I hate you all. Seriously.
I hate the 2 faced fake fucks. I loathe the sycophantic ass kissers. Hipsters make me wanna puke. I love Kool-Aid but I don't drink it. It makes me sad that so many people here in Vegas just put their blinders on and mingle with the herd, hoping that by associating themselves with something 'youthful', 'cool', or 'relevant', that it will somehow justify their miserable existence and relevance for a few years more. I hate that nobody questions anything anymore. Just open your maw and swallow what's given to you. Wouldn't want your friends to think you're weird, now would you? Nope! I hate that nobody calls anybody out on anything. "Turn the other cheek". "Be the bigger man." "Avoid the Drama". Fuck that. Sometimes Drama can't be avoided and it needs to be addressed ASAP. Nothing to fear but the conflict. I fear nothing. Never have, never will. Whatever happened to doubting everything? Question Authority - anyone remember that song by that band when they were good? Yeah, me too. Nobody questions anything anymore. If it's on the Internet it must be true, right? Sad. No cynical old jaded guy here. I'm a Realist by nature. I'm not growing a beard trying to be youthful in appearance or to hide my facial irregularities. I love the bands I love, always support my friends bands, no matter how mediocre, and if your band is good, I'll love them too. No blind acceptance here. Respect is given when it's earned. This isn't Facebook land, no matter how much you would all like it to be. It's OK to say something sucks, it's OK not to like everything. I know some websites here in town do that, like everything blindly and print exactly what some PR person sends them via email, and that's fine. Explains a lot as to why I'm ranting like I am. Your happy, smiley, Punk Rock scene is a bore. Acoustic guitars and beards aren't Punk, no matter how much you'd like it to be. What happened to Punk Rock being dangerous? Threatening? What happened to having an opinion and being brave enough to stand behind it? Remember when music labels would put out music that was good? Relevant? Exciting? Yeah, me too. I miss those days, but I don't let nostalgia rule my world. Well, sort of. ;-) Everybody put out a 'Best Of' list this year, and they were all the same. Pathetic, weak, cookie cutter Emo Beardcore bullshit passing itself off as good music. Phooey. I wanted to put out a list of the Most Disappointing Things of 2014, but I didn't have enough time or want to make it happen. I miss going to gigs and being hyped on my friends bands playing. Seems like I just go now out of blind support and loyalty, not because I'm looking forward to hearing some good music. The fact that the talentless, pathetic bands here in town are celebrated instead of vilified for their boring assaults upon the senses is maddening. Oh well. There are some good bands here in town - don't get me wrong - but most of you won't give a shit about them until they're opening up the show at Punk Rock Posing, providing background music while the sheep are being led into the pen for fleecing. Weak... oh so weak. It's a good thing there's someone out there willing to call them on their bullshit. It's a good thing that there is a website here in town that will give you an honest opinion, for better or for worse, of what's going on here in the Las Vegas Punk Rock music scene. It's needed badly, and I wish I could read it myself instead of write it. When did being Honest become a bad thing? Being opinionated is a bad thing now? Why? I dunno, but it's a sad day indeed that it has happened. Whatever. We do it because we have to. We do it because we are compelled. And I will keep doing it, long after most of you have grown up, grown out, and moved on to bigger and better things with your Life. Yup! Happy New Year everyone. Let's hope all the cool clubs, bars, and bands get blown up, blow apart, or blow the fuck out of town, so that our 2015 is nothing like our 2014. Hopefully. Always forever Optimistic. :-)
Happy Holidays Homies! :-) Fri. night after S.F.T. practice Erika dragged me Downtown to the Beauty Bar for the Petra Ice CD release party. They were opening up for Mexican Dubweiser, who were a pretty shitty experience. The accordion player looked like a Mexican member of the Turbojugend though. And Petra Ice were mellow but OK. Mexican Hipster music for all your inner Chunti needs. :-) Fun night. It was definitely surreal hearing Ranchero versions of Cure and Siouxsie And The Banshees songs though, but it was all worth if for the hot dogs from that damn dude slanging them across the street from the Beauty Bar. What the fuck is in that hot dog water that makes those wieners soooo good?? LOL Sat. night I was right back at the Beauty Bar Downtown, filling in for S.F.T. on drums while they opened up for Ten Foot Pole. I love telling those guys that I'm just filling in on drums, because it drives them crazy... ha ha ha The gig was inside and not outside, thank Gawd, and the turn out was small but enthusiastic. People were really digging on Ten Foot Pole, but I wasn't feeling it in