Well, that was an interesting weekend - Again. :-) I've been having the most random conversations with various people all about town, on the phone, on Facebook, whatever, and it's helping me out in all sorts of ways. From the amazing drag queens who work at Drink & Drag, and my 'high' ranking Promoter friends in CA., and the Tools at the Beauty Bar who talk too much, to the really nice people out in Hendertucky who came out to the gig I played, it's just been a bit of an eye opener about how things are and how they are perceived. Very interesting stuff indeed. I've been catching up on my website shit, adding up some photos I took while in Colorado and Utah, as well as the Pictures that Bob took of Guilty By Association playing in CO. (which you can see by clicking here), and there's a bunch more stuff to be added on this week. Speaking of Colorado, here's a video I took of this band called Salt who played @ the Lion's Lair with us when we were up there. They are some really cool kids, and their Grunge heavy sound was an unexpected surprise to hear. Check them out and become their Friend on Facebook by clicking here. Davy, Walter, looking forward to seeing you guys here in Vegas real soon! And as much as I'd like to publicly comment on those interesting conversations I've been having as of late, I'm not going to. All I will say about them is that I know what you did, or tried to do, and I'm not even mad. Matter of fact, it just confirms to me what an ass kissing piece of shit you are. Your shows suck, and your websites are pathetic. Pull your tongue out of your boyfriends ass and quit trying to throw me under the bus. It's a small world my friend, and our paths do cross from time to time, and you know that. Seeing me face to face might not be in your best interests. I'm not as nice of a guy in real Life as I am on the Internet... heh heh heh Everything is updated. Continue on Bohemian Summer! <3
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November 2023