I'm working on getting that PayPal link fixed, the one to help out Cory from Nests. Glad to see so many of you give a shit out there. I knew I did this stuff for a reason. <3 Holy shit balls were Teenage Bottlerocket amazing last night. I stood there in bliss and bewilderment, stunned stupid by the sheer musical brilliance being displayed on stage. I couldn't tell you what song they opened up with, and I couldn't tell you for sure just exactly what songs were played, only because they came at such a rapid fire pace, one melding right into the other, only being offset by the occasional sampled dialogue from some classic cult cinema film, or with the band themselves playing a minute or so of some Ramones or Turbonegro cover. When they played Ice Age by Joy Division, my heart melted!! <3 It sounded sooooooooo good, and I thought some of the Poseurs in the audience would appreciate that particular cover being played at this particular venue but alas, nobody got it, and I was the only one singing along to the song. Le Sigh. The crowd at the Beauty Bar was definitely not a Punk Rock crowd, although there were a few in the audience, and nor were they there to see any of the bands playing. It seemed more like they were just there for nickel beer night and to checkout some bands they knew nothing about. The turnout was a bit pathetic, the Reggae being played beforehand totally killed the mood, and what was up with that damn construction work going on while The Copyrights played? I mean, it was cool because that band sucked ass, and the sounds of the jackhammer pretty much drowned out the sound of the band to anyone standing near the chain link fence, but it was funny watching the clowns from that other 'Punk' website in town fawning and falling all over that band like they were the 3rd reincarnation of Jawbreaker or something, but otherwise, pretty shitty move to pull on an opening band. And that, among other reasons, is why the Beauty Bar blows... hahaha We didn't even stick around to watch The Queers play, because they were so embarrassing in their shitty playing and craptacular performance that I literally stood there with my jaw hitting the floor. The drummer fucked up the first 2 songs played, including You're Tripping, one of my fave songs by the Queers, and when I say fucked up, I don't mean missing a drum roll here or there or speeding up / slowing down, which he was doing for every song played, BTW, no, I mean he fucked up by like, completely stopping the song or just flopping his way through without a clue as to where the changes were or when the songs started or ended. It was majorly embarrassing, and I couldn't stay around to witness this perplexing display of musical mortification, so I snapped off a few pictures of Joe Queer for posterity's sake and then hit the merch table for some Teenage Bottlerocket vinyl that I didn't already have, plus a shirt that Jeremy and I will be sharing, so if you see us sporting the same shirt, don't laugh too hard, OK? LOL, and then I headed Home. It was a super, fun, drunk night. Thanks to Jeremy for being my best bud, Skater Bob for hanging out and being annoying, Karl and Bethany for the fantastic companionship and snarky commentary, Catasco for the always appreciated photo tips, Xtal for looking CAF, Mike for rocking out right next to me, and big Thanx to that kid who was smoking my weed and buying me pints of Newcastle over and over... LOL Such a great gig. Shame you missed out on it. ;-)
10/3/2013 09:58:16 am
ha, I was a drunken mess that night.... next time I know you are gonna be at a gig I will slow my drinking so I can speak clearly... dude, you forgot to mention Bob rapping the Accused "classic" Down & Out... a day later I went home an compared & I have to admit Bob did an amazing job, but at that point I was on hour 8 of a 13 hour drinking binge, ...also thank you for being the veto on Bethany talking shit to the Bon Jovi fan!
hahaha I too was a drunken mess, but I was having fun! :-) And yeah, I purposefully left that bit about you and Bob singing the Accused, as well as your serenading the construction workers, well I left that out for the Show Review! hahaha I forget why Bethany wanted to talk shit to that Bon Jovi dude, but I knew it was a bad idea... LOL
10/6/2013 01:30:22 pm
I like the part where you call most of the people there poseurs despite the fact you're completely oblivious to the Copyrights, totally fapped over the most popular band playing, and then didn't notice that Joe Queer was playing with the drummer from the Nobodys and a bass player that's currently been playing with The Slow Death, Rad Company, and the Dopamines.
