'What are you Thankful for this year?' she asked me.
Oh, I dunno, I replied. I'm Thankful everyday. Any day I wake up breathing is a day to be Thankful, ya know? She laughed and said 'Yeah, I get that, but what else are you Thankful for? There must be something else...' And I thought about it for a bit and realized that there was a bunch of stuff that I was truly Thankful for this year - my Friends, my Family, my Girlfriend, etc., but the one thing I'm really Thankful for this year is being able to play Music. People that know me know that I'm not going to be able to do that anymore, sometime in the very foreseeable future, because of various things going on with me physically, but for right now, I'm sooooooooo fucking Thankful to be sitting in a room or on a stage somewhere with my Friends, creating, playing, and enjoying everything we do musically. It's all fun for me, and it's all I want to do. I know someday I'm going to look back wistfully, with a tinge of remorse, and maybe regret that I can't play drums anymore, or maybe I'll be at peace with it, I dunno, but until that day comes, I'm having lots and lots of fun being with my Friends and playing Music, seeing things passing me by through the window of a van. It's my world. It's what I live for. I play drums because it brings me such joy, and I do it because I still can. That's what I'm Thankful for this year. I'm Thankful that I can still play drums, no matter what the cost physically. It's who I am. It's what I'm compelled to do. :-) Happy Turkey Day everyone. Remember those who can't be with us physically, but are always there spiritually. It's by remembering them, and keeping them in our thoughts, that they are able to live Forever.
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Well shit... cancelled band practice means I actually get some time to do website related stuff. Now all I gotta do is remember everything that I've been posting...
I guess the thing I'm most proud of is the Gig Review of the Queers / Teenage Bottlerocket / The Copyrights get together @ the Beauty Bar last month. Click here to read it. I wish I had someone to help me edit photos, because writing this shit up is easy. It's getting the photos done that makes things so sloooOOOOoww. Anyways, the gig was amazeballz. Give it a read and see what you missed out on. I hope that Copyrights fan boy doesn't take umbrage with what I said about his favorite band ever... ha ha ha The Music Review for the Desert Rats With Baseball Bats compilation, put together by Cody from The People's Whiskey, John from Battle Born and Camel Hump Studios, and Squid Hat Records, is up and available for reading, and you can click here to do just that. It's kind of hard not to be a bit biased about this release when a band I'm in is on it, but I tried to give it an honest review, and not too much of a kiss ass one. The releases is really something that everyone involved with should be proud of, because it's really fucking good and it's something that perfectly captures a particularly productive time from the Vegas Scene, even though a few bands on that CD are no longer active and gigging around. Le sigh. I posted the Pictures of The Inside Outlaws up to the website, and you can click here to check those out. I saw them when they opened for 3D6 @ Bar 702 a while back. Beardcore but they were OK. The Singer was an entertaining nutter, that's for sure. :-) Everything is updated. California was a blast. Looking back at all the pictures I took just makes me wonder what the fuck I'm doing still living in Vegas... LOL Too much fun means nothing gets done... California was a blast! Cool gigs... cool people... luxury suites by the sea... food and drink overindulgence was at a maximum. Operation Hyena was unsuccessful, as usual, but the Safari was a hit with everyone. 5 chimpanzees total, and droppings were placed strategically every hour by Mike... hahahahaha Go to this gig tonight. Unfair Fight are playing. I know nothing else about it or any of the bands playing, but 3 of them are Locals. I'd go but, of course, I have band practice to do. No Rest for the Wicked.
