Free time? What's that? Rest? Yeah right! hahaha Short of obsessing on the latest Lipstick Homicide release, I'm pretty much stuck in a cycle of practicing, mixing, cutting MP3's, learning songs, more practicing and maybe, if I'm lucky, sleeping. My car is still broken, so I'm being chauffeured around everywhere, which just means I'm partying too much but having a lot of fun doing so. Nothing gets done but I don't care. The number of Bands I'm currently involved with is 5. I think I'm the new drummer for the Civilians, and I'm helping out my friends in S.F.T. with a couple of gigs they have coming up too, including a gig @ the LVCS opening up for Green Jelly, which should be... interesting?? Aluminum Falcon is playing the Double Clown this Friday, or Saturday, I don't know, and I don't remember where the next Vegascendents gig is, but I know there's one coming up somewhere, because we keep playing those same damn songs over and over and over again. LOL Oh, and the other band I'm in, the 'Super Secret Goth Band', featuring 5 different members of 5 different Local bands, is already planning gigs and getting ready to record. I wish I was as good a drummer as Brett Balu's favorite band in town is, but unfortunately, I can play more than one prodding oompa-loompa shuffle, and I can actually keep a beat... heh heh In between all that band practice, I find time to catch a few winks and spend some quality time with the girl I love, oh and go to gigs when I can and listen to new music, because that's the best, especially when it's your Friends making the music. :-) Oh, and the website. Sometimes I can get stuff done on the website. Lots of stuff. Let's start things off with this: the Peter Murphy / Ours gig review. Click here to read it. It was easy to do since I rushed posting the Pictures I took of him that night, and after that all I needed to do was keep my gushing semi-coherent and to a minimum. Oh, click here to check the photos I took from that night out. I also posted some photos I took of Guilty By Association when they opened up for D.I. @ the LVCS last month, and you can click here to see those. Did I tell you about the Lipstick Homicide pictures that I took? Click here to see those if I didn't. I'm still rocking their music. It's the soundtrack to my Summer and I'm loving it. I also posted some Music Reviews on the latest, and maybe last ever, Deadhand EP, and you can click here to read that, as well as a write up on the reissue of the Big Boys - Where's My Towel / Industry Standard LP, as in vinyl, as in, beautiful, white vinyl, and you can click here to read that. I also posted an old Gig Review I did for that Push Forward Skateboarding benefit gig that went down a few months ago @ the Beauty Bar, and you can click here to read that if you give a fuck. I don't. There's more coming though, so be warned. Pet Tigers are playing @ the LVCS tonight. Check them out and get your New Wave on. The Black Jetts and Fuzz SoLow are playing @ The Dive tomorrow night with Bob Log III, so if you got nothing better to do, then stop on by and check out some cool music. Squid Hat Records are having some sort of showcase on Thurs. @ Backstage Bar & Billiards, with almost every band on their roster playing, so check that out and support the few, very few bands that are worth supporting on their roster... heh heh There's other stuff going on as well this weekend, like that Aluminum Falcon gig I was talking about earlier, but damned if I know what any of the details are at this time, and I don't care. The sun is coming up and I'm gonna climb up on my roof and watch it. :-) Everything is updated. Congratulations to my beautiful friend Danielle and her lucky Husband to be Ryan on their upcoming nuptials today. I'm gonna try to be there but it's not looking too good as of now. Save me some of that apple pie moonshine though, please? Thank you! XOXO
![]() Last night was sooooooooo much fun! :-) I think the most amusing part was hearing everyone boast about how many times they had saw Peter Murphy before. The aggro people who were acting like they were at a Slayer concert by head banging and fist pumping and trying to start a slam pit were funny too. Or maybe the most amusing part was the chicks shooting the stink eye to anyone and everyone who was better dressed, better looking or in better shape than them, like the catty insecure cunts that they are... LOL I definitely know the most annoying part of the night was hearing people talking about how "I've finally seen Bauhaus!", which is just the sort of nostaligia for nostalgia sakes bullshit that makes me wretch. You idiots didn't see Bauhaus - you saw Peter Murphy doing Bauhaus songs - HUGE difference! The merch booth full of overpriced Bauhaus crap like buttons and stickers and tee shirts was a bit much as well, but regardless, it was a fantastic show full of all the hits you'd expect like Stigmata Martyr, She's Into Parties, In The Flat Field, etc., but it was the more obscure stuff like Kingdom's Coming, Silent Hedges or The Passion Of Lovers that made it great. Yeah, the melodica was busted out for Kick In The Eye, and Bela Lugosi's Dead was only like, 5 minutes long, but mixing the expected with the