![]() It's always interesting when you run into people you have bad relations with, and it's even more awkward when you actually have to interact with them, whether by choice or by force. It's even more strange when they send you Friends Requests on Facebook! LOL Yeah, Bob's B-Day bash was one for the record books, bringing all sorts of freaks and weirdos out from the woodwork, and it was really cool to see Bob so happy, delirious, like a little kid, whether he was up there trying to sing along to IDFI (who everybody was saying were too loud? WTF?) or trying to get F.S.T. or F.T.S. or whatever he was calling us that night to play a song that he wanted to hear, a song that, of course, we haven't played in a while and definitely didn't practice for. Oh well. Everyone was so twisted that night that I doubt that anyone noticed. Fuzz SoLow was fucking brilliant and I thought IDFI were pretty fucking good as well. From what everybody was telling me and everyone else afterwords, SFT killed it, but they all might of been drunk and seeing and hearing some band other than us... heh heh Someone broke the 'No taking photos' rule, but other than pictures of Bob with his cock hanging out, there was nothing too incriminating being shown... LOL Great night. Shame to those of you who couldn't make it out or left early... booooooooooooooo. ![]() Tartar Control tonight at the Artistic Armory. I may not make it out, but I'm gonna try my best. Afterwords I highly urge you to go see that Life's Torment / Unfair Fight / Cobra Venom gig going on @ the Double Clown. That should be pretty cool. :-) And on Sunday, my girl and I are heading off to CA. to be beach bums and hobos for a week. You thought nothing gets done before? It's going to be even worse now! ha ha ha The Civilians are playing @ the Doll Hut on July 5th, so I basically get to come back for the 4th of July extravaganza going down at Casa de Amoroso, and then head back out to Cali to play the Doll Hut gig on Sat. Sweetness. There's big time news coming from the Civilians camp real, real soon. Just gotta let the Lawyers earn their keep and make sure everything's Kosher! ;-)So yeah, everything's updated, there's some new stuff added, I don't know what any of it is right now, and I don't care. I'm on vacation, bitches!! See you when I get back.
This will be the last one, I swear! LOL Here's a pretty complete version of The Loud Pipes / Flavor Flav freestyle freak out that went down @ Roxie's Exile boutique last Fri. night, and the quality's pretty good. Super Thanx to Zak for giving me the video and allowing me to post it. I wonder what he recorded it with? I'm gonna have to ask him the next time I see him. ![]() If you don't make it to Bob-s B-Day Bash this Fri., you're a fool. Click here for the Facebook event page info. Punk Rock, Booze, and Cake - what more do you need? See ya there. And don't forget about the amazeballz Tartar Control gig going down on Sat. Some killer Local bands opening up, including Battle Born (with Craig from Guilty By Association filling in for Ben on bass), the Hard Pipe Hitters, and New Cold War, who I've yet to see. Will Mike from Guilty By Association be there to sing his part on the New Cold War song Who We Are? Dunno, but you should be there to see for yourself, because this gig is one you're not going to want to miss! Trust me on this one. I hope they have those cupcakes for sale at the Artistic Armory again... whoever had the idea to do that is a fucking GENIUS! ha ha ha So this happened on Fri., in case you didn't see it all over Facebook and Instagram and all that other shit. If it wasn't for the videos, I wouldn't of believed it happened, but nevertheless, it did - Flavor Flav, Grammy award nominee, Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame member, restauranteur, and overall really nice guy, on stage freestylin' with The Loud Pipes. Surreal, to say the least. He asked for a beat and he got it. ;-) Here's the video Monica took. Danny took this video. Better quality but shorter in length. So yeah, there ya go. I think it's funny that almost everybody thought this was some rehearsed out, planned out thing. It wasn't. I'm still not sure how it happened. He was there, Tony gave him a mic, he wanted to sing, asked for a beat, so we just started busting out some random jam tune while he screamed 911 Is A Joke over it, and it sounded pretty good! HA! Thanx and Spanx to Hank! for finally showing up to a Loud Pipes gig, my band mates for being the crazy righteous mo-fo's that they are, Zac and his girl Erika, and my girl Erika, for being the awesome people that they are, Monica and Felix, Jaime, Tas (who liked the set until I started