the least bit, so I left early. I didn't even bother checking out Sic Waiting, because they pulled the ol' "we have to play right before the headliners. because we're sharing the same equipment" BS trick. Boooooooo. They were almost going to keep all their gear up on the tiny stage, but Bob and I quickly talked them out of that... heh heh. War Called Home got stuck playing clean up after Ten Foot Pole, and I felt bad for them because of it. Oh well. Grant and Rich are good dudes, and it's always fun hanging around them. Good gig. Erika and I finished up the night chillaxing with Cassie and N.J. Pete @ Scarlet, listening to Christian Death and Ministry songs. :-) Latest additions to the website include: Pictures of Pottymouth @ The Dive. Click here to check them out. A video of The People's Whiskey playing Bar Esteem, taken at the Dive. Click here to check it out. I also put that Loud Pipes / Flavor Flav video on the website as well. Click here to check that out. When I think of how Tony torpedoed that band, it makes me wanna cry. Ancient artifacts recently unraveled and re-posted to the website include: The Wailing Souls @ Reggae In The Desert 2008. Click here to check them out. Remember when Citizen Fish played East Side Joe's? Yeah, me neither, but I did take pictures while I was there, so click here to see the photos of Citizen Fish, click here to see the photos of Brutal Resistance, click here to check out the pictures of Intro5pect (whoever they were), and click here to check out pictures of everybody's favorite band Murder Majesty. Whatever happened to those dudes? LOL And I did see East Side Joe @ the Ten Foot Pole gig. Always a pleasure seeing THAT dude. :-) Another gig I found the photos from included a spectacular 4th of July gathering @ Squiggy's, which featured The Latch Key Kids (click here to see the pics), The Divebombers (click here to see the pics), and The Americant's (click here to see the pics), a group which featured the legendary Hank Musgrove on vocals and some guy who's now featured on Pawn Stars on guitar. Meh. ;-) Happy Christmas everyone! Merriest of Holidays to you and yours. :-) Tonight - Ten Foot Pole / War Called Home / S.F.T. @ the Beauty Bar - GO!!! I'm filling in for S.F.T. tonight on drums. I am NOT in the band... ha ha ha ha ha Or go see Missing Persons @ the Adrenaline Sports Bar (formally known as the Cheyenne Saloon). Or go see The Swamp Gospel and Gentlemen Of Four Outs @ the Double Clown. But do not, I repeat, DO NOT, go see that ghey ass Butt Pirate Beard Core Pieces Of 8 Bit Tour thing @ the Dive. Seriously. I know it's all about having fun, and different strokes for different folks and all that, but what year is this? Really? The minstrel gypsy Punk thing is just lame as can be, and there's a reason why we don't speak like William Shakespeare anymore - because talking like that sucked, and so did listening to what they called music back then. The fact that there's a whole sub genre of this shit going on in this day and age is deplorable at best. I'm not the most well educated man, but I don't seem to recall anything musically like this going on in the 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's, just seemed to pop up recently... make of it what you will. Damn Hipster Kids.
See you at the gig tonight. :-) I love Kool-Aid, but I don't drink it. ;-) I don't give a fuck that the Refused are playing Punk Rock Posing. That's just sad to me. Same with Conflict. That's BEYOND sad to me. If you don't know why, then you're obviously part of the problem and part of the reason why that shit festival thrives like it does. I pity you. At Suicidal Tendencies on Sat.: Security Guy: (eyeballing my camera) No picture taking allowed. Me: Really? So you're taking away everybody's cell phone too? I'm pretty sure those take pictures as well. Security Guy: You can't bring any cameras in here. No picture taking. That's the rules. Me: Soooooooo, you're saying that anyone taking a picture tonight is going to get thrown out? I find that VERY hard to believe. Security Guy: Yes. That's exactly what will happen. You can check your camera in here, and it will be waiting for you when the show is over. Me: That's ridiculous. People are going to be taking shitty pictures with their cellphones no matter what you guys try to do to stop them. And I'm not checking in my camera with you! This thing is worth more than you make in 2 months! What guarantee do I have that my camera is safe wherever it is you're going to be keeping it? Get the fuck out of here... Security Guy: (annoyed) Sir, either check your camera in and enjoy the show, or just leave - it's your decision. Me: Seriously? Security Guy: (menacingly) As serious can be. And on that Jane's Addiction lyrical quote, I left. :-) I didn't really wanna stick around some place full of Bro-hymns, shitty attitudes, and over-priced drinks, so I split. Fuck that place. I don't know why I even bother trying to give that rip off shit house a fair shake - oh yeah, because my Friends that work there keep asking me too! ha ha ha But seriously, fuck that place. Right in