So what's the big deal? It happened years ago, right? Why on Earth would you hold someone accountable for their actions years after the fact? That's not how we do things here in 'Merica. What are you, a Communist or something?
The Las Vegas Punk Rock Music Scene has a long history of supporting violent, misogynistic, members of bands. What's the big deal about this latest incident? Just another in a long string of them. It never ends because they want it that way. Not the entire scene, per se, but just a few people who, like Facebook, just want things to be Positive and Happy all the time. No Negativity allowed. No 'Dislike' button. Fuck the Truth if it causes problems. Ignorance is the best. Just party your life away. YOLO. Y so serious bro? Why Hell, the Scene welcomed back a guy who beat his ex-girlfriend with brass knuckles like he was a returning King of some sorts. Even the Local cool couple PC Crusty police turned a blind eye to him. Nobody called him out on it. "She made it all up." "She deserved it." "He did his time, it's old news." they all said. Makes me sick how quickly people conveniently forget things and make excuses, but whatever. It's how it goes. So this little furor about 30-something aged band member raping a drunken, underage, passed out girl at a house party is nothing new or something to be shocked by. It happens A LOT here and you all know it. It's not like he's the only one doing it. It's just that he's the only one who got CALLED OUT about doing it. Therein lies the difference. If he wasn't caught, I guarantee you he'd still be doing it, just like the singer from that Local band that just played a Punk Rock Posing club show is still doing it. Banging 16 year olds in the backseat of cars? Really? Classy move there 30 something year old guy. Legal but still creepy as fuck. And the funny part is, everybody seen it, everybody knows about it, but nobody cares. Ignorance rules. "I don't wanna get involved." "I don't like Drama." "It's not my problem." "What can I do about it? I'm just one person." I love this scene sometimes. I really do. So this little thing about the guy from the local Ska-Punk band who rapes underage passed out girls at house parties? It will quickly be forgotten, just like everything else is in this god forsaken cess pool of wasted sperm and sweat. No wonder Punk Rock Posing does so well in this town. Ignorance truly is bliss, and a viable, exploitable commodity to be marketed and sold. Nothing changes. Nobody cares. Carry on.
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November 2023