I think it might be time to give up on my beloved Raiders football season this year... LOL With a O-line that looks like Swiss cheese, and a QB that gets more yards running than he does throwing, well, I think it's safe to say that the team still needs a lot of work (and some of that 60 million plus surplus money that we'll have at the end of this season to buy some talent) and some good draft prospects. At least. And if the rumors are true, about Chucky coming back in 2014, well, that would make things very, very interesting now, wouldn't it? :-) I posted some photos of 3D6 that I took at Bar 702 a few weeks back - you can click here to check them out. Anne has been promoting them like crazy to all of her friends for some reason, and is even getting their CD carried in local record stores in other states, which is cool, because they're a great band that deserves the support. I don't know when they're playing next, but I'm pretty sure we'll both be there. Click here to go to their Facebook page and like them if you haven't already. It's days later and the outrage over the Sexism in the Punk Scene debate and the victim blaming that has been brought about by the outing of that piece of crap from the Pedophilties. Protests are being arranged - click here to see what Portland, of course, has going on, Petitions are being passed around the Interwebz to get Promoters and Venues to blacklist the band (click here to check it out and sign it if you're so inclined), and the numerous stories coming from everywhere about that scumbags previous sexual assaults, and the Pedophilties continued silence and avoidance of the issue just makes the Guilt all the more obvious. 'Like' the Boycott The Pedophilties Facebook page by clicking here. Everything is updated. I was sick from an overindulgence of cake and meat at Jesse & Roxie's Babyshower on Sunday @ Rollin' Smoke BBQ,which, BTW, is just as awesome of a joint to grub at as I've heard it was. For once, things lived up to the hype! HA! The food was magnificent, there was lots of familiar faces in attendance, plenty of refreshing liquids to partake in, and Friends from near and far came out to the thing, including Lonnie, fresh from his nomadic travels somewhere, and even Pitt, straight outta the East, looking like a concentration camp survivor! hahahaha Oh, it was a whole lotta fun. I can't wait for the little Princess Lola to make her grand debut onto the world. She's got 2 of the coolest parents in the world waiting to spoil her rotten. Her Uncle Gilbert is going to as well... heh heh heh I would love to tell you that the reason why I missed out on the Negative Approach gig @ the LVCS last night was because I refuse to give any money or support in any way to that piece of shit child raping pedophile who's the front person for the Pedophilties (He's neither a Singer or a Man, and I refuse to call him either), but the truth of the matter is, that I just didn't feel like going. I was given the option of either going to a crappy venue Downtown that I hate, standing around through 7 bands that I've seen many times before, or bands I don't even like, just to see the 1 band I know is going to blow doors, or, I could stay home and have sexy time with my girlfriend - my of age girlfriend! hahaha The choice, for me, was obviously easy... LOL Yeah, I know how amazing Negative Approach is, I've seen 'em a few times before, but again, don't like the Pedophilties, M.D.C. has a shitty ass drummer now, one of the shittiest one's I've ever seen them with, and they're pretty much just phoning in their sets at this point, so fuck 'em. And I can see Brutal Resistance and Unfair Fight anywhere and anytime. Oh yeah, forgot that I.D.F.I. weaseled their way on the bill as well. Ugh. If you're not on the flyer, don't play the gig. Your Ego will survive... believe me. Anyways, the point of all this was to tell you that the reason why I didn't go to the Negative Approach gig was because I decided to stay in and enjoy the evening with my girlfriend. Bite me. I didn't miss out on shit... you guys all missed out on seeing those bands when they were amazing, 30 years or so ago. You thought Reagan Youth was godhead @ the Dive a few weeks ago? Negative Approach blow your mind last night @ the LVCS? Well, if any of that was true, what would your feeble little brain of thought if you saw those bands in their prime in the early 80's like I did... heh heh The reason why all this 'Jorge from the Pedophilties is a pedophile rapist' talk has come to surface again is because of THIS blog post, which you can read by clicking here. From personal experiences, I can tell you that the claims made by this girl are true (as are the claims of other underage girls he's done this to before I'd be willing to bet), because I've seen that piece of shit do some pretty questionable things with 13 year old girls before, giving them beers, taking them back to the van to 'talk', whatever, but this whole 'trial by social media' thing is interesting to watch. The actions of those that defend him and the band are pathetic and laughable, and it's almost like talking to people who believe that the Holocaust never happened. There's no convincing them otherwise, and they are staunch and unmovable in their beliefs. Oh well. None of this matters anyways, because the Poseurs who like this band will still continue to support the Insane Clown Posse of Punx, and people who don't will continue not to do so. The stories blowing up everywhere, with the spotlight fully on the scumbag who deserves to feel the heat. I hope some sort of justice is served. He's had it coming for a long, long time. Tonight at the Double Clown, it's a Celebration, Bitches, for the long awaited record release party for The People's Whiskey. <3 I had this whole write up thing done about how I got into the band and went out of my way to tell people about them, to check them out when they gig, blah blah blah, but I didn't wanna take anything away from the band and their spectacular music that's now being thrust upon the unsuspecting ears of the Music world. I don't think it's that big of a secret to us Locals though, because Cody has been sharing the songs on his MP3 player and bragging about them for months now, but it's still gonna be cool to see all the bands hard work come to fruition, and the accolades that are forthcoming are all well deserved and hopefully plentiful. You know my old adage - if it was anyplace else but here, I would go to it - but in this case, it hurts a lot not to be able to be there. Oh well. I'll go console myself with the many live recordings I have of the band playing at various shitty bars around town, and you go to this shitty bar tonight and Congratulate The People's Whiskey on their record release, and buy them a shot or two or twelve to make things interesting when they play... heh heh. |
November 2023