playing and fucked it all up), Carlos and his lovely wife, Skater Bob, of course, Turbo & Kate (where did ya go?), the Sailor Jerry guy who once tried out for Singer of Aluminum Falcon, the guys in that Eddie Bear And The Cubs band, who were super cool dudes, and anyone else who I forgot. All that free Sailor Jerry definitely affected my memory, that's for sure! Cheers! :-) ![]() The Loud Pipes are playing this after party thing for Vintage Bike Night tonight @ Exile on Main Street, with free Sailor Jerry for everyone, and hopefully some cake, because I think it's in our rider now that The Loud Pipes get free cake every time we play the "legit" gigs. ;-) "Irregardless", get yer ass there early and participate / partake / and be a part of something pretty cool. Starts at 8 and remember - parking is going to be a nightmare, so plan accordingly. Click here to check out the Facebook event page for it. A Country band called Eddie Bear And The Cubs has the unfortunate circumstance of playing after us, because I have to leave early to go play another gig across town with a band that's not listed on the flyer, that's not listed on the Facebook event page, and to make things even funnier, I'm also playing this gig with a band that's on my Legendary "Bands I Won't Play With" list which used to sit very noticeably in big blue letters on a white board in my front room rehearsal area. Hmmmmmm... makes you wonder, doesn't it? These guys sure have a hard on for playing this shitty gig, and they certainly don't wanna rock the boat with the Promoter, so they guilt trip me into doing it. Actually, it was more like a "choose Gilbert or me" ultimatum issued to the other band members, which was just too much Drama for me so I acquiesced. Oh well. The joke's on them, because with all that free Sailor Jerry rum floating around, I'm gonna pull a Texas Station on them and just play the best/shittiest set EVER!! hahahaha It's gonna be fun. Can not wait. We're also supposed to play some house party thingy on Sat. but who knows if THAT'S gonna happen... In the 'Taking One For The Team' Dept., The Bass Master General went out of his way yesterday to verify that the WARPed Tour indeed sucks, and that it sucks really badly, apparently... LOL Thank you Sir for verifying what the rest of us pretty much knew just from reading the list of bands playing. Almost as bad as PRP. ;-) I hope Teenage Bottlerocket was worth it, although I'm sure that they were. I hate you. Bastard. :-) Everything's updated - why, I don't know. Comic Con is in town, there's tons of gigs going down this weekend, so get off your ass and Support Local Music!! Some people seem to think that our music scene is dying or struggling or something, when all I see are new venues opening up, new bands coming out, old bands coming back, house parties are now an option again, and some pretty awesome gigs are happening left, right, and center - but what do I know, right? Right! :-) ![]() The Business gig @ the Cheyenne Saloon on Thurs. was fanfuckingtastic! The band was spot on, kicking things off with Get Out Of My House and finishing it up with their classic first single Harry May, and in between those 2 songs they just put on a performance that was one for the books, that's for sure. What was up with that obnoxious, attention starved, Skinhead chick? Did Fish fuck her? Anybody? LOL I think Fish liked the Civilians a whole lot, because right after he saw us play he slapped one of our stickers on his guitar, which was very cool of him to do. The only other band on his guitar, The Attack, the band that they're on Tour with, was pretty mediocre, and once they played that atrocious cover of (White Man) In Hammersmith Palais, I headed off to the taco shop with my girl, only to find it was closed. Booooooooooo. If you're a band that's lucky enough to be on Tour with the Business, and you don't have enough original material to fill in your allotted set list time, and you gotta play covers after the third song in, then please, for the Love of all things Holy, do NOT ever play a Clash cover. Ever. You're welcome. I missed opening band Pieces Of Polices (sp) and most of Loose Change, only because I got there late and was busy shmoozing with everyone before I got up on stage and played. Thanx to everyone who came out and came up and said Hello, it's always a blast to see you all in person and our conversations are always sooooo informative and enlightening! LOL Here's a video that I took of the Business performing Harry May, the last song they played that night @ the Cheyenne Saloon. If you weren't there you blew it. The reason why I was late for the Business gig was because I was hanging out earlier