Just a few things I wanted to bring to your attention. There's this thing going on this Saturday that Surrounded By Thieves are playing called The Humanitarian Festival. What that is for is to help raise much needed money for various Charities and Non-Profit agencies around the City. It starts @ 10 am and it's going down @ the Cheyenne Sports Complex @ the CSN Cheyenne campus, which is near Pecos / Cheyenne. It's Family friendly, there's gonna be food vendors, and a bunch of bands are playing that I've never even heard of, but I'm assuming they're all Local, so get out there and support a good cause and check out some bands. Surrounded By Thieves goes on at 6. ;-) Danny, the Prince of Drummers and Bartenders, has a gig going on Saturday @ the Bikini Bar that he seems pretty hyped about. It's featuring Big Sir, a band that has the bass player from The Mars Volta in it, and they're playing with The Uprising and a couple of dudes with acoustic guitars - Ugh! Anyways, click here to go to the Facebook page to find out more info on the gig and to see what the drink specials are. $20 all you can drink draft beer? NICE!! :-) This is where I'm going to be on Saturday. :-) Yeah, Yellowman is going to be great! Haven't been to any gigs @ the Silverton yet, but I'm looking forward to getting my Reggae fix on with King Yellowman. Praise Jah! There's some sick gigs going down @ Yayo Taco this weekend, starting Friday with Hoax, Neo Cons, Doctorshopper and Nests. Don't ask me about any of those bands, because I have no idea. After the gig you got to choose between seeing the Quitters with Nopartyno and Horripilation @ Motor City Cafe, Xomby @ the Double Down, or the Dirty Panties @ the Arts Factory. Sweet way to spend a Friday night. :-) The Tinglerz are playing @ the Double Down on Saturday, Unfair Fight and Sheep On A Cliff are playing with Destroyed In Seconds @ Yayo Taco, so if you're not going to Big Sir or Yellowman, then get your Punk on and have fun. Just get off your ass and have fun. Life is too short, ya know? See ya around!
If I have to hear one more dooshbag football announcer say how "The Bills are for Real", or that "It's time to Bill-ieve", I think I'm gonna puke. Buffalo got majorly lucky catching Tom Brady on what was possibly the worst game of his career. Fucking Bastards. Fuck you Canadian Bills. And again, Fuck You Danny!! Enjoy it while it lasts motherfucker!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha
The Raiders looked good yesterday in beating the Jets. Sanchez had no time to be eating no hot dogs on the sideline this game... heh heh heh. People are calling it an upset. I never had doubt, but that's just me. I think the Raiders can beat anyone on any day, New England, our next opponent included. They're gonna be scary good once they get their starting receivers back. McFadden - leading rusher in the NFL - Yup! :-) And if this doesn't illustrate how out of control the Refs are in the NFL right now I don't know what does. Click here to watch the video. Where was the hold? Seriously? Criminal Trespassing? Vandalism? Really? Wowsers. You have GOT to be kidding me!!! I'm still waiting for some verification / proof, but if it's true, I'll be ecstatic to have been right about that idiot and his shitty ass Metal club. The last night of Deadhand's month long residency @ the Hypnotic Lounge came to an intimate end this past Saturday, in front of a group of Friends and Fans which ran the gamut from under age, over age, and middle age. I'll leave it to you to guess which one I was! ;-) hahahaha Deadhand played an amazing set, as always, but it was a bit awkward to see Brendan struggle with playing The Cowboy Song by Thin Lizzy, a song he's obviously bored to tears playing. Yuck. Playing covers sucks - trust me I know! hahaha Aluminum Falcon played some Descendents covers, which, of course, sucked, because we hadn't practiced them in a little while, but I think they came out OK. Bikeage and I'm The One I think. We played them for the Punk Rock kids that I saw at the last Deadhand gig @ Yayo Taco. They had come out to support, and they were jumping around and slam dancing while we played. Rad. Holding On To Sound sounded great from the outside of the Hypnotic Lounge, where I think there was more people outside just chatting and chilling than there were inside checking out the band playing. Booooooooooooooooooooooo. Oh well. There was Skittles outside. :-) It was still a fun as fuck night, with the gig ending early Da Falcon flew around the Naked City after dropping off the band equipment in search of