Every time these Aluminum Falcon songs come on my shuffle I want to cry. 😄 If this is not one of the best Punk albums to come out of the Las Vegas scene in, oh, I'm gonna say EVER, then I'll shit in my favorite Sharks hat and then eat it for fucking breakfast. Fucking AF man. Could of been... would of been... should of been. "It's a classic story." We practiced religiously, played gigs regularly, and it shows in this recording. Everything is so tight, so fast and furious, so gawd damn hard hitting and memorable that it's shocking in it's musical grotesqueness, with the brunt of the songwriting work done at Jesse & Roxie's old rehearsal spot we shared with the guys from Deadhand ❤ with the lyrics being hastily scribbled on empty 12 pack boxes the night before doing vocals. 😁 The combination of personalities and talent just made this band shine a little bit brighter than the others. Between Jeremy's Herculean running bass riffs, Tyson's patented old school Punk Rock guitar sound, and Mikes melodic gruff vocal styling, at all just seemed to work, dammit. Happy times. I'm still not sure how this recording was pulled off but it was. Captured and recorded by "The Wizard" John Brown at Camel Hump Studios. (RIP), it was then sent to Paul Miner at Buzzbomb Studios for mixing and mastering. There were a few songs that we didn't record for some reason - one got reworked into a Civilians song we rarely played, and the others were just lost to the sands of time I guess. Le sigh. In lack of actual content to comment on or post about, I bring to you this "musical appreciation" post on a band that I think is worth the mention, with all narcissistic tendencies set aside of course. 😎
hahaha every time I find out that some local band has a new release, I start channeling my inner Salieri after about 3 or 4 songs into giving it a listen... 😂😂😂 And I know I'm just getting saltier and more judgmental in my old age but can't any local band put out something good that's well produced with even a semblance of a good riff or a beat to expunge upon? I don't even care if it's recycled Horror Punk riffs, stale Drunk Punk missteps, or Metal tinged Cyco Punk, I just want it to be semi good. Is that too much to ask of the Local music scene? Maybe it is, I dunno. As always I remain forever hopeful. And spare me the comments about being out of the loop or clueless about what's going on locally. I can read stuff off the internet too ya know? I know all about Bandcamp pages. I got a SoundCloud account. 😋 I assumed that with all this downtime that more bands would use the opportunity to be creative but it seemed fear and apathy ruled the land. Le sigh. At least there's been lots of new releases from established bands to keep me salivating and rocking my face off. More on that later... heh ha ha ha this is cool. Of course I have The Clash taking it all but fill it in and see who you come up with. There's some hard decisions to be made in there so choose wisely and have fun with it. Stay safe. And wash your hands dammit!! |
November 2023