the ass with no lube Juice SOA style fuck that place in the ass. Zack loves fucking with the Security there, and if you were at the gig you saw his usual stage diving shenanigans. That kid is a maroon. ;-) I also don't give a fuck that the Smashing Pumpkins played a secret acoustic midnight show @ Zia after their show @ the Brooklyn Bowl either. When did people start taking Billy Corgan seriously again? Didn't he start his own wrestling league or something?? LOL And to everybody bitching about people talking throughout their set, get your panties out of a twist. What else are you supposed to do at a Beardcore gig - listen to the music? People were probably talking from fear of falling asleep and choking to death on each others beards. Acoustic music sucks and so do you if you listen to that shit. Grow a set of balls. Get drunk. Break stuff. Listen to loud music. Lather, rinse, repeat. Since I didn't get into the Suicidal Tendencies gig, Erika and I headed off to the Dive for The Dirty Panties Christmas Toy Drive thing and had a pretty good time while we were there. Green Jello didn't play, not sure why, but Pottymouth did, and they were interesting for a few minutes, weird Metal songs about pee pee, poo poo, tits, pussy, and fighting Italians, but then they got kind of boring towards the end of their set. There's only so much inane puppetry a man can take... lol The Quitters just fucking KILLED IT, with amazeballz versions of Defibrillator and ISWID, off of their fantastic Contributing To Erosion release. They also did a cool version of some Christmas song or something merry and holiday like, I don't really remember. Damn free flowing festive spirits!! :-) And The People's Whiskey continue to outshine and out rock every band here in the City, playing a stunningly spectacular set of tunes that was like watching a Maserati with bald tires race around an icy mountain road at top speed - just when you thought they were going to crash and burn, somehow they alighted themselves and stayed the course - even if Cody's drunk ass messed up some of the new songs they were playing! ha ha ha They did Tall Cans, they did Angry Cockroaches, they did Pills, gawd, they were just incredible. I fucking love that band. And The Dirty Panties played a few new songs as well, showing off a new drummer and vocalist that are a much better fit for the band than the other 2 girls were. They played one of my favorite songs by them, WET, and ended their set with Pretty In Pink. Cool stuff. It was a fun night with some great tunes, lots of friends in high and low places, and I also won a few things at the raffle, even though the fix was obviously in - I mean, how else do you explain that chick in the Dead Kennedy's vest winning everything?? LOL Hey! Happy Holidays! Don't have a lot of time for this website thing as of late, but I did wanna mention a few outstanding gigs that are happening. The first one was last night at the Artistic Armory, the No Gods, Just Santa Claus toy drive with a bunch of cool bands playing, so if you missed it, too bad for you! Hope you feel better knowing that some kids won't be getting any toys for Christmas. LOL Redeem yourself by going to The Dirty Panties annual Christmas toy drive thing @ The Dive tonight with The People's Whiskey, The Quitters, and Green Jello. Or you could be like me and watch Unfair Fight and Trash Talk fuck shit up opening up for Suicidal Tendencies tonight @ the Hard Rock Live. Should be a fun night. :-) Tomorrow night, Pulsar's got a cool gig happening @ the Bunkhouse with DC Fallout, War Called Home, Lambs To Lions and Three Rounds. And don't forget about the Wolvhammer gig @ The Dive on Monday! Lots of stuff going on all over town - see ya there! :-) Does anybody pay for anything anymore? Especially when it comes to so-called "professional photographers" and the upkeep and buying of their equipment. To me, it's embarrassing, to have to resort to virtual begging on the Interwebz to pay for things. I mean, where does it end? Why not go on the street corner with a sign in your hands asking people to give you beer money? How about a GoFundMe page to help pay for your electrical bill? I mean, when my stuff gets fucked up, I buy new stuff. When my camera got stolen I bought a new one. And it's not because I have the money to do so, because when I didn't have the money, I just saved up, cut corners, and ate mac and cheese and AM/PM burgers for a month and I got what I wanted or needed. Simple. Seems like it's just easier nowadays to be a bum on the internet and throw a pity party for money. Le sigh.
I'm glad I have the influence I do on bands and gigs and people here in town. Not bad for a website that nobody reads, huh? LOL You all give me way too much credit and I'm flattered you even bother to continue to talk shit about me, like I'm not gonna hear about it or know what you're saying. It's funny, it's cute, and it's boring. Everyone's a bad ass from miles away. Everyone reading this knows how this is going to end. Everyone talks the talk, but very few walk the walk. Oh, you silly kids, you... |
November 2023