Yeah, most people there were Poseurs, only there for nickel beer night and without a clue as to who the bands were playing. And I wasn't totally oblivious to the Copyrights. I stood there for their entire set, bored to tears while they limped through one lame Pop Punk song after another, only getting amusement at that other "punk" website in town fawning over them and every note they played. Sorry, but if I wanted to hear lame ass chick rock pop punk, I'll throw on the latest Face To Face album, thank you very much. ;-) And were you there? Teenage Bottlerocket were far from the most popular band playing. The mass exodus I was expecting after TBR played didn't happen. Instead, more people came in. The place filled up when The Queers took the stage. And the only thing I noticed about the drummer from the Queers was that he sucked ass, missing fills, cymbal hits and everything else a shitty drummer can do, despite whatever band he came from. I've been seeing the Queers since the early 90's. I know when they're having a good gig, and that gig at the Beauty bar (ugh) was not a good one for them. Bands have an off night. Deal with it. And why would I care about who the bass player has played with? He's in the Queers now, which, depending on your viewpoint, is either a step up or a step down in one's musical career - your choice.
10/7/2013 12:14:58 pm
I was there. At the front singing along to all three bands because pop-punk is the best and I've been obsessed with all three of those bands at different times. I talked to Bethany and Carl and Steven (from that site you hate) about some of the same bands. Mostly Lipstick Homicide, because I'll talk to anyone about my friends.
10/7/2013 01:18:52 pm
'TR' should be TBR.
I don't really remember too much about the show, but I do remember seeing a guy violently slam dancing in a tie-dye t-shirt who ended up punching Bethany or some shit. I assume he was there for the nickle beers & to pull a Ben Weasel!
Pink titties
10/7/2013 03:00:54 pm
Oh Brandon, although it's entertaining and somewhat thought provoking - arguing or shall I say 'debating' with Gilbert gets you knowhere.. He thinks his opinions are superior above anyone else's. It's really sad. He likely wasn't affirmed enough as a child!his opinions are superior above anyone else.
Yeah... I'm not going to lie... being right about everything and having superior musical tastes over you small, petty humans is a bit of a burden, but alas, the work of a Superman is never, never done, so I toil forever onwards, happily exposing minor, insignificant nothings such as yourself for the dooshbags that they are. Salud!
10/8/2013 04:09:38 am
Pop-Punk is not a genre. Its either pop, or its punk. Punk is the antethisis of pop. It was engineered that way. That is all.
Old Dude
10/8/2013 02:51:45 pm
Fuck "pop" Punk. Fuck The Copyrights. Fuck the Beauty (fag hipster) Bar.
10/8/2013 05:32:59 pm
I had a blast drunk and wanting to beat up bearded hipster techNO listen POSERS teenage bottle rocket killed it for sure
And Brandon... I agree with ya! That TBR box set (as most box sets are) was a JOKE and I never really liked the Lillingtons, so yeah... heh heh Give those other guys in those 'rad' bands some time. I'm sure they would 'cash in' like Cody TBR or Joe Queer have if given the chance... ;-)
dude, besides Einstürzende Neubauten, bullshitting with you, and everyone else I thought the entire show sucked,but whatever I am old... remember when I first met you and some guy was crying to you because he lost his gun? I love that you didn't even seemed remotely shocked but more annoyed, ten year later that same skinhead tried to beat me up, but being an immigrant I was too fast & I slipped away, I'd fuck his girlfriend if I had the chance, just so I could turn that SHARP into a nauseating Nazi, fuck I am drunk... good night!
hahaha You are an old fuck, ya bastard! And yeah, I remember that Business gig out in Hendertucky... crying to me of all people about losing your gun... get the fuck out of here!! LOL And I don't get how you fucking some SHARP bitch is gonna make her into a Nazi? ;-)
10/22/2013 04:40:20 am
I'm just going to assume that CAF stands for "cool as fuck"
GE 138
11/2/2013 05:48:05 am
Hahahaha Something like that, yeah... ;-)
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