I hate to say 'I told you so', but I kind of did. I commented a while back how the Adicks sucked nowadays and that it was just the same shit over and over and over again, with them playing the same set list comprised of the same old songs and made to look pretty with lots of confetti and things thrown around, like playing cards and rolls of fabric and whatnot. When you're with the right people, and in the right frame of mind, the Adicks are a fun gig, but only when it's an actual gig, playing in front of a crowd in a small punk club or in some dusty warehouse, as opposed to some ghey ass disco club place more concerned with bottle service than with people who paid too much money to see one of their favorite bands play. The Adicks first gig here in Vegas was @ the Roadhouse way out in Hendertucky, and lately they've been favoring Wasted Space inside the Hard Rock Hotel. You see where I'm going with this? I bet you do. ;-) Look, I got no problem with "success", and being in a band myself, I know it's nice to play the good stages with nice accommodations, but you should never forget where you come from and who your fans really are. Never. The Adicks made that mistake, and should not be let off the hook about it. Which leads us to this. If you didn't hear about it before this, let me be the first to proudly tell you that the Adicks cancelled out of Saturday's scheduled, contracted performance @ the LVCS. Why, you ask? Well, the answer is simple - Money. They are a bunch of greedy fucks who don't give a shit about Punk Rock, or their Fans, which, of course, is nothing new, but the fact that they have no Honor, nor any Pride about being real Men and just dealing with things and making the best of a bad situation that their faggot ass Booking Agent got them into is just disgusting. In case you haven't noticed, Punk Rock is a Business now, with everything being handled very professionally and with confirmation letters and copies of transcripts and all that, and that makes it a Hell of a lot harder to burn people and try to put a spin on things, trying your best to entice some sort of 'Us vs. Them' kind of situation. The Adicks tried to do just that with Roxie and, our Lord and Savior El Duce not withstanding, hopefully, they will be forced to pay for their atrocious deeds. Fucking bunch of Tossers. Gawd I hate the British. No offense Chippy. ;-) So what happens is, the Adicks work out a deal to play LVCS for this Neon Reverb festival, agreeing on receiving $2000.00 for their performance, with no rooms provided and no cases of Perrier water or deli meat awaiting for them backstage. Bunch of fucking wallies. Anyways, papers are signed, the Adicks are paid up front for their time and effort, the show is promoted, and everything is hunky dory. A couple of days ago, the bands Tour Manager rings up Roxie and asks about the bands lodging for the gig, and she points out that the contract clearly states that no rooms are to be provided, but that she'll see what she can do for them as a favor. She doesn't have to, she just does it because that's how she rolls. So she gets them rooms, for all 13 of them, if you can believe that, and everything's cool. The last time I saw the Adicks there was 6 dudes on stage playing. Throw in a Tour Manager and maybe a Roadie / merch person and at most, you're providing lodging for 9 people, but 13 - Fuck off! Look you gits, you wanna bring your skanky female friends along with you on Tour, who may be your wives, or may be some whores you picked up on the road, then pay for a room for them out of the money you're making for playing the gig, don't just expect the Promoter to cough up some rooms for you just because, and especially if the contract that YOUR BOOKING AGENT agreed to says no rooms are to be provided. So Roxie gets them rooms. Why? Because she's GQ-Smooth like that, and everything's cool again. The next day, the new dilemma is the money being paid. According to the band's Tour Manager, the band is not happy with the amount already agreed upon, saying that they have 13 people to pay, and that the $2000 is simply not enough incentive to make the band play in Las Vegas. I have never heard of such a load of horse shit in my Life! Just ignore the fact that the band already has the money in hand, sent by overnight registered mail, but now they're saying that all 13 people are getting paid out of that money, and because they're not making that much money off the show, that they're not gonna play, giving the Promoter Roxie less than 48 hours notice that they're not playing the gig. Real 'Professional', right? Yeah. After a few words