FAAAWWWKKK!! Before I forget AGAIN, here's the link (click here) to the Break Anchor pix I took a few weeks ago @ the Dive. They're a great band and I've been rocking the shit out of their Rolling Blackouts: Singles Collection as of late. It's really good. Check it out if you're so inclined. And click here to read a Music Review that Zack did for the Mc Rad - Dominant Force release, a certified Classic by anybody's standards. His write up is basically an advert for the upcoming Skate Rock Reunion thing, but that's cool. I just wish the thick headed fool in charge of that thing would put some deserving Local talent on that bill, bands that are going to be more than just droning, boring background noise... heh heh Dan 45 is an Artist. I don't mean an artist like, he's the Singer/Screamer of Unfair Fight, no, I mean he's an Artist in that he creates Art, something you can look at and marvel over and think to yourself "Where does he get the inspiration for such things?" LOL He's been doing it for pretty much all his Life, using various mediums including but not limited to, cassette tapes (don't ask), and a local art gallery here in town, Wasteland Gallery, is giving Dan his very own exhibition, an exhibition fittingly called Imagination Is Everything... But Pizza Is A Close Second. There's gonna be a whole bunch of Dan's artwork on display, like that little beauty in the picture there, either to buy or drool over, I dunno, and the opening reception on Thurs. is open to the public, and free as well, so if you wanna see some some pretty awe inspiring, left of center Art that comes from years of skateboarding, drinking Icees, consuming cupcakes, eating pizza, and daydreaming about eating pizza, then come out this Thurs. and congratulate Dan on his prestigious honor and check out some of the demented stuff that comes out of his mind. If you miss the opening event, don't worry, because Dan's art will be on display for the entire month of May. Hey! That rhymed! :-) My friend Adrian, local Booker extraordinaire, Screamer for Vihan Rytmi, lover of all things Black and Metal and Beer related, well, his doggy got sick a little while ago, and he's pretty much strapped for cash at this moment, so he started this GoFundMe thing to try to help offset the cost of the surgery his dog needs. If you're a pet owner, you can imagine how hard it would be on you if you had to put up with something like this, so if you can donate anything to help out, and I do mean anything, well, not only would Adrian be eternally grateful for it, but I would be as well, and by that, I mean if you donate over $10 to help out, I'll send you a onethirtyeight.org tee shirt just for being a nice, helpful person. Just send proof you donated to [email protected], and I'll mail you out a shirt ASAP. Thanks in advance to anybody that can donate to help out. :-) Everything is updated. Speaking of the shirts, I just mailed out all the shirts I owed people from the second run of onethirtyeight.org shirts that came in, and there are some left over if you want one, woman's shirts too, so email me at the above address to get one for yourself, or hit me up in person and I might give you one for free. Hummers, Blumpkins, Handies, Tijuana Lube Jobs, and Cleveland Steamers (giving not getting) will also be considered as barter... heh heh. Punk Rock Jones from S.F.T. has been making videos lately to help promote the gigs he plays, and he made this one for our upcoming gig this Sat. at the Double Clown. I don't know what any of the things pictured in the video have to do with the gig on Sat., but you gotta admit, the upside down dog grinning is pretty sweet... ;-)
I don't know where to begin, so I'm just going to start. I blew off seeing the Dollyrots with Monica to watch the Sharks game, assuming we were going to pretty much close the deal tonight, but for some reason, Niemi didn't start, and when I walked away from it, the game score was 3-0 Queens just seconds into the 2nd period. Ugh. So with all the free time, and while waiting for my food to be delivered, and to get my mind of of Hockey, I thought I'd just jot down some random thoughts. It's been a hectic past few days. Fri. night I didn't go to Combichrist, despite Jeff's pleading for me to do so, and that secret Puddle Of Mudd gig @ Triple B's was a joke. As Hank so elegantly put it, "they're Date Rape music"... LOL Aren't they a one hit wonder? What's the big deal about them playing anyways? Thurs. night it was all about Roxie's B-Day party going down @ the Velveteen Rabbit, where her band Crazy Chief was playing, along with a band I've been dying to see for a long time now, a band called Leather Lungs. I dig their super rocking, soul stomping Rawk N Roll music, and they were definitely worth the wait in checking out. They were pretty laid back, but otherwise ¡Muy excelente! Couldn't hear the drums though, because the guy playing drums wasn't hitting them too hard, which was sad. All us Drummers in the room were quick to notice that, being the catty bitches that we all are... hahaha And then Crazy Chief tore things up, the highlight being them playing a pretty crazed up version of their Angel Dust single, with Jesse going out of his way to make sure everyone knew that the song was NOT about PCP and D & D... heh heh. It was a Celebration, Bitches!, for the upcoming Crazy Chief album called Chrome Werewolf, and we were supposed to get a download card to preview the new album for showing up, but I never got mine, dammit! What a jip! LOL Oh well. It was a fun night with Friends and Family and Music. Doesn't get much better than that. Speaking of Leather Lungs, here's a video for a song they did called Jedi In The Streets, Sith In The Sheets (I don't get the reference, but I'm not a Star Wars nerd), and if you haven't gotten their 3 song demo yet, you can click here to download it immediately from their Bandcamp page. They also have some other songs not available