I'm bored of the game. I really am. It always ends the same, and it's like my own personal version of Groundhog's Day. Lots of talk, and zero to none Action. Lame. Don't people have something better to do? Seriously? Just a couple of points of clarification, not that it matters, but still...
That apple sack, Dennis, drummer from that joke band Rectal 7-G, was all over my nuts on Facebook, sending me repeated Friends Requests for days on end, and I just kept denying them, because I don't know the dude, nor did I care to. I was asking my friends "Who is this guy and why does he keep sending me Friends Requests?" After a few weeks he finally got the hint, and I'm glad he did, because once he got arrested on domestic violence charges, I knew he wasn't the kind of pussy I'd like to associate with, and just left it at that. That's him, right? The guy that beat up his girlfriend and then ran from the cops, or am I confusing him with another cowardly piece of shit drummer? And he's got the nerve to throw rocks at me? Yeah right? Free piece of advice buddy - I'm not your ex-girlfriend. I will fight back. And that "chick" Sabrina, ha ha ha, oh man, at Skater Bob's birthday party @ The Dive a while back, she was all talking to me like she was my friend, because of her and I's mutual previous problems with Chris Piss, but I knew she was a 2 faced hypocrite, so I didn't really pay it no mind then, and pay it even less mind now. Her opinion is meaningless. How's that production / management company coming sweetheart? Uh huh. Didn't you move away from Vegas to "make it"? Yeah, welcome back. You and Homeless Dyke, you always come back, dontcha? ;-) And the Rectal 7-G fan pointing out that the band is listed on the Thrasher Magazine website isn't something to brag about. When the bands you've been in have been on that magazines Skate compilations, had flexi's given away with that magazines issues, or have even been interviewed by that illustrious magazine, well then maybe you can act like your band has done something worth crowing about. Maybe. Josh Snot from F.C. can act like he doesn't know why I don't like his band, but all he has to do is ask the tweeked out poseur wannabe gang members that his band hangs around with to find out why that is. Or he could just ask his band members - they know. Or just ask me, but that just makes too much sense, I know... And that drunken, pill popping troll "drummer", you know, the one with only one known beat, and that's 'suck', the one that's sooooo cowardly her shit talking can't even be seen in that posting, well, the wall she hit a few years ago has obviously affected her mentally. Get a hobby, you talentless hack - drum lessons perhaps? Or maybe AA? Yeah, next time your drunken ass is yelling at me from across the room, I'll remember to spit in your direction. Fag. I hope Estrada Fest, or Est Fest, as the "cool" people are already calling it, really happens. Somebody give this place a venue and make it happen!! I can't wait to see my face on shirts being worn by people I don't like. ha ha ha ha Probably have to be held at Sam Boyd Stadium though, right, because of the masses of people who will be in attendance - easily in the thousands, right? ha ha ha The line up of Local bands that will be chomping at the bit to play this prestigious event will be the creme de la creme of our musical talent here in town, just based on all that scary musical output that's already out there... ha ha ha ha The time they think I waste on them by doing stuff like this is miniscule in nature, usually less than single digit minutes of my day just slapping something together to illustrate a collective groups asinine stupiedity and feeble words lacking merit and without action, something I do while sipping on my morning coffee, having that first smoke of the day, figuring out what to do with my time. It's been common knowledge for years that if I don't like your band, I take your bands name off the flyers on my website, because that's just how I roll, and you 2 vaginas in Rectal 7-G, 1 male, 1 female, will just have to deal with that. There's more pix and stuff I could post but like I said, this shit bores me. I'm over it. Here's the post that started it all, and my retort to that. Done. Nothing left to do now but deal with the aftershocks that come from what I posted up on here. Bring it. I'm always ready. Apparently it's what I do. Over and over and over again...
Your mother eats my farts
7/20/2017 05:17:37 pm
Man I'm truly impressed with you. You really think you are something. How many hours does your fat cheeto eating ass sit there smoking cancer and trying to fig out what kind of diarrhea you can flow into the internet lmfao. Pathetic.
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