unexpected is what kept things interesting and never dull. Mr. Murphy looked and sounded great, and the Evil air about him is still as powerful as ever.He played, he howled, he spoke in that spooky baritone voice of his, and the crowd of Idolators and Lovers ate it all up, every single Gothic note of music played, and the 1-2 knock out punch of Telegram Sam and Ziggy Stardust was the perfect ending for the show. I know lots of Dark and Spooky people didn't want to go to the gig because it was supposedly blasphemous for Mr. Murphy to be doing Bauhaus songs with a band of scrubs, but he does it all the time on his solo Tours, so I don't know what the big deal was about him doing it last night. If you didn't make it to the gig, you missed out on a commandeering performance from the Godfather of Goth, and if you did, then you know about what a great time it was, so what am I telling you all this for? LOL Show Review coming soon. Trust me - it'll be worth it! ;-) Everything's updated. Don't ask me what any of it is, because I'm tired and can't recall any of it right now. Tonight is Anti-League bowling @ the Gold Coast, tomorrow it's Union 13. IDFI, The Quitters, Last Rites and a few other Locals @ Beauty Bar (UGH!), and with all that First Friday bullshit going on, as well as that Downtown Showcase for Shitty Hipster music fest going on tomorrow night as well, I think I'm just gonna stay completely away from that area if at all possible. My girlfriend just woke up and is eating my cereal out of the box. I think I'm done here... ;-)
"So, whenever you find yourself putting forth great effort without success, you're trying to force something that won't fit under the circumstances. That's a destructive waste of time. And if that isn't enough to keep in mind, your techniques must always be allowed to evolve and change, in relationships, in life, in science, in society. Otherwise you stagnate, and you won't get anywhere in the long run... You know what the philosopher Aldous Huxley said? He said 'Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are the dead."
― Tony Vigorito, Just a Couple of Days Well, it was fun while it lasted, right? :-) ![]() There wasn't even a hint of Sentimentality in the air for the supposed 'final gig for the time being' from Deadhand - nope! It was a cool assemblage of Friends and Fans in the building, minus a few attention seeking hipster dooshbags posing as a Punk band standing directly in front of Deadhand while they played, but other than that, it was cool people I swear! LOL Deadhand thanked them for coming out and I threw up in my mouth a little bit. Whatever. Anyways, the reason why Deadhand is going on a temporary hiatus is because Aaron, their Drummer Extraordinaire, is moving to San Diego. Booooooooo. He's gonna be missed, but I can't say I blame him, because, apparently, Las Vegas sucks or something, so yeah, best of luck to ya out there Brother. Ya know, for a last gig for a while, Deadhand blew doors off with a stunning performance of stuff both old and new, like Prehistoric, which, they announced that they haven't played in over a year, and I don't care what anybody says, they played that song JUST FOR ME dammit, and Giving Up The Let Down, from their new 3 song EP, which is nothing short of amazing with it's Beware of the Darkest places / There's no need to hide / No Fear of the Darkest places / Because I don't Live just to Die chorus... Le swoon!! <3 If you haven't gotten it yet, do yourself a favor and get the new Deadhand EP by clicking here. You'll thank me for it later. :-) And Oh. My. GAWD! Where did that Lipstick Homicide band come from? They easily stole the show with a set of some of the most sugar sweet Pop Punk that I've ever heard! If the bratty little sisters of Scared Of Chaka and Teenage Bottlerocket started a band, it would be called Lipstick Homicide. :-) They were sooooooooooooo fucking good it was sickening! When I saw then dragging their teeny, tiny little amps and drum set on stage, I cringed a bit, but decided to give 'em a chance and check them out and boy, am I glad that I did! They fucking SLAYED! You were there - you saw it, right? How fucking good were they? For a moment there, I thought the guitar player of Lipstick Homicide was my old Friend Nikki Potatoes, originally from Vegas but who lives in Milwaukee now, but she is here in town visiting for a week, and I know she's in a band now, so yeah, for a second there... hahaha The drummer was fast and colorful, which was cool, and I loved watching the bass player rock out and yell and scream and mumble about gawd knows what but man, she sounded great doing it and the songs they were playing had some major fucking hooks in them, and they've been stuck in my head for days now. They didn't play long enough, and I could of listened to them for another hour or so, they were that fucking good. I love being blown away by bands I know nothing about and man, did Lipstick Homicide impress the ever loving holy shit out of my old, jaded heart. Their latest release is called Out Utero, and you can get it by clicking right here if you didn't grab a copy from the band after their set like I did. I got everything I could from them. Then I