on their demo on their Soundcloud page, and you can click here to check those out. Become the bands friend on Facebook by clicking here. If you missed out on Oi Polloi on Weds, well, I don't know what to say, because they were amazing, and I know you weren't there because the place was pathetically empty. Something better to do on a Weds. night than to see a Legendary Anarcho Oi! band from Scotland, who has never ever toured the West Coast before? Fuck off you poseurs! hahaha They sounded fucking great, especially considering that half of the band didn't even make it into the U.S. because of visa problems, and their replacements from the opening bands were just learning the songs as they went along on the tour. Wow! They played all sorts of cool songs - Pigs For Slaughter, THC, Scum, No Filthy Nuclear Power, Hands Off Nicaragua, Punx Picnic, Bash The Fash, Kill The Bill, and a bunch of other songs I haven't heard in years. They sang songs in Gaelic, and they even did a few obscure Swedish D-Beat covers just because they could! Sooooooo fucking excellent. If you played the "I'm tired, I'm old, it's on a weeknight, I got work in the morning" card, like I know some of you did, then you truly missed out on seeing a phenomenal band up close and personal in a small, intimate venue. Although if and when they play Punk Rock Posing, I'm sure you'll all be there and hyped up on seeing Oi Polloi play finally... whatever. Wartorn were pretty sick too. Good to finally see them after I missed them playing at East Side Joe's a few years back. Is East Side Joe's still doing gigs? Anybody? I mean, I see Joe everywhere, but I never talk to him about gigs... odd. I bought a bunch of classic vinyl records from the Wartorn merch guy, I think it was the Wartorn merch guy, who had boxes and boxes of super rare and choice stuff that he brought along on tour to sell. Pretty smart thing to do if ya ask me. Vindictive sucked. I don't know what they were doing on the bill, but I'm glad they followed us, because they made The Civilians set sound all that much better! LOL And everybody dug the Time Crashers, which was cool / weird, so yeah, if you weren't there, you missed a good gig! I think I've written enough... I dunno why they're sooooooooooo reluctant to come forward and admit what they did and have the balls to just man up and say they did it. I mean, I still don't have a problem with the Boycott Onethirtyeight.org Facebook page - and I'm still waiting for them to do the stickers and tee shirts, because my Friends and I would love to buy them and sport them everywhere we go, but they probably won't ever do anything that they say they were going to do, because they're lazy losers. What the Trivial Trio that run that page don't seem to understand is that I knew who they were from the get go. I also know that a few other people jumped ship as soon as the Drama started jumping off. My Friends are all over that page, despite all the Managers "stupied" statements saying otherwise. I think it's funny that they ban me from there, simply because I post things like this on the page - a picture of who exactly runs that Facebook page, a picture that shows, despite their crying and whining that they had NOTHING to do with the Facebook page, that they do... lying chickenshits... LOL And there ya go! The 2 guys from Infernal Wackshit and some asshat friend of theirs from Kansas City are the geniuses behind the Facebook page. Disappointing, I know... Oh well.
Tomorrow night. Oi Polloi. Wartorn. The Civilians. GO!!! OK. It's over. It's done. We did what we said we were going to do, and they didn't do what they said they were going to do, simple as that. Hopefully this puts everything to rest. And if there's a lesson to be learned from all of this, I think it is this: If you say it, mean it, and if you say it, do it. Anyways, yeah, it was THAT kind of weekend. I had an interesting chat with Alan from Squid Hat Records, which was enlightening, to say the least. He stopped by the Zia Records thing that Guilty By Association was playing, which, by the way, was major fun, and Thanx to everyone who came out to that, BTW. My posse was in full effect, and my body was well guarded. ;-) Both Local compilations that were released that day, the Desert Rats With Baseball Bats II, and the You Heard Us Back When Vol. 8, sold out, so if you didn't get one, you missed out. Snooze you lose. Despite all the Drama last night, I did watch The Mapes play an amazing set of Punk Rockery that should stand as an inspiration to every Local band gigging around today. Make your gawd damn gig an event. Write good songs. Practice them to perfection. Don't be boring on stage. Give the people something to come out for. I mean, when you walked into the Dive and saw that everything near the stage was covered in plastic wrap, you knew this was going to be a memorable gig! LOL Yeah, the Mapes were great, and that band The Pluralses were really fucking good too! Did I hear them singing a song about a cocaine submarine?? hahaha I wish I wasn't dealing with the Drama all night instead of checking out the bands... phooey! Nothing is updated. You think I got time for that? LOL Most of my time as of late has been spent recording and mixing practice MP3's from The Loud Pipes, Shitfaced Tattoos, Headless Rats, and The Civilians, who have the honor of opening up this gig Weds. night for some Scotsmen who go by the name Oi Polloi, and some amazeball band from WI called Wartorn. I don't know shit about that band Vindictive, except that there's about a million bands out there with that name, but anyways, get there early and check out every band that plays and come out to have some fun - No Drama!! Whatta ya say we all just save the macho insecurity aggro bullshit for the pit, OK? Cool! See ya there! :-) I think the backpedal coming from Boycott Onethirtyeight.org Facebook page is precious!! "Oh, Homeless Dyke and Piss Chris have nothing to do with this page."