no problem being in a band with girls. 4) Must be able to tour excessively. 5) Must be able to practice 2 days a week. Yeah, we lost the talented services of Senor Brew right after our last show @ the Cooler Lounge, and I'm still not sure why, but he's my bro and I love him to death. So if anyone out there can answer yes to all 5 of those requirements please drop me a line and talk to me ASAP. There's much work to be done and the sooner we begin the sooner it ends...have a great weekend and I'll see you all soon.
If someone could tell me what the hell happened at our gig with the Backdoor Breaker Inners and the Polyplush Cats @ the Cooler Lounge last Friday, would you please write in and tell me...heh heh heh. If you have no idea of what I'm talking about, but you would like to, click here to read all about it. I haven't gotten the Suite 666 photos from Michelle yet but as soon as I do I'll post them up for your visual perusal. And yes...the few Pictures I took of the Backdoor Breaker Inners are up too, and you can go here to check those out. Not a lot to say this time around and things are pretty quiet on the western front. I can't believe that I spaced on Bullet Train To Vegas...damn. Go see the Peccadilloes this Sat. at both Gameworks and at the Double Drama Saloon (where attempted murderers have birthday parties! lol) It's a fun time guaranteed! Everything is updated...blah blah blah
So you probably noticed the tiny changes I've made to the website. It all came about after checking out my website on a few different computers and analyzing the data from those of you who come here to check this shit out. What looked good on my 19" flat screen monitor just wasn't happening on someone's 15" monitor set to a 800 x 600 resolution. Not that this layout does either, but it helps out a little bit with the viewing. I posted the Show Review of Tsar - The Black Jetts - Suite 666 @Matteo's Underground Lounge, and you can go here to check it out. Michelle took some great Pictures of us in action and you can go here to check those out. We did our first Interview (for Smash Magazine) after practice last night, so keep an eye out for us in their "Up and Coming Bands" section. I'd like to think that our Interview came out better than the Luv-Taps did, but I could be wrong. I mean...we were pretty drunk. Apologies to all the bands who have been bugging me to check out their shows or to Interviewthem. I'm gonna get around to doing them all...just give me some time.
50 people at a Death By Stereo show? Basically nobody @ the Dead Kennedys show? (like that's surprising? They were giving away those tickets by the handful on various websites and shows around town and still couldn't get anyone to go) What the hell is going on? I guess what the problem is is that these promoters in town have to get a fucking clue and start doing more to support the local scene here in town. Quit putting the same 3 bands on the bill and if you promise a band that they can have the opening slot, keep your word and give it to them. Is that so hard to do? Apparently so. The only place actually doing something for the scene is The Cooler Lounge (God bless Rick H.). They will book any type of music (they were doing rap shows long before Revenge Therapy weaseled their way into that market) and they support and treat the musicians like equals, not like commodities. Rick has been booking Thrash / Metal bands there for a while, and now I hear that Moss @ the Double Down wants to start booking those type of shows as well. Fuck I despise Moss. Him and his Drinking Sperm With Moss TV show can both suck a dick. Anyways, there's a shit load of Music Reviews posted (The Black Jetts, New York Dolls, The Lucky Stiffs, Thinking Aloud, Les Hell On Heels, New Order, Two Man Advantage, Queens Of The Stone Age) and you can go here to check that shit out. Suite 666 finished recording our 4 song demo in one day and the word is that it sounds great. Special hugs, kisses and beer soaked bratwursts to Joe C. for hooking that up and putting up with our shenanigans. The last band I was in took 4 months just to finish 4 songs, so imagine my shock when we finished them all in one day. That's how it's supposed to be done. The White Stripesrecorded their album in 2 weeks. We'll probably do the same. Anyways, we're booking our West Coast tour and various weekend jaunts out to AZ. and CA. so keep your eyes peeled for those. Thanks to everyone that's been signing up to the Suite 666 Myspace group (the link can be found below) and hello to all the new friends of mine that have joined up to the myspace group. I've been doing this website for 3 years now, and I don't see an end in sight. Oh yeah, some cool Interviews coming up with some kick ass local bands.Ballerina Backwards is my new favorite local band...just thought you should know...heh heh heh Here's how it inevitably starts out. I'll be standing somewhere, buzzed and having a good time, when someone will come up and ask me what I think about a certain band. Sometimes it's a member of a band, sometimes it's a friend of the band. My general response is They're OK I guess, and that's when it happens. They'll quote something negative I said about them on the website and ask why I said what I did. Now, I got no problem 'fessing up to what I've said...hell, it's not like I can deny it or anything. It's here in black and white for all to