back and forth, with no quarter given, Roxie just decides to say 'Fuck The Adicks' and Fuck their Booking Agent and his Agency, Artists Worldwide, who, besides the Adicks, handle such other luminous, past their prime homosexual Rock Star bands such as L.A. Guns, Bang Tango, Dokken, Pretty Boy Floyd and Total Gay-Ass. ;-) No big deal - the Adicks ain't playing the show, their room reservations are cancelled, and Artists Worldwide just fucked themselves out of a great place to play here in Las Vegas. End of story right? Far from it. So now, in an effort to portray themselves in a positive, not-our-fault kind of light, the Adicks posted this up on their Facebook page: Yeah, I know. Pathetic, right? Yup. So instead of just coming clean and maybe admitting that their Booking Agent fucked things up for them, or maybe just saying 'Fuck it' and manning up and playing the show (wasn't like they weren't gonna make more money at their next gig, or the gig after that, right?), the Adicks try to put a spin on it and blame the Venue, calling the people who work there (like Roxie) a 'bunch a wankers'. Oh em gee does this launch a firestorm of shit talking from people here in Vegas who weren't happy with how the band handled things, and they start letting them know about it, voicing their displeasure on the bands Facebook page, making damn good points and raising issues that, of course, the Band or their Management or their Booking Agent, conveniently ignore or refuse to address. Chickenshit cowardly motherfuckers all of them. I had a bunch of screen shots, to illustrate the things being said on the Facebook page, but I left my photo editing program open, and went to band practice after only saving the first one I took, and when I came home my computer had updated and restarted itself, so I lost the pictures I hadn't saved, but the one I have saved does more than enough as to illustrate the shit that was being hurled at the Adicks, all of it deserved, and all of it right on target. And here's a screen shot of what they politely put up afterwords as to what happened to their show in Las Vegas, with no apology offered and, of course, the Truth not being told. I replied to a couple of ass clowns on there about how wrong they were in supporting this group of cock stars, and I'm sure my comment will be gone by morning if it isn't already. The LVCS issued this Official Statement on the matter, and I hope they sue the pants off of these homos and not only make them pay back the guarantee they already accepted, but for anything and everything else they're entitled to, like the ink it costs to print up this letter and the postage it costs to send it off... LOL And as of this writing, this is where it ends up at. The Adicks are not playing this Sat., I'm not sure if the Glass Heroes are going to come in and save the day and headline the gig, but in true Punk Rock fashion, the Show will go on, regardless if a bunch of money grubbing rock star poseurs are playing or not. My belief in the Adicks had been waning as of late, and now it's completely gone. Fuck those Putos. Seriously. Neon Reverb is in town. Big whoop. Shitty no balls having bands playing everywhere, except for tonight @ the LVCS, where some manly man bands are playing, with more than enough Attitude and Balls for you and all of your friends to all share in. 400 Blows with the almighty Pigasus and the Black Jetts and the Tinglerz - this show is guaranteed to rock your face off! Saturday, there's all sorts of stuff going on, like Roller Derby, the Ministry Of Love homecoming gig @ Yayo Taco (with the Green Lady Killers), and the gig @ LVCS with the Vermin and The Lesser You, who apparently go to house parties, drink all the beer, eat all the food, and then leave before they're supposed to play! hee hee hee. Check out the Gig Calendar page to see what's going on and plan accordingly. And for those of you who keep writing me and telling me that you can't wait to find me at a gig, you now know where I'll be all weekend. Bring a lunch. ;-) I'll tell you about all of that stuff later. This post is already a mini-novel as it is! LOL Try not to run into too many douche bag Scenesters while you're out and about this weekend! I know I will!
9/17/2010 12:11:30 am
tim tom
9/17/2010 02:32:09 pm
i think you spelled adicts wrong.
Roxie Amoroso
9/18/2010 04:29:31 am
I just added Rikk Agnew to the show! LA Punk Rock saves the day!!
Roxie Amoroso
9/18/2010 08:27:42 am
I just added Rikk Agnew to the show! LA Punk Rock saves the day!!
tim tom
9/27/2010 06:46:46 pm
I dont get it.
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