![]() I didn't think it was going to be as much fun as it was but damn I had fun playing at the Regal Inn last Friday with Headnoise and a bunch of other bands. Or more exact, I had fun hanging out with the awesome friends and family of the band who came out in droves and from places far away to see us perform... heh heh I spent the whole night in the parking lot chatting with everyone and anyone, talking shit, sharing laughs, trading war stories, blah blah blah. It was great. I did get to hear some of the bands that played though, but didn't get to actually see them. RecOi!l were pretty good, reminding me of Blanks 77 with their charged up Pogo Punk sound. Culo were good too, a female fronted D-Beat band that shredded. They did an Anti-Nowhere League cover so you know they're pretty Punk as fuck. 😎 Then we played and we did alright, except for the drum set bouncing about from everyone jumping around while we played. Then The Bastard Monarchs played, and they sounded very OC and reminded me of a more mellow Custom Made Scare if you can remember those crazy fuckers. Fun night. Again, thanks to everyone for coming out and supporting the band, and special thanks to Ricky Menace and the lovely Jena Menace from Taxi TV for doing a live broadcast while we were playing and sharing the video afterwords. It was great meeting you two. Thanks for all the kind words, and see you at the next gig with Spider and T.S.O.L. in Big Bear!
![]() I've just been kind of sitting back and watching this whole Mike Briggs thing unfold, and needless to say it's really fucking ugly. Terribly ugly. Hugely ugly. For those of you who don't know, Mike Briggs from Agent 86 passed away a few weeks ago, and the spectacle that comes with ones passing is both fascinating and revolting at the same time, like a public beheading. From the ugliness of those family members and loved ones he left behind arguing over petty material belongings of the beloved guitarist / front man, to the chickenshit Drumpf supporting Proud Boy racist fucks attacking him and his words/actions online once news of his passing spread, something that they didn't have the nerve to do when he was alive, because if you knew Mike, you knew he was all over social media supporting this cause and promoting this movement and activity and he was never hesitant to call someone out on their shit. All the fucking time, every fucking time, with no worries of repercussions or paybacks of any sort. He was fearless in that respect. Dude was passionate about his beliefs and outlooks, and for that he always had my support. Every time I played the Doll Hut in CA the people that would there would bring up Mike's name in discussion ("You're from Vegas, huh? So you know that Mike Briggs asshole?") and when I'd tell Mike about it he'd get a chuckle out of being a pain in the ass to those he thought deserved it. I'm not saying he was always right, because he wasn't, but I supported his passion for his beliefs as I do all my friends. Look, I'm not gonna be THAT guy who says what a great friend he was and how we talked and giggled like little girls together and all that BS, but although he wasn't a great friend to me, he was a friend, always respectful, and always supportive of me and the website and all the silly things going on around here. If he wasn't at the gigs, he was putting the gigs on, or playing the gigs, but he was always there, even after having both of his legs amputated, and he is definitely gonna be missed. Rest easy my friend, you've both earned it and deserve it. Hope you found that peace you were always looking for. Your life was fullness Brother. May Jah guide and bless you. Give thanks. |
November 2023