Downtown at Hogs & Heifers for Sailor Jerry Day - what? You didn't know about it? Neither did anyone else. Does nobody believe in Promotion anymore? Whatever. I was down there to get a free tattoo, everyone in The Loud Pipes got one for free, and for free tattoos and free Sailor Jerry rum, I'll go just about anywhere! LOL It was a fun time and Thanx! to everyone involved with that for making it happen. I wanted to go to that lame ass Downtown Project town hall meeting about the state of the Local Music scene (I was one of the lucky few with an invite to the thing) afterwords @ the Ogden, but all I would of done there is laugh at the ass kissers and lame Scenesters lamenting about how to get more people into their shitty, and slowly dying, Downtown music scene. The audacity and arrogance of some clueless Hipsters asking about the state of the Local Music scene, while not notifying anyone actually involved in said scene, and only allowing 40 hand picked 'representatives of the Music scene to lament on what they think needs improvement is both lame and laughable. Next time you wanna ask the Local Music scene about the state of the Local Music scene, try inviting EVERYONE in that scene, and be prepared to deal with good and the bad as it's spewed out in front of you. Our Local Music Scene is not like the Facebook world. It's OK to 'Dislike' something every so often, and healthier for us when people do. For a write up on what went down at that meeting, please click here. Roxie's quotes are pretty funny... ;-) ![]() You know what else is funny? D.I. - they're fun and funny! Seeing them play pretty much everything you'd expect them to play is always a treat, and they just get better and better at doing it as the years fly by. More than a few people were saying that it was the best they ever saw D.I. play, and they may be right, who knows? All I know is that I had a great time watching them kill it in front of a room full of drunken maniacs who were more than appreciative of the effort. Great way to spend a Fri. night, ya know? Highlight of the night for me was when the guys from D.I. came up to us Loud Pipes as we were standing around smoking and chatting and boozing it up, usual pre-gig stuff, and they were asking us about our migration West or some shit. They were under the impression that we were from Cleveland, for some reason! ha ha ha They recognized our cuts immediately, and Eddie said he still had his original Loud Pipes shirt that he got from us 10 years ago. :-) Time flies, huh? Such a fun night. You know things are getting out of hand when both Jesse and Bob were riding a skateboard around in the pit... LOL Apparently you can't do that at the Artistic Armory though, because when Zack rode a skateboard in the pit during the Battalion Of Saints gig on Sat., they threw his drunken ass out for doing that... ha ha ha Oh silly kids. It really is true what they say. Youth is wasted on the Young. :-) Everything's updated. I'm gonna go stand in the wind for a bit and let it blow these cobwebs and bad thoughts out of my brain... ![]() First off, GO TO THIS GIG TONIGHT!! It's the fucking Business, for Christ's sake! What else do you gonna do on a Thurs., right? That The Attack band is supposed to be pretty good, and I think I have heard a few positive things about that Civilians band as well, so it should be a pretty fantastic gig. I have no idea who the other opening bands are, because the gig flyer was never updated, but oh well, that's a Promoter problem, not mine! ;-) Get yer ass there early, have a few cold ones, and let's just have some fun! No BS, allowed, alright? :-) Cool! ![]() And then second off, tomorrow night @ the Dive, there's this gig going down, The Loud Pipes opening up for D.I., which was a gig that went down @ the Boston exactly 10 years ago. Weird. It was the gig where we snuck a teenage Pulsar in, by making him promise to stay in the back and just watch the show from a far. Yeah, that lasted about 30 seconds into D.I.'s opening song before he was front and center, singing loud and proud into the microphone with Casey... LOL Yeah, this gig is going to be beyond fun and if you miss out on it you'll only be kicking yourself in the ass afterwords. Seriously. ;-) There's all sorts of cool stuff going on this weekend, like that Battalion Of Saints gig @ the Artistic Armory, A Wilhelm Scream, TheCore and Fredward @ Triple B's, and is that THEE H.F.L. from HB playing at the Dive on Sat.? Hope not, because I'd sure love to see them again, but I'm gonna be at Reggae In The Desert staying mellow in the warm sun with Barrington Levy and Don Carlos. :-) Everything's updated. Have a great weekend. |
November 2023