It's the 4th of July and I'm remembering where I was last year at this time. I had purple hair, and we were gonna play the Red White & Boom thing with the Vandals & MC Hammer. Bryan Novello was our singer, and I remember that Pulsar was there cheering us on. We were in the background playing when Channel 3 News did a live report from the show at noon (and we never got the tape from them, the fucking assholes) and Hanks brother Donnie took some amazing pictures of us. It seems so long ago, but it really wasn't. It's just that we've done so much since then. We did a Tour... released an EP... played some amazing shows and had some great times along the way. The reason for all this nostalgia? I guess I'm looking ahead to where I'm gonna be in a year or so. Probably right behind the computer like I am now. So yeah... we're not playing Marco's No Hope For The Kids show at Balcony Lights because Frank is a joto, but rumor has it that it may be happening somewhere else, so keep your ears peeled. I have no idea of whats going on with the Partisans show, so please stop asking me about it. And I also heard through the grapevine that we're playing a house party sometime soon, but once again it could just be a sick rumor. The only thing I do know for sure is that we're going to AZ. next weekend for our big interview with Razorcake Magazine, so that should be fun. Jesse The Super Moved Roadie tells me that our friends in the Half Empties wanna show us their appreciation for going out on the road with them, and we're gonna throw a big ass party at The Rogue when we play there, so if you're in the area you should definitely stop by. We're gonna be staying in Jesse The Super Roadies now empty apt., so expect the debauchery levels to be running high. Hopefully Jesse didn't pack his samurai sword away, so we can chop up some stuff in the neighborhood. The next Tour Diary entry is up, and you can go here to check that out, and I also posted some pictures of the Smut Peddlers that I took in S.F., and you can go here to check that shit out. I updated the Table Of Contents, and adjusted the layout on some of the pages that didn't look right when I did my recent revisions to the web sites appearance. So anyways, Happy 4th of July... go flash fry a cow injected with cheese, and use the Foreigner belt wisely... or else The Mooninites will come down and get you... heh heh heh. I'm gonna get TORE UP!!
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November 2023