... or, my favorite one, "You're not worth the trouble to beat up."... hahahaha Whatever. If I was them, I'd be scared too, especially after running their mouths to the people they did. Don't bother trying to find those comments now though, because they've all been deleted. Same chickenshit thing that band Shittiest Morepenis did. Lame, or as they like to say, Weaksauce. hahahaha Look, I knew it was a joke, I was in on it, I didn't have a problem with it, Hell, I even promoted the page before I was banned from it, but some people don't have the sense of humor that I have. Some people didn't think any of it was funny, and those people will be at the Mapes gig this Easter Sun. to work out all their online differences in person, like adults do in the real world, not like how little butt hurt bitches talk brave on the Internet and think they won't be held accountable for their actions. Yeah, if you got nothing better to do Easter evening, come down to the Dive and celebrate Thanksgiving day early. We're gonna be cutting up on some turkeys... ;-) Tomorrow afternoon, I'm gonna be playing a gig with Guilty By Association @ Zia Records for Record Store Day, and as a celebration for the Local compilation You Heard Us Back When, Vol. 8. Click here for the Facebook event page. I know I said that the last gig I played with GBA was going to be my last, but apparently the new guy had prior commitments out of state, so he couldn't make the gig. It should be interesting, especially the Sausagefest Food Truck that's going to be on location! LOL I'm grubbing hard when I get there, I'll tell you that. And I know everyone, unfortunately, is going to be at that 'other' gig going on for that other Local compilation that's being released on the same day, but that's OK. My bands weren't invited, and I wasn't going to go even if I could. Have fun with that though. I don't associate with or promote gigs being put on by a pussy that hits women. Nope! Sunday, besides all the Easter grubbing I'm going to be doing, is all about this Mapes gig @ the Dive. Ya know, I almost wish those dipshits wouldn't show up, or if they do, they just sit there and shut the fuck up like the dumb fucks they are, so that the focus of this gig could be on the Bands and not the Drama that's sure to ensue, but oh well. Actions must have Consequences. Words must be Accountable. Everyone and their Mom says they are going to be there, but we'll see as to who actually makes it out to this event. See ya there! ;-) Everything is updated. There's all sorts of Rockasilly stuff going on this weekend, but damn if I know or care what any of it is. I'm all about playoff Hockey right now, and watching my beloved Sharks whip on some L.A. Queens vaaaa jay-jays last night was electrifying! We're gonna take Game 2 on Sunday as well! We're going back to L.A. with a 2-0 lead - believe that! hahaha Life is good. I got a shitload of stuff to post up on the website when I get the time, or did I already post it up and forget about it? I dunno. I'm slowly but surely catching up to things. like sending out the second run of onethirtyeight.org shirts, which are gonna be here on Tues., so everyone that's got a shirt coming to you, your patience will be paid off, and I Thank you for it. Oh wait, I'm not gonna live to see the day after Sunday, so I guess I should just close this out by saying I love you all - well maybe not all of you, and those that I don't like, I'm gonna haunt you from the other side, fuckers... LOL Good luck getting those shirts after I'm dead... ;-) So no doubt by now you've all been aware of this wonderfully awesome Facebook page that sprouted up on Monday, a Boycott Onethirtyeight.org page, if you can believe that. You know what they say: You're nobody until somebody hates you. It's nice to know that somebody cares so much and spends so much time thinking about me. ;-) If you haven't liked the page on Facebook yet, please click here and do so immediately. I liked it myself once, but the Administrator of the page banned me from it, like the little chickenshit that he is, but I have Friends on the inside who tell me everything that's being said or posted on there. The funny part is that the brain dead cum stain that's in charge over there thinks none of the likes on the page are from my Friends, and he doesn't know that my Friends have sent me invitations to like the page... hahaha Anyways, the page was created by a greasy ass illiterate who goes by the moniker Homeless Dyke, who's associated with the joke band Infernal Wackshit. Now the only reason why I haven't flicked my little finger and shut down that Facebook page is that I want it to stand published until after this Easter Sunday, for you see, on that day, the band Infernal Wackshit is playing a gig with my Friends band The Mapes, and they're playing at a venue that I'd like to think me and my Friends have more sway over than them, and that's the Dive. Now, I would like to state publicly that I don't know what's going to happen on that day, but Insurrection will be in the air, and no resurrections will be forthcoming for anyone. And I am also publicly disavowing any previous knowledge to any events which may or may not transpire on said day, and I'm publicly disacknowledging any insight into anything that any one person, group, or organization may or may not do that day as a result of their own free will, but I will publicly declare that whatever happens on that day, however it goes down, it's going to be comedy gold. On that you can bet. So, if you wanna see how pathetically this is going to end, if you wanna be there yourself to see how this little cry for attention from Homeless Dyke plays out, then come out to the Dive this Sun. I am telling you that you do NOT wanna miss this. I'm not getting into a trolling war on the Internet over this. Everything I gotta say is going to be said facie ad faciem, in loco. ;-)
November 2023