see. But what amazes me is how people react so differently to what's been said. Some take it as constructive criticism...some get butt hurt...some people tell me I got it all wrong, and some people say I captured it exactly. Remember...this is just my opinion. I mean, what do I know? I've only been playing music for years, been signed to a major label band, done countless interviews (both as the interviewee and the interviewer), done actual tours (weekend shows are not a tour people), seen thousands of bands perform (some you can only dream of ever seeing) and recorded hundreds of songs in various levels of recording studios. I guess what I'm trying to say is that sometimes bands have a bad night. It happens. Sometimes the engine is firing on all cylinders, sometimes it's badly in need of a tune up. Sorry I can't bullshit and cover up the facts, sorry I can't lie or be's not my style. But on the other hand loads of bands / labels have thanked me for the kind words, so I dunno. I like to think that I'm just getting the message out on what's happening in the "underground" music scene here in Vegas. We got a good thing going here, and it's just a shame that people don't embrace it for what it is - a unique stand alone Eco-system capable of being better than it is. Seems bands would rather compete with each other and talk shit about each other and wallow in each others drama, whether real or imagined. Sad. So to anyone that feels that I talked shit about ya, I encourage you to just come up and talk to me about it. Conversation / discussion is what this scene needs more of. Maybe I did get it wrong, or maybe your band or musical talents ain't quite what you think they are. In either case, it's not necessarily a bad it? I don't think so but like I said...what do I know. Anyways, time to climb off the soap box and give you a quick update on what's been added here this week. This super cute girl Michelle took some awesome pix of Suite 666 when we played @ the Double Down last week, and she was kind enough to allow me to post them on the website, and you can go here to check them out. I think they're excellent myself. The Gig Review for our show with the Black Jetts@ Matteo's this past Saturday will be up later this week. Happy belated Birthday wishes to Poizon Ivy. Not only was the cake most excellent (chocolate cake with raspberry filling...mmhhmm) but a great time was had by all. Many happy returns to you girl! You deserve it! Thanks to everyone who has been joining up to the Myspace group as of late. Some of you I know, some of you I'm looking forward to all are welcome and I hope you enjoy what you find here. It's just me and my computer...typing away in the middle of the night like a chimp on speed, chain smoking cloves while listening to Howard Stern. See you all soon.
I think I'm dying. Apparently pneumonia is the catch-phrase around my circle of friends. I'm contagious so please stay away from me. Just kidding. In the midst of over-dosing on cold medicines and Kool-Aid, I managed to post the Show Review of Les Hell On Heels - The Luv-Taps and Suite 666, and you can go here to check it out. If you're one of the many perverts (coughcoughollywoodshanecough) that come here to look at photos of hot chicks, then today's your lucky day. Grab a box of tissue and go here to check out Les Hell On Heels, or go here to check out the Luv-Taps, and go here to check out Suite 666. That should keep you busy for a couple of minutes or so. The Pictures that Jennifer took of us look as though they were taken off of the reflection of some carnival side show house of mirrors. Twisted and bizarre is the only way I can describe them, and I really like the way they turned out. Bien spooky black and red. Special thanks to Jennifer for taking the Suite 666 Pictures, and thanks to Jesse The Super Photographer for taking the majority of the Pictures of Les Hell On Heels. Our show with the Black Jetts is this Saturday and I hope you can all make it out to Boulder City to check us out. I promise we'll play a full set this time. The Suite 666 Myspace thing is sort of up and running, and you can go here to check it out and to get on the mailing list for all of our evil events we have planned for you in the upcoming weeks and months. Other than that, I'm going back to sleep, so I'll see you all sometime soon.
Finally. It seemed like it would never happen, but we played our first show Sat. night @ the Double Down and it was a BLAST! I'm still not sure what happened to Misty's amp (it just didn't wanna work for some reason) but the general consensus seemed to be that we did OK, considering it was our first show and all. Look for a write up on it later this week. I'm so sick of being sick that it's not funny. Anyone out there have a cure for Stage 2 Pneumonia? Drop me a line and let me know ASAP please. So.........I posted a Show Review on Rick's 12 Band Fiesta @ the Cooler Lounge with the Peccadilloes, Vegas Dogs, the Dirty Babies and the Luv-Taps, and you can go here to check it out. The Pictures I took that night can be viewed by clicking here. I want to give special hugs and kisses to Brookelyn, Brew and Misty for making playing music fun for me again. I had such a great time that I can't wait to do it again (this Sat. in Boulder City with the Black Jetts... plug plug). Anyways, I'm outta here. Got lots of personal stuff to do.
November 2023