Food, Music, Drugs, Drink, Debauchery and Guys with eye patches. We were successful on all counts. ;-) Friday night I was hanging outside of the Bikini Bar, enjoying a nice Chicago style Polish sandwich combo that I had scored from the Sausage Fest food truck, fighting off the urge to go to that Pussycat's strip club and get into trouble when my partner in crime George strolled up. After he made fun of me for eating and not drinking we ventured inside for beers and Babilos, a band that I've always promoted but never seen before, and now that I have, I gotta say they were pretty good. Old school Big 4 Metal ala early Metallica and Slayer played by a scary looking group of hombres who were either Mexican, or Indian, or Filipino or a combination thereof, just pulverizing the crowd with their brooootaaal ass Metal music. They brought out a lot of people, a lot of really good looking people, like, chicks in club attire and the Jersey Shore types they attract, who all immediately left after Babilos was done blowing the roof off the joint. Sad to see but whatever. Poor Tinglerz played right after them to a virtually empty room, which always sucks. It didn't deter them from playing a great set though, but it just would of been nice if there would of been a few more people there to see it. Six Shooters To The Sky fared a little better in the opening slot, they had a few Friends there checking them out, and after watching them play I was a bit peeved that they broke up in the first place. They are sooooooooooo fucking good!! I don't remember them being that good, but then again, I can't remember the last time I saw them before Friday. University Theater? Slanted Clam? I dunno, but it's been too long. I hope they keep it together and do something with this. I was talking to them all before they played, and I asked them why they broke up, and they all gave different answers but all typical band shit - Sex, Drugs, Money, Drama. When I asked them why they got back together they couldn't give me an answer. But it was Liz, the bass playing Goddess, who after their set came up to me and said You know why we got back together? Honestly? It was because we were bored. That sentiment is the reason a lot of the great bands did it, and Six Shooters To The Sky may become one of the great Vegas bands, that is, if they don't kill each other first. Great little gig @ the Bikini Bar last Friday. That place needs some drink specials though... OK. I've on babbled long enough. Everything's updated, new Pictures of Unfair Fight, Tinglerz and Deadhand from their gig @ Hypnotic Lounge a while back are up, and I'm just getting around to doing those Motor City Cafe photos, which started off with the Seriouslys. Those chicks are kick ass and you should check them out whenever you get the chance. Lots of stuff coming up this weekend, so check out the Gig Calendar page and plan accordingly. I think I'm gonna go grab a pastrami sandwich. :-) I live for gigs like that one last night. I really do.
Small, intimate things with a handful of Friends in attendance, glorified practices really, and the vibe is just so relaxed, stress free, I dunno, something. The Bands are basically playing for each other and the 2 or 3 other idiots in attendance who have nothing better to do than to come out and check out some bands they've never heard of, on the slim chance that one of them might be worth remembering and maybe worth scrounging some change together to buy some merch off of the band to help their gas funds to get them to the next gig. Yeah, that's what last nights gig @ Yayo Taco was all about, and I loved every minute of it. I only made the effort to see Deadhand, who I am currently obsessed with, but seeing a band like Razorhoof just throw down the sickness with their Neurosis / Eyehategod Noise not Music was worth the $5 admission donation price alone. Click here to check out the bands Facebook page. And what's up with the new changes to the layout of Facebook? Can you say, LAME!! hahahaha Smooth Sailing were pretty good too, in a Refused / At The Drive In kind of way, shaking the walls of Yayo Taco loose with their double bass playing musical onslaught. Click here to check their Facebook page out and become their Friend. And I finally got to see G.P.B., who are just the cutest bunch of Punk kids ever! They're like a cross between Rancid and the Pedophilties, and every one of their songs is, uhhhmmm, how should I put this, "inspired", by bands like the Dead Boys, Sham 69 and the 4-Skins. They played a NOFX cover that never changed tempo once, even though it was