headed outside to grub. Yeah, it was a fun gig. Burning Agrestic played a drunk, fun set, led by a singer who could be Hank Musgrove's doppelganger, and War Called Home keep getting better and better every time I see them. It's neat to watch. :-) Direct Hit! were on Tour with Lipstick Homicide, and they were OK, but their merch person sucks. I stood there for like the last third of Burning Agrestic's set waiting to buy stuff, and nobody was there to take my money. The poor people from Lipstick Homicide were just like, Mehhh, and after a bit I gave up and left. And poor Lambs To Lions played clean up to exactly 3 people - Me, the singer from War Called Home, and Martin, who came out of retirement and scuzzing around in bad places to hang with his Friends for a night. It was a cool little gig. Went on too long for my old, tired ass, but still, it was FUN! Everything's updated. I added a bunch of new stuff to the website, but damn if I can 'memmer any of it right now, so I'm heading off to bed. With this influx of free time on my hands, I just don't know what I'm gonna do with myself - anyone wanna start a band? LOL
Ugh. What a rough, sloppy, drunken loud talking past few days these have been, right? LOL I'm not sure what was in the air this weekend, but there was definitely something... something magical... something mischievous and chaotic... something both odd and correct... ![]() So yeah. Jesse & Roxie's big 4th of July shindig was major fun. The food was great and plentiful, because everybody brought a little something something, and the table wasn't big enough to hold it all. I did my part by eating as much of the food as humanly possible, but I'm only one man. ;-) I didn't see much of the fireworks, because I was gabbing like an old woman with all sorts of good Friends who showed up, and someone rubbed pink frosting all over my camera lens, so my photos of all the firework explosions and whatnot came out like crap, but the rest of the pictures that I took before that happened came out great. I rushed editing them and posted them up on Facebook, and people seemed to like them, so that's cool. If you haven't seen them yet, it's because you're not my Friend on there, and you suck. When I get them all finished I'll put 'em up on the website for everyone to see. I took 366 photos, and I got through the first 200. There were too many cool things, shared experiences, and great conversations going on all evening, and to try to tell you about them all would be an exercise in futility. If you were there, you know what I'm talking about, right? Great time. Ending the night listening to the Pro and Con debate on the military actions of the past 25 years by Jesse and Dean was the perfect end to such a patriotic day. :-) ![]() Fri. night's gig @ the Dive was like a continuation of the 4th of July party the day before! Soooooo many cool people and Friends came to hang out and hear some good tunes. I was loving it. Every band did good, but I gotta tell ya, The People's Whiskey kicked ass all over the place. Major. Fucking. Ass. Like, Godzilla vs. Gary Coleman type of kicking ass. It was truly a joy to behold, and kept me from taking Pictures because I was so enthralled by what they were throwing out to us Friends and Fans in the audience. Holy Jesus do I love those guys. The first, like, 5 or 6 songs they played were absolutely perfect, and each one was literally, a song that I wanted to hear. I was in pig shit Heaven! But then they fucked it up and played a Green Day cover, and I zoned out and headed outside... LOL The bands from AZ. were good too. That band Common Tongue, with their dual vocalists that reminded me of the Warlock Pinchers, won me over with their catchy as fuck Punk rock tuneage and all their jumping around and yelling their heads off, singing songs about diseases and candy and streets and stuff, and a guitarist that was dressed up as Darth Vader while he played. You gotta love any band that does that, right? I ran right up to them afterwords and begged them for a demo. You should too. The other AZ. band Skull Drug were cool in a NOFX - S & M Airlines era kind of way. Might of been because the Singer looked a lot like Fat Mike and the Guitarist looked like Steve, who played on S & M Airlines and Ribbed though... heh They had the Punk rock thing down pretty good too. Cool stuff. S.F.T. had Billy from Guilty By Association helping out on drums, and he did a great job doing it, and I'm a harsh critic too, as I used to play in that band, but then they kicked me out, and that was the end of that! I was too Punk Rock for them! LOL Carlos had his sharp and natty, well dressed man, 'Miguel Ness' look going on, and Tom Jones is truly the King of Vegas Punk Rock. :-) They sounded good, and they played some new songs too, which was cool. And I was told we, Aluminum Falcon, did a good job during our performance. Lots of people were paying us some lofty compliments afterwords, that's for sure. I was also told that there were crutches flying around in the pit while we played. Whatever. I miss everything that goes on while we play, dammit. Where's a good Photographer when you need one? If we grew beards then would people wanna take our picture? LOL