Apparently, we have a show coming up at the Sultan's Table, the new all ages place here in town. I've been telling everybody that we weren't playing anytime soon, and a few were disappointed, but now all you peeps out there have a chance to see us blow the roof off a new club in town. It's on March 18 with our good friends The Pervz, but it's gonna be $7, so save your lunch money now. We're getting ready to record our 7" real soon, well, as soon as I get my drums in order. You see, I've been beating the crap out of my set these last few shows, and I've broken every cymbal I own as well as most of my drum hoops and rings. Thank Vishnu for the Guitar Center Extended Warranty Plan. Heh heh heh And uhhm... the Smash Magazine article is out... go grab it and tell us what you think. I've posted some more Pictures, like this one of Jess that I found in a magazine, as well as Joe Strummer's license!. I posted some old pictures I found of The Loud Pipes with Keil singing, and you can look at those here on The Loud Pipes Picture page. As always, it's a work in progress...
0 Comments's hard to go with what I want to say. On the one hand, I'm still laughing over what happened at The Boston... click here to get up to speed on that. And to whomever was saying those bad things about Pitt, Shame On You! It's not true and you know this, MAN! It would have been a better rock and roll story if it was a beer bottle flying through a window, but a ketchup bottle? Come on. And like I said earlier, it's not even true, you lying bastards you. I'm glad that things sort of worked out amicably... although I still think it's a shitty club run by cool people, if that makes any sense. On the Loud Pipes Web Site Miss Roxie has been working very hard to get everything up and posted properly, which I can personally tell you is a friggin' nightmare! But her work has payed off, 'cuz the sight looks GREAT! And who the hell keeps posting all the weird stuff on the Message Board? Keep up the good work! Heh heh heh It makes for an interesting read first thing in the morning. We're gonna be recording a 7" in the upcoming weeks, and with some luck it will be pressed and ready by our upcoming Tour in April! How sick is that gonna be? 3 songs of classic Loud Pipes material to play on your record player... if you still own one, that is. And special Hugs and Kisses to my good friend TOAST!!! I miss you loads! <333
November 2023