supposed to... heh heh heh. Deadhand played a NOFX cover too, Linoleum, and had some random Punk kid sing it and lose his shit while doing so. His buddy helped out on backup vocals too... rad. It was cute and awesome at the same time. Totally laid back night @ Yayo Taco. You should of been there. You missed out. :-) Tomorrow night Pigasus is playing at the Beauty Bar for some reason, but I couldn't find shit on Facebook about it. I thought it was for something about tattoos or some shit, but who knows. Friday night Danny, The Prince of Drummers, is putting on a show at the place he works at, the Bikini Bar, that he's calling The Clash Of The Scenes, and it's featuring the Tinglerz, Six Shooters To The Sky and Babilos, and you can click here to check out all the info about it on the Facebook event page for it. Isn't Facebook wonderful? Takes all the effort out of promoting a gig! LOL And everybody is complaining about the new Facebook layout but I dunno, I like it. It works for me and simplifies everything. Whatever. And don't forget about this gig happening @ the Hypnotic Lounge this Saturday. It should be a night of Local Music Sexiness!!!! Deadhand, Aluminum Falcon and Holding Onto Sound. I was told that Dead Neon dropped off... Booooooooooooo. See ya there! XOXOXOXOXO Oakland - Buffalo... I'm over it. Final Score: Raiders 35 - Referees 28 - Bills 10. The bad officiating and missed calls were rampant and totally biased towards Buffalo. It got so bad there towards the end that the Referees kept throwing flags, and then they would have to huddle together just to come to the conclusion that there was no infraction on the play! WTF? And that 'Review' in the last seconds of the game that allowed Buffalo to regroup and catch their breath before they scored the winning touchdown? What was that about? Total Bullshit, that's what! And it took 10 minutes after the game was over to declare it an official Bills win, because they had to review that Hail Mary pass Campbell put up to end the game. Oh whatever. There's no Honor in that Win. Fuck you Buffalo. And fuck you Danny. :-)
Mayweather / Ortiz. The Booooooooo's from the crowd were well deserved. It wasn't a cheap shot, and Ortiz is known for head butting, so the Ref should of been more assertive in that matter, and any fighter knows you keep your hands up no matter what, so whatever. Ortiz is a tomato who was gonna lose to Mayweather regardless. Floyd don't fight anyone he knows he can't beat. Until Mayweather fights Pacquiao, I'm always gonna regard him as a pussy. Of course it's being totally ignored in the Media, but I've been watching this with a most jaundiced and jaded eye since it's start this past Saturday. OccupyWallSt.org I'm not sure what the occupation of Wall Street is supposed to bring about, but it's a start I guess. Their Declaration of Intent is a very interesting read. I gave money to buy them food and stuff, because I'm a Rebel like that. hahahaah Viva La Revolution! I'm doing my part - what about Y-O-U? ;-) There's a cool little gig happening @ Yayo Taco tomorrow night with Deadhand, G.P.B., Smooth Sailing and Razorhoof. Don't know who those last 2 bands are, but any chance I get to see Deadhand is one I'm going to take. If you haven't bought their self titled debut release yet, you are blowing it big time! Make amends for that by stopping by Yayo and getting your grub on, checking out some bands, and buying that Deadhand CD from 1 of the 3 handsome fellows in that band. I'll leave it to you to decide which one of them is the handsome one... heh heh heh Busy week ahead! Lots of Gigs coming up, so check out the Gig Calendar page and plan accordingly. Everything is updated. New Pictures of Machine Gun Vendetta and Surrounded By Thieves just added, so check them out. :-) I'm currently sitting here @ 4 in the morning with my two lovely house guests Sidney and Murphy, watching Family Guy's Kiss Saves Santa Christmas Special, and languishing in the afterglow of a well played Aluminum Falcon set @ the Motor City Cafe. Add them as a Friend if you haven't already, because what they got going on down there is definitely worth supporting. And Thanx to everyone for coming out and getting all Punky Rocky in the place while we played. Eastside Joe, always good to see you, and Mad Man Zack?? Fuuuuuuuck. I haven't seen that kid since he got kicked out of that Loud Pipes gig @ Diablo's a while back. LOL I had fun tonight. People said we sounded good, and we did a flurry of Descendents songs at the end of our set for some reason. :-) I watched Surrounded By Thieves just