And the 2 Loud Guys in my band decided to have mercy on The Dive bar this time around, going only with half stacks instead of their usual full stack, aural assault... ;-) ![]() Hung over as fuck? Only 2 hours of sleep? Go to Lake Havasu, where it's even hotter than Las Vegas, to play a gig? Sure! The place we played at, the P.L.U.R. Lounge, was a cool little 18 and over place that was part hookah lounge, part venue, and it had a beer-only bar with an excellent assortment of brews and ciders, so that was fine by me. We got there late, but that was OK, because April, the Promoter, wasn't even there yet, so we killed time by hanging out at a Schlotzsky's Deli that had a Cinnabon's inside of it, and, yes, you guessed it, a fully stocked bar that offered alcohol infused ice cream. I was in Heaven and needless to say, we lost track of time in there and ended up getting back late to the venue, so I missed most of the opening band Reject Riot's set, but what I heard of the 2 man noise assault sounded pretty crappy from outside, but that was only because the P.A. in the place was shit. I mean, like, pure shit. Absolute shit, as in, there might as well not even have been a P.A. I've played some pretty craptacular places before, with some absolutely janky ass P.A. systems jury rigged up, and this P.A. the bands were playing through was easily in the Top 5 of the Worst P.A.'s Ever Played Through. Sound man was no help either, because his ass was drunk at the bar. Phooey. Because of the shitty P.A., the sets from Skull Drug and Common Tongue suffered a bit, but it was still cool to watch both bands kill the room. They had the people in there jumping around with them and slamming around with them when called to, and the place was deep fried balls hot, like Africa hot, like, 400 degrees in the shade hot.. Fuck. The bands were drenched in sweat 3 songs into their sets, and still gave it their all. That, my friends, is very commendable. By the time we played, everyone in the place was a sweaty, drunken mess, and we gave them exactly what they wanted to hear - some kick ass Descendents songs played by 4 fat ugly guys with boobs. LOL Covers. You know I love 'em! ;-) And things got even crazier when the friends of the band on the Lake Havasu City police dept. stopped by during the Vegascendents set and scared the crap out of everyone in the place... hahahaha Lake Havasu was soooooooooooo much fun. I can't wait to go back and do it all over again. Thanx to April for the gig and to all the people and Friends we made along the way that night. "Operation Hyena unsuccessful, I repeat unsuccessful. Midget company out." :-) I gotta give a plug to Common Tongue, who's Facebook page can be found by clicking here, and Skull Drug, who's Facebook page can be found by clicking here. Those kids are cool as fuck and it was a pleasure hanging out and playing gigs and partying with them on their Raping Liberty mini-Tour 2013. Cheers guys! Looking forward to hanging out and playing gigs with you guys again real soon. Everything is updated. I forget what it's updated with, but it's updated, dammit! LOL I don't know what's going on this week and I really don't care. It's Monday. I'm up. Who wants to do something fun with me, like edit photos for the website? Somebody? Anybody? :-)
I'm feeling extra manly right now, having just helped Jeremy get the Pirate Ship ready for her cross desert journey this weekend to the oasis known as Lake Havasu, for some Vegascendents gig that's going on down there somewhere. I'm just the Drummer. They don't tell me anything, or if they do, I just forget it. Anyways, the best time to be working outside on an automobile in Las Vegas is at 3 in the morning. It's much, much cooler then, and the looks people give you, because they think you're tweeking your balls off, is priceless. :-)
Andy and his comments seem to have everyone all a twitter. Not publicly, of course, but face to face, it seems to be all anyone wants to talk about. I think it's funny, I never took offense to any of his statements, and I don't hate him for speaking his mind. He's got a right to his opinion and that's that. If you don't know what I'm talking about, click here and catch up. Don't start the flame war anew please. It's over and done. Move on. So yeah, I gotta get some sleep for the big 4th of July party thing that's going on @ Hotel Amoroso today. If you don't know about it, then you're not as Hip as you think you are. ;-) It's gonna be a BLAST! ;-) Then tomorrow night it's all about being at the Dive bar, for the S.F.T. / Aluminum Falcon / The People's Whiskey gig. We're playing with a couple of bands on a weekend jaunt from AZ. called Common Tongue and Skull Drug, so maybe get there early and check them out? Then Sat. it's off to Lake Havasu. I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm gonna be running hard and fast and drunk all weekend long. You're all welcome to come along for the ride, but be warned - there will be lots of booze, fireworks, explosions, and maybe some public displays of nudity, so we'll see how things work out! I hope you all have a great 4th of July - even you Andy! :-) Go 'Merica! and all that other trivial crap... |
November 2023