Has there ever been anything as stupid as this Dickies / WARPed Tour travesty? Seriously? Google that shit if you don't know what I'm talking about or you're living under a rock or something. "He called some girl a cunt!" So fucking what? Act like a cunt, get called a cunt. Simple. How can anyone take offense to a 60-something year old guy in a Punk band singing borderline retarded lyrics with a penis puppet? LOL I mean, that whole "Our teenage girls don’t need to be subjected to derogatory jokes by a disgusting old man" thing is such PC bullshit. Who's subjecting it to you? Who's forcing you to stay and watch? Don't like it? Don't be there. Leave. Simple. I wet my pants thinking about how the Punk scene of today would react to a GG Allin running around their midst, wrecking everyone's party and challenging everyone's preconceived notion of what is and isn't "Punk". Where was all this concern from this chick group about 'Punk isn't Predatory' when The Rapeualties were on WARPed tour, with that chomo Jorge sticking his wrinkled old cock into every piece of jailbait pussy stupid enough to let him near them? Oh, there was silence then. That group had nothing to say about that, right. I mean, it's not like The Rapeualties aren't touring or anything like that. It's not like they can't go to a Rapeualties gig and call Jorge out on his shit and protest and heckle him, que no? Nope. Oh man. I can only revel on the right and wrong of thinking back to some of the legendary gigs that I've been fortunate enough to attend and think about what that crowd of people would've thought of some jackass heckling a band they were there to see. I mean, I'm glad "The Scene" has evolved from those dark and bloody days when people settled disagreements with violence, and that tours like the WARPed Tour are making Punk safe for everyone to enjoy and a non-threat to everyone who goes, yada yada yada but still, what the fuck happened to the scene today? Why the fuck is everything so serious and PC nowadays? Where did all these Rules and Divisions creep in? How the fuck did this happen??? Gawd damn. Lighten up. Shit don't got to be this way. Thanks Trump! lol
So last night was the Chron Gen gig @ the Dive bar, nobody was there, which was typical. I'm sure when Chron Gen plays the middle slot at Punk Rock Posing that 1000's of Las Vegas Punk fans will be there to cheer them on from 500 feet away while standing in the middle of some parking lot. The gig @ the Dive was the night that some fat fuck loser from San Diego who supported those asshats Trump supporting poseur skinheads from AZ. (with alliances in Woodland Hills and Chicago, of all places) was supposed to come and shoot me in the face with his AK-47. Yeah, wonder how that played out? LOL Nothing worse than pussy internet warriors and the bands they support. Anywhooo's... I didn't last long at the gig. I was so burnt from practicing with Headnoise for the past 2 days that I had no energy left for anything gig related. I played the set and then left. I watched Radio Silence play while I was setting my gear up, and I don't get it. Nice guys and all, but a rough listen. The theremin thing doesn't work, and if you're going to play covers, you should probably know them before you get up on stage. Who fucks up Ace Of Spades? Seriously? And if it wasn't for that drunken asshole that knocked my girlfriend down during the Headnoise set, I probably would of had a good time. Thanks to Dave for taking care of that for me. Love ya Bro. After that, I really just wanted to get outta there. I heard a bit of Corrupted Youth as I was saying my goodbyes to everyone, and they reminded me of every backyard playing 10th grade high school Punk band I've ever heard, and not very good at that. Don't know what the big deal about that band is, but I didn't stick around to try to find out. Deuces. Last night's gig @ the Double Clown was shockingly good! It was the grand debut of Lean 13, a new group I'm proud to be a part of, and we played with a couple of good bands - Hungry Ass Youth, a very Cro-Mags / Agnostic Front sounding band, and As One, a heavy Judge / Madball sounding type of band. The place had some people in there, which made sense for a Fri. night, but what didn't make sense was how, oh dare I say it, COLD it was in there. When did they fix the AC in that cesspool? LOL I could actually breathe in there, which I haven't been able to do since the early 90's. Made hanging out there much more bearable, which made the evening much more enjoyable. Good vibes, strange conversations with ex-adversaries, and a couple of tip top bands. Can't complain too much about that! Fun night. Now I gotta get myself ready for tomorrow's Chron Gen / Headnoise gig @The Dive. Robert and Edie and Rob are staying at my house, and we're just waiting for Harvey to come over so we can run through the set and work on these new songs we're putting together. Should be fun. :) hahahahahaha Ya know, I think I'm gonna send that hack Jason B. a Christmas card this year, because the endless laughs and el oh el's that guy gives me with every posting of his column in the local only good for bird cage bottom lining newspaper is just an ass kissing laugh fest. This week's installment included speaking to a "Punk Elder" he decrees the "Big Brother" of the Las Vegas Punk Scene... hahahahaha I love you Cody but this is too much. Glad you got a great sense of humor about it all, oh mighty Godfather of the Las Vegas Punk Scene... hahahaha Thank you for all you do to keep a shitty scene full of incompetent losers and talentless assholes alive and thriving in backyards all across the East side. You keep getting them signed to Squidhat and they'll keep breaking up after doing a whole lotta nothing... LOL
https://www.reviewjournal.com/entertainment/entertainment-columns/sounding-off/wolfman-helps-keep-vegas-punk-scene-alive/ It's almost like they don't want people to go to the gigs here in town nowadays... lol Well, at least it seems like they don't want you to get there early at the very least. Who the Hell plans out these lineups and thinks 'Gee, this will put asses in the seats and create a good vibe and lots of energy for the headliners to feed off of'? Or is it more along the lines of 'Gee, these are some of the best and most popular "Punk" bands in the scene right now, so let's get them to open up the gigs and fill the place up with their paying fans and friends'? LOL Or maybe it's just nepotism rearing it's ugly head. Yeah, probably that. Meh. Whatever. Wasn't like I was going anyways. The Downtown thing is just the icing on a huge shit cake, with both bands cruising on the fumes of Nostalgia and not having a proper release in years between the 2 of them as being my main reason not to go see these 2 PRP type of lame ass bands. Add the boring. bland, predictable soft rock poseur Punx bands as openers and its like Kryptonite to the guy in the red cape flying in the air. No thanks. Enjoy your snoozefest. I'm sure it will sell out and the people on social media will say how "amazing" and "life changing" and "incredible" it was, to which my reply is always, 'Oh, if only you saw them X amount of years ago when they were good!', which is one of the benefits of being an old bastard like me... heh heh Remember when GBH played that Irish Mexican restaurant in El Monte back in '81 to like, 40 people? Or remember when Johnny Peebucks And The Swingin' Utters played at The Caves in '93 to like 20 people? Yeah... didn't think so, but hey! Enjoy your gig Downtown! LOL
Is it safe to come out yet? LOL And BTW, this might be the gheyest thing I've ever seen, and I used to live with a BDSM cuddly bear S/M freak that was into fisting, and he would pass out drunk in full bondage regalia and leave his porn on at full volume, and I'd have to go in there and turn it off. The blatant homosexuality I saw in that smelly room of Horror is manly man manly compared to this weak display from a bunch of testosterone lacking effeminate old men. Was that really Soft Stern's girlfriend who was allowed to swing first? Of course it was. And isn't it painfully obvious from watching this video that none of these guys have ever picked up a baseball bat before in their life? LOL Oh, what an edgy display of anti-establishmentarianism from an elitist bunch of rich hypocrites. How do people still support this farce known as PRP? Oh yeah, that's how! Keep 'em drunk and drugged and stupid - that way, they won't question anything and it's easier to rob them blind. Suckers. So how much did YOU spend at the fest this year?? |
November 2023