Free time? What's that? :-) It's Summertime, which means there are plenty of more things much more fun to do than to sit inside the house, parked in front of the computer, doing mundane things like working on the website or parsing through the porno girl meltdowns on (don't click here. You'll regret it). Nope! Even though it's a zillion degrees out there, and I have no air conditioning in my car, and now my transmission is slipping in it too (I think), and I'm still out and about and doing fun summer things like lounging and scrounging, maxing and relaxing, and generally just having the time of my Life. Everyone in my circle is with someone who makes them happy (even Bob, if you can believe that), there's no Drama forthcoming (maybe some in the near foreseeable future, but that's it), old Friends who were once Enemies are now my Friends again, and Life is extremely, extremely good right now. May change next week, but for right now, I'm loving it. When I do work on the website, it's only to post up shit from months ago - Gig Reviews, Music Reviews, Pictures of Bands that nobody cares about, whatever. I'd post Links to everything I've thrown up on here but I don't really care if you read it or check any of it out. I really don't. If I wanted to be vapid and popular, I'd be a shill for the House of Boooooo's and give out free tickets to every show they do there like other websites do. Nope. That's not me. Everything I do on here is cathartic for me, and not for public consumption. Never was. There's been lots of people liking the Facebook page as of late, and it concerns me a bit. No, this isn't the curmudgeon rant about how Popularity isn't Punk, no, it's more like my public assertion that I just really don't care. Your little "Xtreme" or "Alternative" or "Punk" musings, musical choices and style of dress may fade with time, but not mine. I'm here for the duration. When you're older and married and squirting out siblings, I'll still be here, checking out bands, going to the gigs, having fun. It's not a matter of not growing up. It's just knowing where your priorities are. It's knowing what's important. It's knowing what makes you happy. Life's too short, ya know? Facebook is stupid. Where's the next big thing at anyways? I'm ready for it. ![]() I don't know where that came from. I was gonna erase all of it, but what would be the point of that? Apparently I've been perceived as being a bit 'negative' lately, but I think my passiveness is being misinterpreted as negativity, which is far from the truth but whatever. I got stuff to do, like the Anti-League Bowling event going down tonight at the Gold Coast (click here for more info about that), and then Fri. I got an Aluminum Falcon gig @ the Double Clown with The Psyatics, who have nothing to do with anyone from the Mapes, sorry for the mix up, and some other bands who will be vying for that impressive headlining spot at 2 am. Whatever. Saturday everything is happening Downtown, permeated with the stench of self-righteousness, vapid musical sensibilities, and poor math skills, what with that 'Save The Huntridge' benefit going on, (click here to check that out) and that 'Last Call' gig @ the Bunkhouse with all the Hipster bands (click here to check that out), and then, of course, there's that big 'Reunion' gig going down @ the Double Clown, which I want nothing to do with. It's not a 'Reunion' gig without ALL the original members, even the bass player, and I'm pretty sure it wasn't 10 years they were around as a viable, working band, but what do I know? I was only around back then, so my memory is pretty much not to be believed.. heh heh heh. ;-) Oh Nostalgia... how I fucking hate you.
hahaha Thanx! Apparently I'm only Negative at band practices - I can't imagine why, though... heh heh
6/29/2013 06:09:33 am
Oh Gilbert, you're so cool. It's amusing to me your comments about reunions and nostalgia and yet you play in a fucking cover band. I'm sure you'll come up with, what you think is, some witty retort that justifies everything. God speed dude. You're the hippest.
6/30/2013 10:06:27 pm
Not witty enough for my taste. You do see the correlation between you stating that you hate nostalgia and playing in a cover band right? You can do whatever you want and I'm not arguing that but apparently no one else can without passing your litmus test. See how that makes you a hipster? If you were writing this shit for yourself rather than you wouldn't be publishing it for everyone to see but I think you're just trying to stay relevant in some way besides play in "shirtty" bands. You are the hipster doichebag that you claim others to be you just can't see it.
6/29/2013 01:48:29 pm
Well no need to restate the obvious. The write ups are by you and for you! And Hahahahhahahaha! Andy!
hahaha Yeah, you would think there wouldn't be a need to restate the obvious, over and over and over again, but apparently, a lot of people out there don't get it, especially when it comes to some of the shitty bands here in town not worth mentioning or supporting... heh
6/29/2013 07:05:03 pm
I just thought I'd mention that you missed an awesome show, you turd. And all because you think you wrote the rule book on punk rock. You're such a hipster.
6/29/2013 07:38:31 pm
I just thought I'd mention that you missed an awesome show, you turd. And all because you think you wrote the rule book on punk rock. You're such a hipster.
Hmmmmm... what show was that? The Lee Rocker show? The 'Save The Huntridge' show? The 'Devotees of Tony Hsieh' show @ the Bunkhouse? The Celine Dion show? What show were you referring to?
6/30/2013 09:53:22 pm
Do you look over the shit you spew on here or just let it fly because you only mentioned about 2 shows in this post that I commented on and the other show you were obviously at. I guess I will cite your rule that its not a reunion gig without all the original members. Now did you write that rule and was it back ten years ago when you were recording everything that was going on throughout Vegas? If there are flyers from ten years showing that the particular unmentioned band was actually playing shows in and around Vegas does that make them "viable" or is there other criteria involved? I don't know who comes up with these rules if not you. I guess you're just doing your job by sharing them with everyone.
Spew... such a great word... LOL
6/30/2013 10:36:47 pm
You continue to make my point for me. Nothing is cool, punk or credible unless you say it is. I'd like to add that you look good for your age. The way you talk about yourself being an old punk and things back in the day, I'd say you were pushing 70. Tell Iggy I said hi.
hahaha You're not getting it dude - I don't want to know about what's 'Cool' or 'Punk' nowadays. I see what's considered that and I wretch. One word - Rancid - that's all I need to say. :-)
Sorry my reply wasn't witty enough. It's late, and I put like, zero to little effort into it, like I do with most things I write on here. Takes a matter of minutes, I don't think too much about it, I post it and I'm done.
6/30/2013 11:13:23 pm
I get it. I'm not a fan of the fashion of punk nor am I a fan of the "punk sound" but I can give credit where I think credit is due. I can also recognize a good song when I hear it and if your band wrote 30+ good songs then I think it's worth noting. I guess I just don't get why you would bad mouth a band that you seemed to support in the past.
6/30/2013 10:47:35 pm
I'm sleepy... let's go to school
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