I saw an ad for the upcoming Sparks movie The Sparks Brothers at 3 in the morning one day, being promoted as a 'new arrival' on some bootleg movie site that I frequent, and I did the standard Bugs Bunny double take on it when I saw what it was and the band it was promoting. "WTF? A movie about Sparks, a band I've been seeing since the 1970's and who I drove to LA to see play with my POS ex-wife just a few years ago? This I gotta see!" I clicked on the link and spent the next few hours transfixed to the magical story of the musical entity known as Sparks, and after the movie was done I stood and applauded for not only one of the best band documentaries I've ever seen, but one of the best movies period I've ever seen as well. The presentation, the way the story is told, it all is beautifuly well put together, with a kick ass soundtrack and some amazing live footage that even I have never seen before! ha ha This movie is more about the brothers than the band, thus the title, but as you watch the flick you soon see that the pair are forever entertwined. Sparks is the Russell brothers. The Russell brothers are Sparks. This movie is soooooo cool. If you're a Sparks fan then I'm sure you probably know all about it and have watched it already a few times like I have, but even if you're not a Sparks fan, you'll still enjoy it because it's so well written and put together. Plus, you may realize that you're more of a fan of the band than you know... heh It's gonna be on some streaming service sometime soon I'm assuming or it's gonna come out on DVD, but in any case do yourself a favor and check out this amazing movie about Sparks called The Sparks Brothers ("Sparks is a band... duuude") and be entertained and enthralled by one of the most productive, critically acclaimed, and adored bands to ever walk the face of the Earth, the misanthropic musical entity simpky known as Sparks, which is a much better name for a band than Half Nelson don't ya think? 😋
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November 2023