kill it from outside through the window, because I had to set my kit up and gossip with George, the Man without Feelings, and some kid who said he used to go to all the Loud Pipes gigs back in the day. And now he was hanging out with me at a bar. Crazy. I can't wait to hear the newly recorded Surrounded By Thieves material. Their stuff is pretty kick ass. That song Red White & Fuck You (I think that's what it's called) is still stuck in my head hours later. They're one of the better bands treading the boards here in Vegas right now, and you could do yourself a favor by checking them out when you get the chance. Yup! And sorry to Xomby for missing out on their set. I blame Jeremy. Damn him for being responsible and all that shit. ;-) GO RAIDERS!!! FUCK THE BILLS!!! Yeah, that game starts in a few hours, so I better kipper a nap before I start drinking and eating Buffalo wild wings, courtesy of the Prince of Drummers, Danny from Pigasus. He works at the Bikini Bar now, the old Sand Dollar Blues Lounge on Spring Mountain, so if you ever wanted to see him sporting a banana hammock, now's your chance. Head down there immediately and let him make you happy with generous servings of booze. After you get your football on today, head down to see that Give gig happening @ Yayo tonight. It's gonna be crazy good and if I'm not too cockeyed I just might see ya there. Them taco plates be a calling meeeeeeeee... OK... it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt. Thankfully no one has gotten hurt yet so it's all still fun and games! hahahaha Was that really Tony the Soundman who got fired in the Comments section? Sure sounded like it... hee hee hee In the midst of all that Cheyenne Saloon Drama, I forgot to tell you that fucking Neon Reverb SUCKED!! hahahaha No fucking promotion whatsoever and Local Band support was pretty much non-existent and relegated to the precious Sunday night spots that everybody just loves to play. NOBODY was at Atari Teenage Riot that Saturday, NOBODY knew who was playing where and at what time, and NOBODY gave a shit about anybody that played. Every venue was pretty much vacant despite the fluff piece that appeared in the City Life this week, which pretty much set this tirade off. Click here to read that if you haven't already. If they're thinking about turning this into some sort of Street Scene kind of thing, they're definitely gonna need to step it up a notch or two or ten. Big Talk was the 'Coachella Moment' of the Festival? Oh fucking bite me. They suck. Ronnie Vannucci should go back to playing that stupid ass Jock Pit song with Attaboy Skip like he used to. Coachella Sucks. Your fucking Neon Reverb festival sucks. And City Life, you suck too. If you people that think that Zappo's buying the rights to First Friday is a good thing, just remember that I told you this right now - it's not. The Corporate Takeover is not to be embraced. Cindy Funkhouser is not a friend of First Friday. Nope! Since when is the 'Disneyfying' of a once independent, quirky gathering of Local Artists and Bohemian types a good thing, huh? When has it ever been? Yeah, exactly. Booooooooooooooooo OK, now for some Positivity! LOL You just can't be pessimistic all the time, ya know? ;-) I got pretty hyped when I saw this because I love these guys. Apparently, someone made a documentary about Fishbone, one of the coolest bands EVER, centering in on the tenacious relationship between Norwood and Angelo, and the film is now making the rounds at film festivals all around the world. Go to fishbonedocumentary.com for more info about the movie and to find out where you can see it in your part of the world. Fishbone are Rad! And BTW, that new Jesus Lizard - Club DVD is fucking AMAZING!! Wowsers! Age has only made those guys better. And it comes with the entire set as 320 MP3's as well, so you can download that shizz straight to your iTunes. Awesomeage. :-)
This was a pretty OK article about Dirk Vermin in last week's Seven magazine, and you can click here to check it out. The picture they used for that article is a Photoshopped nightmare, but I always enjoy reading that cantankerous old bastards rants and raves about anything and everything. When's that damn Boredom Is The Reason book coming out anyways??? Everything's updated. Come by the Motor City Cafe tomorrow to see a pretty PFR gig with 2 good Local bands and then Us. :-) And don't forget about that All Ages gig @ Yayo Taco with the Gashers and Guilty By Association. It's somebody's Birthday party so I'm hoping that there will be CAKE there... heh heh |
November 2023