I hope this message gets to you before it's too late. I hope that They don't get to you before you have a chance to read these words and right before you tear off their implements of mass mental inoculation, remember to tell everyone you care about that this is going on. They can't possibly get everyone in attendance. They just can't.
If you're going to this weekend's Life Is Beautiful Festival, then you were given a wristband of sorts which allows you access to certain areas of the military like encampment which is currently occupying the Downtown area. Yeah, that's right - Occupying. Dress up a Government show of Force as a Hipster Festival, to be used as a test for the first step in the Psychotronic War that's forthcoming, and the sheep will congregate like moths to a flame to be slaughtered, or in this case, brainwashed and used. Yes, those wristbands that those in Control were oh so helpful and courteous and quick in giving to you, and all the free ones that are being passed around town and on Facebook, of course, those fucking wristbands are encoded with some sort of low frequency ELF waves transmitting technology that's embedded in the fabric / weave of the wristband, and which in effect makes a human antenna / transmitter of the person wearing the wristband, unbeknownst to them, of course. Now, one antenna / transmitter sending out a weak microwave ELF signal isn't powerful enough to do much damage, but a whole bunch of low powered ones combined to make one gigantic, powerful one that's capable of sending out a really powerful microwave ELF signal? Well, that's a force to be reckoned with, now isn't it? Yeah, once the thousands of sheep wearing the wristbands with the microwave emitting technology are herded into the kill zone area that is Downtown, those in Power plan to use all those human antenna / transmitters to send out one giant, massive ELF wave that will unleash some as yet unknown Horror upon the unsuspecting masses, motives unknown, which will leave the human transmitters of the madness as mindless shells of what they once were, vapid of any Integrity, Validity or Musical Sense whatsoever. Matter of fact, participation in the mindfuck has been speculated upon that it makes it's users prone to a likeness for all things bearded, but that theory is as of yet unconfirmed and unfounded. The point of all this is that if you're wearing one of those wristbands for the Life Is Beautiful Festival , rip it off, cut it off, just take it off your body and throw it down upon the ground for some other clueless automaton to fall victim to. Let them take your place in the depravity. Keep your musical integrity intact. Save yourself and others you care for. Let the others suffer the fate they've chosen and deserve. You're better than that, aren't you? I don't know about you, but I'm wrapping my head in tinfoil, and then putting a colander adorned with wire hangers on top of it and awaiting the insanity / chaos that is sure to ensue this weekend from the Life Is Beautiful Festival. If I live to tell the tale, you will see me tomorrow night @ Bar 702 for that Civilians / 3D6 Halloween hootenanny that's going on down there. Oh, and the reason why I'm not chatting up that 80's L.V.H.C. Punk Rock Reunion gig that's going on in the Downtown kill zone tonight, is because it's not my Scene. I have no interest in it. I came here a few times back in the days, saw a few bands like Subterfuge, 5150, F.S.P., Papsmear, thought they were all a bit more Metal / Crossover than Punk, and that was about it. I wasn't a regular, I didn't participate, I would see gigs and leave. Like I said, wasn't my scene, and I have no interest in Nostalgia for Nostalgia's sake. See Punk Rock Posing for all that shit. And I'm not a Poseur like some people in bands here in town, trying to act like I was here in the 80's, or even a good part of the 90's for that matter, and I'm not really about supporting a Scene I had nothing to do with or no interest in. It would be like me going to a 90's Las Vegas Ska Scene Reunion gig. I knew about the 90's Ska Scene, saw a few gigs, and that's about it. Not my thing, and I don't care. Plus all that Drama and bullshit that's all around that 80's L.V.H.C. Punk Rock Reunion gig just makes me wanna stay far away from it. A celebratory gathering where all the over-40 crowd are acting like fucking high school dooshbags with their "I'm gonna kick your ass" and "Watch your back" BS is nothing I wanna be apart of. Have fun if you're going. I'm looking forward to seeing all your shitty iPhone videos of everything going on. Guess it would be too much to just be grateful that you're all still alive and well enough to even enjoy little things like this, for those of your fallen Friends and Comrades who can't or couldn't be there, instead of just turning it into this crap fest, totally taking the spotlight away from the bands who are reuniting tonight for this one time only gig. From the shining example being shown here, I'd say it's a safe bet that this is probably a pretty good example of how the 80's L.V.H.C. Punk Rock Scene was back then. But only with more Nazi's probably. :-)
Old Dude
10/27/2013 04:37:33 pm
Your last sentence hit the nail on the head. The "scene" back then was just an extension of high school with stoners, jocks, and stuck up bitches. Majority of the bands were mediocre at best (including the ones I played in) with Subterfuge being the best of the lot. No desire for salad days.
Yeah, Subterfuge were pretty sick and one of the only bands I'd actually make an effort to see again, no offense to the bands that played, of course. I'm totally anti-nostalgia as well, but seem to be a small minority in that case, because all my Friends and acquaintances seem to revel in that, like pigs in shit...
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November 2023