![]() I'm kind of embarrassed that people I know are actually excited about the rumored bands that are playing this years Punk Rock Bowling bullshit. I mean, $wingin' Utter$? The Damned? Really? I don't recall the last time those bands played here in Vegas, but what the Hell is the draw in seeing bands like that in a huge festival setting on a stage from hundreds of yards away? Yeah, I know I'm spoiled because I saw both of those bands play in places as small and intimate like the Double Clown or Jillian's, but still, I don't understand standing around like sheep in a pen and just watching the band from a distance, bullshitting with your friends, and basically relegating the band to being background noise for your Facebook picture taking. Same with the Sub/Hum/Ans. Last time I saw them play was @ the Canyon Club downtown a few years ago, and that was fucking soooo much fun! The place was packed and everyone in there was losing their minds over every note they were playing. The crowd singing along was louder than the PA. You could feel the sweat dripping off the walls. That's how you're supposed to see Punk bands, in an intimate setting, not on a gigantic stage from yards away. Fuck that. And I'm not even gonna comment on who that band The Flag is rumored to be. If it's true, then it's just pathetic. Le sigh. One can only hope that there will be something much more better, much more interesting and Punk happening in the Club shows this year than the BS over some guy deciding to become a girl that was the big news last year. Can't wait to see how many acoustic bands are playing this year as well. John Denver was a trailblazing Punk. Who knew? ;-) In all the distress I was going through in the month of Dec., I lost 2 Karl Bakla Music Reviews in the process, and I owe him the biggest apology ever for doing so. I'm sorry Sir, and I hope that my lateness in finally posting them will somehow alleviate your pain and suffering. Well, either that or loads and loads of booze. ;-) Anyways, Karl's review for the latest release from Masked Intruder can be read by clicking here, and his review on some compilation he got from Fest 11 called D.I.Y. 'Til Death, Vol. 1 can be found by clicking here. His stuff is always a good read and again, I'm sorry it took so long in posting it up. :-) And I posted the first Music Review for 2013 from a band called The Moms, and you can click here to read that. Or you can just go to the Music Reviews page by clicking here and seeing what you missed out on. I got lots more stuff that needs reviewing if anyone is interested... hint hint. I've been rocking these 3 songs from The Civilians lately, which were recorded live @ the Bunkhouse the last time the band played there. The sound quality is great and the material is top notch. The songs are Let Go, I'm So Happy and Doin' Time, and you can go to the bands Reverb Nation page (www.reverbnation.com/thecivilianslv) by clicking here to listen to them. They're really good tunes and I wish more bands here in town would do stuff like this. Everything is updated. There's some cool gigs going on this weekend with Fortunate Youth, Lady Reiko And The Sin City Prophets, Rule Of Thumb, Unfair Fight, The Fat Dukes Of Fuck, The Seriouslys, Xomby, 3D6 and a bunch more bands and DJ's and stuff that I'm not remembering right now. Go to the Gig Calendar page by clicking here to see what's going on this weekend. Plus, Dan is having some of his amazing artwork showcased at that Unfair Fight gig @ the Artifice on Saturday, so bring some extra money to that because you're gonna wanna buy something from him once you see what he's got for sale - I guarantee it. So yeah, this weekend isn't one to be sitting 'round at home / watching the pictures go - no, this is a weekend to get off your ass and do something. Be More Than A Witness. Yeah. ;-) See you at the gigs!
1/10/2013 07:49:02 am
who will be the next Punk Rock Bowling contestant to be offended?
hank musgrove
1/10/2013 09:55:40 am
. "I mean, $wingin' Utter$? The Damned? Really? I don't recall the last time those bands played here in Vegas"
1/10/2013 10:09:52 pm
fuck, this is cracked me up
1/11/2013 07:16:52 am
I went last year on the day Youth of Today was playing... outside on a giant stage with over priced drinks, with venders selling stuff, & "hip" food trucks isn't how I like my punk action. I guess, it reminded me why I hated heavy metal in the 80's, but I have always preferred the small show, where if I had to I could drag a member of the band off stage and beat the shit out of 'em.
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November 2023