Man, you slack off on things a bit and shit gets confusing. Allow me to clarify please. :-) The LVCS thing: Well, I'm glad so many of you were so adamant about supporting the 'Fuck The LVCS' thing I was pushing a while back. I'm sure none of you were planning on going to that Jello Biafra And The Guantanamo School Of Medicine fiasco, right? Yeah, right. You're a bunch of lying motherfuckers. Anyways, bad things happen to bad people who do bad things, and let's just say that some really bad things happened to those involved in the Farce that was inflicted upon Roxie, things that included Unemployment and Divorce. Now that those who dared to participate and perpetrate in the Idiocy have been sent home with their tails between their slimy legs, the LVCS is again a good place to play and support. Kind of. I mean, the people in charge now will never put together a List like the last fools did. Well, maybe... LOL If they do make a list, it won't be made public! LOL Again, maybe that's true... I dunno. All I know is that the bad ju-ju has been exorcised from that venue and it's OK to go there and support it. Now if they would only get rid of that ridiculous practice about making bands who are playing there pay for their own parking thing, I'd really get behind that place as a cool venue to support. ;-) The PRB thing: I know I'm a hypocrite. Tell me something everybody else doesn't already know. I'm no ardent supporter of the fiasco that is PRB, and I've bashed it both Privately and Publicly at every given opportunity. I don't have a ticket but I can get in, but I don't want to. Like other cool people, I know ways and people who can get me in but even with all that, I'm still not going. I didn't even apply for a Photo pass like the one I got last year. Last year, I took one look at the stage and the set up and went WTF? This isn't 'Punk'! It looked like the US Festival to me. It looked like Cal Jam. It looked like Lollapalooza, 3 music festivals that have nothing to do with Punk in any way, shape or form. Music festivals are basically a way to get the Sheeple all into one place so that they can be flocked of every bit of money possible with the lowest given back in returns; you get shitty sounding music from a band you can't even see and that is easier to watch perform on the big TV screen, as well as overpriced everything from bottles of water to band tee shirts which, for some reason, people pay gladly for. Fuck that. I wanted no part of that bullshit in Henderson and I want no part of that bullshit going on downtown this year. I'm pretty much Anti-Punk Rock Bowling, especially considering the superficial attempt of including Local bands in the proceedings was limited to a whopping 3 bands - TheCore, Goldfish Don't Bounce and Guilty By Association, 3 well proven, well supported bands with tons of Friends and Fans here in Vegas. I immediately called Shenanigans on PRB for this, noticing that all sorts of shitty vanity project bands and bands that no one heard of or gave a shit about were playing the festival and officially sanctioned events, and all because they suck the Stern dick, and I also pointed out that it was a bit of a slap in the face that this event was being held in Vegas with such limited Local support. I guarantee you, no Punk rock gigs or festivals would happen in L.A. with tons of bands from Nevada playing it, that's for sure. So that was just another reason to stay away from the Farce, but then my band the Vegascendents got the call, and it was too good to resist. We took the gig. Now the Local band count is up to a whopping 4. Nobody mentions that we're a Descendents cover band in either mention, but whatever. We got on PRB somehow and the Haterade started flowing. Just to address a few of you out there - No, it wasn't my bitching on the website that got us the gig, and No, we didn't go up and beg them to play the gig like some bands in town tried to do. And we didn't kiss anybody's ass or finger anyone's buttholes besides our own to get the gig, that's for damn sure. We just did. Deal with it and get over it. I'm assuming that someone saw our performance @ Hooter's last year and how the crowd was going nuts for the tuneage and just kept us in mind or something, but who knows. It's a good opportunity, and if your band was asked you would of taken the gig too, so hush. My hypocrisy goes only so far.;-) Anyways, come out to the gig on Monday and check out an excellent night filled with classic Punk rock tunes played by a bunch of old dudes. Come on, you know you wanna see that, don't ya? hee hee hee
The Sharks Thing: Oh, it's just too painful to speak of right now. We gave it all and left it on the ice. Such a fucking bummer. I didn't see where that puck went either. It was on the glass and then it was in the net. Still can't explain it. And now with all these injuries being revealed - Thornton with a detached pinky finger and shoulder separation, Couture with a broken nose, Boyle with a damaged MCL in his left knee, Clowe with a shoulder separation, Heatley with a broken hand, Nichol with a torn shoulder and a cut on his knee requiring 20 stitches, well, it just makes me love my Team even more. Although, common sense has to ask what these injured players were doing on the ice when healthy backups were available? Yeah, maybe they weren't Playoff proven, but still, they weren't damaged! Oh well. Looking at that injury list just shows what a great sport Hockey is. It truly is Rugby on ice. And to think in baseball and basketball they don't play if they have a sprained wrist - what a bunch of FAGZ! hahahaha It was a great Season and if anything we can say we knocked the Detroit Chicken Wings out of the dance for the 2nd year in a row! They're our Bitches! hahahaaha I hate those guys. Enjoy your time off San Jose! As always, I'm super proud to be a Sharks fan. Yup! The Thing: I don't know why people want me to go after this website, but they do. I know about it, and I read it. I hear the arguments why I should, and I get it, but I'm not gonna do it. Yeah, I made the jokes about it being a 'Beardcore' website, because everyone on there is either playing an acoustic guitar or sporting a beard, sometimes both, and although I get it, whatever, if you ask me, I don't consider that hippy shit Punk in any way, shape or form but apparently, a lot of you Scenesters do, and that's your opinion and you're welcome to it. Woody Guthrie was a Punk? Jim Croce was a Punk? John Denver was a Punk? Who knew? ;-) I made the joke about it, some people ran with it, and now it's kind of taking on a life of it's own, but it was just a joke - nothing more, nothing less. Hell, I mean they mentioned us in a posting a few days back! How can I belittle them after that! LOL Anyways, I think does a great job covering parts of the Las Vegas Music Scene that I wouldn't give the time of day to, and for that alone he is to be commended. Steven is a good kid, and I wish him all the best. Gee, this old guy sure gets to rambling sometimes. Everything is updated. I'm off to kipper a few winks to make up for all the ones I'm gonna miss out on this weekend. The Loud Pipes are playing Rawkmom's Gutterball Bash on Saturday @ the Double Down, so come out and hoist a few with us. See you at PRB.
They already knew about the Vegascendents back in Feb. When I met w/ them. Had nothing to do with me though... One of them mentioned the decendents cover band in vegas and all I said was yeah I know those guys, theyre cool.
5/27/2011 12:45:21 am
Holy shit the sharks got beat up... So who do you think is gonna take the cup? Im thinking the Bruins are gonna beat Tampa tonight.
hahahaha Yeah, that dude at the LVCS got EXACTLY what was coming to him, the fucking tool. And if the rumors are true, the Dickless Bastards are gonna be playing to no one, since they don't have a "Go-Go" dancer anymore! No T & A shaking means no gigs for them! hee hee hee
5/27/2011 11:07:48 am
I am just surprised the red wings weren't in the same shape after playing the sharks, they are so fucking god damn old. I think the Canucks are going to take it, boston is no match, but Tampa has a legitimate shot.
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