Well well well... wasn't last night interesting? hahahahaha There's a great write up of the Streetwalkin' Cheetahs gig coming up, and the funny part is, people will actually read what I have to say about the bands that play, and the opening bands who was talking nothing but shit about me and the website on stage, well, they were basically talking to an empty room! LOL Man, if you have to make a flyer promoting the fact that if people come to see your band play, you'll give them a free joint, well, maybe that's a sign that your band sux and you might wanna think about a new approach to your musical endeavors... just saying! Handing out free joints afterwords as a reward for people suffering through your set wasn't enough. They deserved at least a pound for putting up with that shite. LOL Guess you were too high to notice that there were more people outside ignoring you than were inside paying attention to you. Weed as an attendance incentive. That's reaching a bit, isn't it? Maybe if you're lucky, just maybe, SOMEBODY will call the Authorities on the gigs your band plays, just like you used to do to bands you were butt hurt about, but I doubt it, because you're not even worth the effort to do that. Yeah, pathetic, whatever. I'm done. And I couldn't help but notice, but again, the little person who was drunk and ran their mouth about punching me in the face the next time they saw me, they kept walking right past me and not looking in my direction. Hmmmmm... what's up there little person? Not enough liquid courage to fuel your bravery last night? LOL Go back to the Double Clown with all the rest of your loser friends and shitty "signed" bands and fuck right off. If you're going to do something, just fucking do it. I hate when people never follow through with their threats of physical action against me. My Lawyer has been oh so bored lately... hahahahaha Why do bars and Promoters let these shitty bands play these gigs? Why? They suck and they have no draw and they don't promote. Last nights gig was proof. The only band to get a shout out from the Streetwalkin' Cheetahs was The Swamp Gospel, and there's a reason why... think about it. ![]() OK, enough with the negativity, let's move onto something a bit more positive, shall we? :-) Tonight's the night for the Katy Jeluso benefit gig @ Triple B's, with Local support being provided by Battle Born, TheCore, and Guilty By Association. It's gonna be a great night of fun and music and boobs, with lost of stuff being offered off for raffle to raise some money to help take care of all of Katy's upcoming medical bills. It would be great to see some more of my friends there than are already going to be there, and no excuses will be accepted for missing out on this event - not even the dooshy Downtown part of it! Again, as I said before, this is my last gig playing drums for Guilty By Association, because they found another drummer who can pass the Jizz Hat Records Socialist Approval Board Committee To Preserve Artistic Integrity And Encourage Blind Obedience, and I wish the guys in the band the best of luck with everything. I'll always be there for ya guys, because you're my Friends, and it has been more than a blast playing gigs and hanging around you guys doing band stuff. Looking forward to playing a great set tonight. It'd be nice if you out there reading this were there to see it. :-) Everything's updated! I'll be at the John Spencer Blues Explosion gig @ the Beauty Bar on Sat., and I'm playing a gig with S.F.T. @ the LVCS on Sun. (yeah, I know, I know), so, again, if anyone wants to just walk up to me and punch me in the face the next time they see me, I will be available for just that at both events. Looking forward to it. See ya then!! :-)
4/13/2014 06:39:39 am
your a cock sucking faggot bitch i swear to god if i see you again i'm going to smash your face and break you camera you faggot shit talking bitch my band got more people there that night then any of the band and when play it was packed inside by the time you got there everyone had left cause you showed up you pretty much ruined that show for everyone your a little bitch and a pussy and cant go out to any shows with out yer boy tony there to watch yer back pussy no one likes u old fuck your gonna die someday and everyone will be so very happy that we dont have to see or hear from u any more you need to stop talking shit on my bands or i will pesonally beat the fucking shit out of you i dont give two shit about beating up the elderly i will beat your ass you have had this coming for a long time now you shit talking pussy faggot that y you dont say shit to my face cause your a little bitch your just pist cause we actually have real fans who support us and if you weren't such a cock sucking faggot and didnt talk shit you would get hooked up and smoked out but you cant shut your fucking mouth just know you've been warned and you wont see it coming im just gonna knock your ass out im sure ill see you at JFA pussy - HOMELESS FUCKING MIKE RULES WWW.INFERNALRAKET.COM
hahahahaha If you took offense to that quickly written blurb, then I can't imagine what you're going to do when I have some time to sit down and actually think about what I'm going to say! LOL
gilbert is a chode sucking whore
4/15/2014 05:12:38 pm
once again with your lies you didn't show up till swc and no one went in during the gospel they all came in for us i seen the list at the door i sold the most tickets we hadthe most people there to see us and whatever your bs rumors about lvcs is phoney crap and i will kick you ass when i see you pussy
Homeless mike loves Miley Cyrus
4/13/2014 07:46:50 am
Whoever left the shit-tard comment above either wasn't actually at the show or is delusional. I was at that show, and two skinheads in overalls that looked like the Bushwhack twins of the 80's WWF fame prancing around fist a flaking like drowning jewelry box princesses does not make for a "packed" venue. Of that was a packed venue, I'm glad I've never been to another on of your shit shows. Street Wallkin' Cheetah was excellent and it was a travesty that they were paired with such fucking jokes (not including swamp revival of course they're always great.) FYI if you don't like the reviews someone gives your band, don't read the review/blog, dummy.
hahahaha Well, the problem with pointing out the Truth to someone who is sooooo stupid that he takes pride in being called homeless is pretty much an excercise in futility. I'm not even sure that was the real Homeless Dyke writing that reply, because there was too many words with more than 4 letters, too many words with more than 2 syllables, and where the Hell does a homeless person get access to the Internet anyways? ;-) Anyways, yeah, as I said on here before, it was pathetic that an amazing band like The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs had this insufferable colection of shitty Local bands opening up for them, talentless bands who couldn't draw flies to see them if they were covered in shit.
gilbert is dead
4/15/2014 05:19:04 pm
here's whats different about me and you i dont fucking care call me homeless call me whatever but when you lie about me and spread rumors to make me look bad you got another thing coming fat fuck tard i'll wipe the floor with your shit eating grin you pussy ass bitch
your a bitch faggot
4/15/2014 05:15:49 pm
the bar was packed and everyone at the table which were packed and the people that came to film and take photos were all inside and those guys who moshed for us came to see us and stayed and danced for the whole gashers set the place cleared out when we all could smell the shit stained underwear that came in on gilbert
4/14/2014 08:14:09 am
Watch out Gil.. This guy tranes ufc.. Lol
zack attack
4/16/2014 10:12:25 am
did you know , harold O ,of dirty rotten imbeciles , took the photo of cliff burton on the back of metallicas ride the lightning
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November 2023