![]() I needed this weekend. I really did. Waking up in Laughlin, after that crazy ass gig in Bullhead City the night before, just seemed perfect! LOL It seems no matter where ya go, there's always gonna be drunken shenanigans at any gig. I'm still not sure what happened, and I really don't care, but it was funny to watch. And I'm told the gig was broadcast over the Internet, which would of been nice to know beforehand, because I would of totally told people to watch us play, and the guy who was responsible for doing the broadcast told us we had people from Australia and Switzerland digging the Vegascendents, so there ya go! ha ha ha It was a fun night. Didn't see too much of Reject Riot, who were just finishing up by the time we got there, and Turbo Snail were a drunken train wreck of awesomeness that was cool to watch. If it was really their last show ever, then they went out on a good one. Cool bands. Cool people. Thanx for all the generosity and hospitality everyone. Looking forward to coming back there soon. Oh, and praise Allah for whoever was handing out those whiskey shots in plastic bags... heh heh ![]() Playing the S.F.T. gig the next day @ Pair-A-Dice tattoo was a bit of a challenge. Tired, hung over, hungry, it was almost like being on tour! LOL Mike had gotten some Canadian band to open the gig, but I totally missed them because I got there late. Funny listening to them talk though. :-) IDFI were just starting as I got there, and they ripped through a blazing set of Punk tuneage, and they just get better and better every time I see them, and closing with that Fang cover is always a great way to end a set. It's criminal how underrated that band is here in town. Seriously. We played next and despite the obvious shortcomings that go with playing outside, like not being able to hear yourself or anybody else playing, I think we did pretty good. Tom had his head stuck into his speaker cab, and it didn't help his playing one iota! LOL Some really mellow, quiet band played mop up after us, providing a soundtrack to everyone who was saying goodbye, breaking down their gear and packing stuff up and heading Home. Thanx to everyone for coming out. It was fun, and a cool event to be a part of. Thanx to the Juggalette chix for making things interesting afterwords. :-) ![]() On Sun., love 'em or hate 'em, the mighty and powerful Black Flag played @ the Hard Rock Live, and the mere mention of their name and them playing seemed to set off a nuclear hot discussions among all the scenesters here in town. All the Old Punks chimed in with their resentment and hatred about how it's not really Black Flag, the young punks chimed in with their adoration of Rollins and nothing else, and people like me were willing to give the band the benefit of the doubt and see what Black Flag was all about nowadays. I didn't make it to the gig, despite the amazing efforts from Naomi and the Management and Promoters there, but reading all the vitriol filled comments and poisonous barbs about what went down was a treat. IMO, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I liked it. It was certainly better than the Ron Reyes fiasco that went down last year as Black Flag, that's for sure. Yeah, Mike V. is a Rollins worshiping devotee, and that theremin thing that Ginn does is annoying at it's worst, but whoever the rhythm section was this time around really nailed the material, and even gave some of the songs a much needed injection of energy and intensity. Look, I saw Black Flag a few times towards the end there, and they were a slow, shambling husk of the musical monster they used to be. I loved how like, how everyone on Facebook was bitching about them 'jamming' so much... did any of you see later year Black Flag, either in person or on YouTube? LOL They would play extended jam versions of all their songs, and there was nothing more insufferable than sitting through a 15 minute version of Beat My Head Against The Wall... ha ha ha And those comments about how it's not the real band, because there's only 1 original member, well, I got news for all of you Sheep going to Punk Rock Posing this year - lots of the bands you're all so cuckoo about only have 1 original member in them, but it's OK for them, right? Because they're playing PRP, and all the 'Cool' people like you go to PRP, right? The Sterns are just the Saviors of the Punk scene, and without them and their yearly fleecing your little insignificant Life wouldn't be complete, would it? I mean, how will people know how PFR you really are unless you check in on Facebook that you're there or post photos on Instagram of some band you love playing on a stage from hundreds of yards away from you? Oh, and let's not forget the crappy cell phone video footage with the blown out sound! hahahaha Whatever. Climbing off my soap box. Rant over. In closing, here's a few videos of Black Flag playing last Sun., including a video of Zack doing a stage dive and fucking up some dude's camera. Of course he got kicked out for doing so, and if this keeps up, he won't be able to go anywhere in this town to see a gig! LOL
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November 2023